Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum

발행: 1841년

분량: 229페이지


분류: 미분류


PREFACE. ix her patience and virtuo, at longili approved and seconde herdevotion, and altior pious destros. Sho liberali assiste thopoor, served the Sich, and conis ortest tho afflicto 1 and prisoners. Ηer chios subsistorice a on bollod orbs, without ither fauce or reail, hicli ast he soldom insted. lio vore a very ough air Cloth, and a large ron ii ille, armod illisharpioinis, lay on the round.' Tho Dominicans found specia favour in the yes of theyouthsul satiat, o much so that at one time, asino conseSSOrtelis iis, he seriousi resolved to solio the example of aint Euphrosyne, ho thro vin Osrino semale attire, and assum-ing the arments of the male sex, oldly ook up her abode in a monaste . ith somo dissiculi si privas dissuadet fronithis projeci, and in the ear 1365, received laetabit of aint Domini in a Dunner contiguous to the convent of the Preacti in Friars Horo h rem ainod O three years duringwhicli ho spolio illi no One, XCOptin her OnseSSor, adilrossintherselfintirpi to the Supremo Boing. The temptations and persecutions sit underWOnt by the instrumen talit of tho devit, ure represented as Xcessive, - multitudes of demons perpetuali hovering round her, and adopting the mos ingoniolis devices to leadior astra ; ut ithout offeci. At ast he was nablod to orti miracles, hipsi in savour of the oor, by multiplyin provision8, and simila usos ut exertions fiower. ike ther pople, he CXperien ced the ordinar ingratitudo of mant in 1 and those he had essentiali seruod bo amo her bitterest nemies. Amongst ther objects of chari , was a Oor Oman, amod Tecca, lio, froni the droadfui stato os lepros under hicli ho laboured, had froni apprehension os insection, been refused admission


into tho hospital of tho ity. Salii Catharine charit lydevoted herseis to e caso, - attended heri administered prope remedies prayed Withior, and orier. The ornan, howevor, O a from ein grates ut abused hor bones actressin no mensured ternis, Verbis eam iracundis aggrediabitur simul et derisoriis, dicens : Bono veniat Domina Rogina de Fontobrando, si enim vocatur regio, ubi donaus Paterna virginis erat et est, o quam, inquiebat, gloriosa est haec regina, quo per totam diem stat in ecclesia Fratrum i un- quid fuistis per totum mane cum fratribus, Domina 8 Non videmini posse saturari do fratribus illiso 'Irritatin a these impertinencos and insinuatioris musthave boon the futuro satiat ore them illi resignation, and continuod o dis hargo the dulios fiui se and sorvan with asmuch eat, ascis the offensive remartis had novo escaped fromtho molith of the scandalous occa, lio, avita at astilopartud his se, and Catharino no choosing to exert hermiraculous poWers of reviving the d ad notwithstandin tho horrid V stat of thoiody washod it, drossod i in uitabio habiliment so the grave, and intorrui it illi ait propor eromontes. Prior to the demis of this rotched objeci,

Salia Catharino ad caught tho insoction froni hor; ut tholoprosy, it is alii disappeared the instant the rite os sepulture ad oen completed ani her an is, ille ni part


- e qua corruptione tantus foetor etiam Xhalabat, quod non licobat adstanti alicui nisi clausis o naribus appropinquaro. V aint Catharine, nevertheless, ecam hor urse, Washei and drossod in cancer, and id very thin in horpower o oothe an content her. But Andrea, hod ecca although sh acceptod Services no ne et se Ouid per forna, in return, proad the OS injurious reporis a to thocliastit of heriones ciress. In this scandat he was o ined by another of the sisterhood, and poor Catharine a made sum cienti unconas ortable Her persecutor at last, ouod ither by tho patience an humilit of thei victim, or nablo obsea the tings of conscience, at laSt relented, mecam con- veris, and Consessed that the calumniosolio had circulat dwere destitute of s undation. It Oem uianecessar to enter more sullympon the earlierysars of tho lis of Salia Catharino, - sussico it to say that sh overcam allier nemies, and ecam a saint of thoirstWater. Nannes, a poWersu an turbulent citigon,ieinibrought toour ain to e Celaimed ali her araumenis to brinc hirnio a right ense of uty, were navailing. O this ho ad recourseo prayers, an her Supplications ere so effective, that in refractor Nannes could o longor old ut, ut

Rai mundus, p. 89 2. O Whicli,ork, those limare particulari anxious o minute delatis, are referred.


xii PREFACE.gave evidenee, b his groans and tears of thoi ossi acy. Hebe a me reconcitet to his nemies. turne ove a ne leus

issordo proos of his sincerit by embra ingruisenitentiallise init though last, not least, presented his Converter illia splendi mansion elongin to imself, within two miles froni Sisenna This by the pope' authori , a turned into

io troubi them, could uot rosis her powersu Ontroatios. Nor a this ali, - her prayers ore quali boneficia tofou and od sor illi tho amo facilit that he ensured salvation sor the one, he restore linealth to the thor. Accordinito utior, she had considerablo influonee vertho Italian polities of tho timo. Whilst sh was a Pisa in 1375, tho peoplo os Florence an Perugia, illi a great partos Tuscany, and ove of the ecclesiastica state entei sed into lovguo against in hol seo. The now of tho disturbanos was dolivoret to Catharino by Raymond of Capua, and horhoart was pierced illi the mos bitte sorro on account filioso viis, hicli ho ad sorotol throe oars bos ore thocam to their pight. The two surious factions of tho

tho state os Florence, then a powersu commonwealth, unitedat las against the ope, to tripoli hol se of tho laniis it possessod in taly. The disturbane Was eguri in uno 1378, and a numerous arm Was et oia oot. The word Libertas, rotein the anne of the league, a the signat.



