Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum

발행: 1841년

분량: 229페이지


분류: 미분류


with ali iis substantia public benefit, rought illi it much

privato evit; and thos person who nobi res Sed to temporige, and who unliko the willow, ould o boni bosor tho Storna, ere punishedi penur and persecution, hilsi, as a contrast, many ho remat ned ut hear rank apisis, by earing the cloah os protestantis m, ore nabled to convert theirti serent tenui se of ecclesiastica propori into ne in sco- simple.

os tein iis, and referen ceras to another tacti, granted by Danie largaret Hume, in the character of Lad Priores of orthBer victi voars astor the dissolution os religiousiousos cons quent pon the Reformation. The Xistence of a tinnoryso long astor the enora abolition appeare somowhat tart-

lingu ut a lotior froni the late Sirme Dah ymple, Bart.


He Dalrymple Hamilton, Bart. Who, illieritin the argente estate on the 2th of February, 796, po the demis of his uncte Joh Hamilton, Esq. advocate, assumed

Damo Isobellius have die hesore the ear 595, as in tho letter of ac toSpens fiathallan, Dam Margaret Donaldson is With the exception of the Prioress describe a the only one of the convent inclise.


Papisi as nabledri Leel possession os a Ver excellent

Conversion, as nabled to obtain a grant of thoistato Lord

- Pliave ni lieard of one curious fac concorniniit; ut neve could earn an certain authorit so the cause of t. Thore sed O bo an annua ceremon a Rome though ithas con disitsod illiin these e years of cursing the hereticiis, particulari the rotestants of Britain ut thos of Sa in Mary' Isto ere XCept d. - Thys et I bellove is persecti certain, o I have been assured that tho present ar of Haddington' mollior and grandinother ere present nolia da of the cur in Satiat Potor' Church a Rome, and eard it exceptod. The onlyroasono ver eard givon forcit, and that only traditionat was that the Prior, at the Besormation, a the rs personu o solicitod the ope' loavo sor retendin to ecomo Protestant assuring his holiness, that he would stili continuo good Catholic Secretiy, and e ready to assis the cause ofroligion more essectuali Wheneve a favourable opportunityoccurred by being possessed of the property, hicli ho knowho ould est a gis of than fine a turned ut o poveri ;andio recommendod that mensuro toto adoptet for thers,so that tho of the true religion might have sonio ealth to suppor the cause heia it hould ariso. It is sali ho hero-


sor go a secret disponsation, and so acquirpi doubio right, and that the samo libert was secreti gi ven to Severul

and iis inmates dispersed Tho land wero sola d by tho Priores to Henr K in alit,' seconi sola of Johii in cald of Varriston, b his sirst isse, Margaro Balleiaden, n the 5thi July, 15674 It is conjectured that that lad was a Sistero nea relative, of the granter of the charter, and perhaps inthi Way he overti securod a provision frona the charit ofrolations, hi licilio might in alia avo solicited ut thoianiis of overtament. Frona tho ternis of this grant of hicli an

aniliouses thereos V had busen destroyed, and the sisterhood disperso in overi among thei frientis and parenis. VAmongst the record of the cit os ad inburgh, thero is


PI E FACE. xxxiii

rosus sed implo monting the condition of tho seu althougli his ver subjectiadi uia dotii V to tho Conve t of Scion nos bytho atheris B atrix sorio Supporti' An appea to Quoen J Iar procured the solio in ordei Q

See ante, resace, p. iii.


that ho long continuet to et o the seu diit froni aint Lauron emoti se, ni Somethin equali substantia froni tholaniis, o hicli ho atriaint of Sienna fit si gave a distinctivo

Both parties ere alive in I 588 See Appendix p. 65.' In tho Record of the o vii Councit, there is his enir relative to the teliadso the Burro Mure includin the and of Sciennes Vediaesda iij j v lxxxii. The sam da) Ic appοyntis illiam Harvie, an sic asae plesis, o tali illi in tospeih. Jone Adamson, Nicoli Cairnes, an sic a he lesis, anent theoeynd of the M vir, an repor this da auctit abes. In 63l, to a charte by Lord Halyruithous of the eind of the state of hi teliouso, in tho paristi os aint utliberi, o Alexander Cierk, Samuel Johiaston os Scheens appear a consenter. Whilebous an ille aloining and of Brunisfiet dri ere iace partis the Burro Mure.


xxxvi PREFACE.

his son illiam vas servon et to his atho in the samo laniis, alio arden otia described hoWever in the retour,as an orchard garden.

tion of this gentieman without a Christian amo, illi the iuncioni Vm Mallis, or here tho famil statu of Madmath Vivas siluated. Such minute facts ere, it is prosumod bonoaththo notico of so magnificent a genealogi St. Whoro, too didlio scortain that this person a an opulent orchant' in


PREFACE. xxxvii

Edinburgh, accordin to tho proper mean in os tho terna pTheso assertions are supported by no aut horitios and in

usuali meant to designate an peti remit dealar; thus, a person set ting up a millineryestabiistiment, a callei a Mercliant. As an instanc in Oint, resere iace a bomade to a et ter rom Johi Alexander, a portrait patiater, recommendita a semaleto the notice of James Andorson, the editor of the Diplomata Scotiae, as intendingio merohandis in illiner' wares A the lette is curious, it salven a longili: - Pam astia med I could no oone senil ou Queen Mary's picturea ut in Walting

Buri in his Letters Vol. I. pp. 77, 78, observes, that in collando in pedd ling shop. heeper, that Selis a penny orth of thread is a Merctant. The word Merohant in


xxxviii PREFACE.

disti usi in the mere assertion fine so notoriousi in accuratea the author, or ather Compiter, of tho in duli and ponderou tomes, oin unde the denominationis tritisti

France signifies no more than a Shopheeper, or ther malle dealer, and the exportero importer is callex ram negociant

Thero is in the burgh record of the anongat a recepto Roger U Math, merchant, Edilaburgh, and Janet Rany his spouse, o infestin them in amotis in the Canongahelet eoi l 576 and 580. Again, po the 23d April, 1633, James M Mathwas seruod heir of Willianam Math, orchant burges of Edinburgh in a tenement in Edilaburgh, extent s. d. ne thing,' saysmur author must Subjoin a to thetille o Doctor Passume, legi Ira thought imprudenti an falsely t arrogate trio myself, hau in appeare solon in a subordinate station, that ho ever o latet declared, et I rightly and lawsullyobtaine the degre os Doctor-Shil', and the mos nobi honou and privilegos in mede me, illi a patent also in public testimon aud asSureance thereos, at the Universit os Rhenis, in April, 677, and that after a considerable time pent in sedulous labour and studies a Leyden, an a much longe aster a Paris besides an apprenticeship firs of ali in chirurster an pharmacus and though, sor a good many years after in return, I trade With rugs and the apothecar hop, et that could e nodisparagementior rejudice hereto.