Perugia, Bologna, iterbo, Ancona, and the strongholds,soon, clarod sor them Tho inhabitant of AreZZo, Lucca, Sienna, and ther places, ore lippi,ithin tho bound of thoirdiit by the prayers letters and Oxhortations of aint Cath rino, and generousi contemnet tho threat of tho Florontinos. Popo Gregor XI. residita at Vignota, roto to thecit of Florencea but without success. e therosor soni the Cardina Robertis Genova, his legate, illi an ariny, and laid tho iocose of Floroneo unde an interdici. Interna divisions, murilers, and ait ther domestic miseries amongst the

Florontines, joinod illi the conspirae of tho eighbouringstates, concurret to open their yes, and ad them to sue

sor pardon. Tho Magistrates sento Sienna, o bo Saint Catherine ould ecome thoi mediatrix. Sh could notrusis thoi pressing entreaties Besore She arrived a Floronco stio a moti tho Prior o clites of the magistratos and tho it tost tho management of the wholo assai to hordiscretion, illi a promise that he hould e sollowod toAvignon by thei ambassa tors, ho hould sigi and ratis 3 tho conditions os reconciliation botweon the parties at varianee. and confirm very thin She had done Tho alii arriuod at

xvignon on tho 18th of June 1376, and was received by the Pops and Cardinals With great martis of distinction. His

holiness, aster a Conserene With her, in admiration of hor


rosidonco beside him, a Sh diodin tho 29th of April, 1380, at tho capital of the papal dominions, at the early ago of thirty- thro0. Sh was buried in the Church of the Minerva, horohor od is deposited unde an altar Tho si ut is in tho Domini an Churchis Sienna, in hicli cit aro hown horhouse, her instrument of penance, an other relics. ho was



tho authores of various ortis, of hicli ho mos valvabio issaid toto a collectionis able and loquent letters ad irossodio an illiustrious and distinguished persons, ho ore her

Tho lis of this distinguishodight of tho Romisti Church,

as givoni her Consessor, a b regardei morem an ecclesiastica romance than any thingilso. Di vested of her mira culo iis powers Catharine as ei ther more nor es than apious sanatic, ho, accordin to notion then prevalent, and

which p rhaps stili exist imagined that uianecessar priV tions and n Callei sor persona severities, aro indubitabio


Tho Editor an indis traces of this modern aint havinubeon adoptod in Englandis the protectros os an conVent. Perhaps the hori intervat etween or canonigation and the suppression os poper l, Henry the VIII. may account sorthis. Inde ed hor virtves eremo apparenti known in that country unti the publication fine Lis by axion. Into Scotland ho evor, he was introducod by tho nobis a dies of

corruptioni Sienna, ethon orni in par of tho Burgh uiros Edinburgh, as selectedis a sit tin sit sor a nunnery, tobe erected unde the patronage of the Sion nos Virgili. The nutis of Sa in Catharine sol lowod tho rulo of aint Augustin, and were termed ister of the redicant orl'roachin Friars, therwis Domini Cans, the ollowors of

Sa in Dominic, ho diei in I 22Ι. his hol person asof tho illustrious famil of Gugman stili existing in Spatia, intho person of tho ullos of Modina Sidonia, and obtainod

much colobi it sor his crusad against ille Albigenses, manu

In Minor a Catharine vas - Strange to ab - selecte a the tutelary ain os repentant prostitutes, The eventi nunner is cair o Mercy, and was instituted by the Jesulis, as aious os retirement sor omen that have repente of their looso lives and was caird aint Catharine of Sienna It was oundo in thesear 565. Τhere are incit hirty- ur nutas, ho proses the rule of Saint Austin. Ancient and



Alexander II hau in met illi Domini in Rome, as Somuel, doliolit sed, illi his lis and conversation, that iter his roturn to cothand lio 1 unded, in I 230, a Monastery of Dominicans in diriburgh, and avo them a residelice elongingio im self, etholico termed mansio Rogis,'' hici stoodupon the ground aster variis occupiod by the old Uigh School. Nor didie tot horo, sor in ulmost ali ho principes to vias in his hin doni ho endo uod simila convenis.'


In tho our 1512 Si Johia Crausurit, a probent of the Churoh of Sa in Gilos in Edinburgh, mortisiud certain laniis

holongin to himself in tho Borro inui of Edilaburgh, Consisting of twenty-two acres, o the sustentation os a chapelerected by him pon the rouniis, in honour of ain Jolintho Baptist. In the d scription of the and so mortified, mention is made of the Town V of Muroburgh, thenrecently bulli, a the northerii boundary, and tho land of Johia Cant a the western Both tho hapol itsolf and Muroburgh have di sappeared, and no a vestige of Qithor remalias This Conveyance in mortinain a confirmed by amos IV. Mari curious condition a re containo in tho ood os conveyanee, and the uties and obligations impossed on thoincumbent a re peculiar. The incumbent a to e of the famil orma me of the nilower. He was tot eloctod with in thre days astor the benefice hecam volit He was notrio ea pluralist anil his acceptance of an other iving impliod a sors itur of the haptainr of ain Jolin. His absone sor

iusteon days, without the leave of the patron, su in eaSOnablocauso, Was a surther ground of sors ituro. He was in particular, et oinod notato have or detain, iocariam aut concubinam in Camera vel domo sua V but there a no penalty in havingone or ther elsewhere. He a notat be a Card player, ordicer, o indulge in ames of hanc of an Lind. f in any instanco, he thought fit to Contraven thes Conditions, he Wasto osse his living. Tho haplain bella providei sor, Si Johia ex ordains, that thoro hali se a hormit perpetuali resident ii theground who is to e lothed in a White arment, aving on his breas a portraitur of the head of ain Johii tho Baptist,

Se p. 23.