장음표시 사용
natura anc uia natura labours, Willi sit romodios sor hovarious mala lies of nox horia babes. A,ork more fuit hanany et extant anil moSt CCCSSar sor ali boaring omen, in id vives, and thors that practis this art. V Edilaburgh,
Mai quis of Dougias, a mali token os ab assection, respect anil obsea Vance, and of a minit perpetuali consecrat odio ou service V and the writer styles himself, tho hostobso lutous vassa and clioni V of lior hiisband tho arquis. Assur db considering tho Subject of the work, and the roo-dom of Oxpression sed throughout it is a matter of supprisolio v any person ould hau ventu red to inscribo uel a production to a semate.'
The doctor seem mos anxious to vindicate imgel from a charge of Poperybrought against him. He an wear, that non of his patierit Uiltherio iliought se a Papisi, an novo found any th in like it in me norisve had me present in an place, or at ille leas actis religio us service, Orshil' O devotion, Save grace a meat for I
I may be no prope to give sonae account of the dissorsent manus ripis froni hieli his collection has besen formed. No the eas valvable portion os the contonis solio sit st
Q is secordei in the register of birilis, Novenaber 30, 640, that illiam Dich, youngor, merchant, Edilaburgh, and Janet M Math ha a son, illiam. The witnosses woro illiam M Math, illiam Dic o Braid, and Johia Dicti, Fiar o Braid. ii thesilli October, 1643, the sanae parties register the birili O another son, illiam, hichwould seem to indicate, that the forme chil of that ame a dead.
article, Ombra in the Constitutions of tho istors of tho
doubis have been tartod a to theirioing roali illos of the Sister of Sienna, b acloarnod member of thoiannalyn Club, whose opinion is entit ted to evor consideration, tho Editorshallio more minute than he would thorwis have been ingiving the various facts by hicli e proposos o stabiisti, that thes Constitutions are the fame laicli ore sed in the Scotisti Conventis alia Catharine of Sienna. I. The manuscript boars tole, and reali is, tho Constitutions of tho Sister of the Ordor of reachin Fri ars Thevolume has his manuscript inscription pon the rs page of tho Constitutions, se Liber Academim Edinburgono qui cum se aliis repositus est pro Bellarmino, dat iis Academis
1593.V Tho handwritiniis videnti of the dat it purporisto bo. It thus appoars that the Universit os Edilaburgh,
in l593, abolit thiri years ster the destruction of the Convent, in excitange so the work of Bellarmine, received seven books, ne of hicli a tho Constitutions of tho Sister of tho ProachingariarS. 2. Tho Fratres Prodicatores V ere, as reviΟUSi mentioned Dominican or lacti Friars, ah Sorores Fratrum Predicatorum V were, Consequently Domini an or laeti Nun s.
one speciali assigned sor thesila os . atherino io Sonis V
4. Aster the texis occur in the samo haud illi ho res of th book - three pages of instructions o memoranda
his, in tho timo os popory, a thoi grea fair, callodSkoir Thurs lay, o Schier, pure holy. V 5. Tho ni Dominican Nun in England wor at Dari sordin sent, is indoeil, his couldio properly callod a Domini-can uniae , as it inmatos, accordin to Tanner, in his Notitia i Ionastica, t rom that capriciolis ancy, with hichsomo solli a the fair se is peculiarly chargoablo, atta inedsonae litti notoriet froni their versatilily in changin frontone orde to anothor. The wOre Dominieans in ne reigia, an somoth in olso in the neXt, an so tho continuod to
upplicabie indoliis an hardi admit os disputo et a Convont of Domini an uias ither in England o Scottanii, i is plain that an claim so tho sorino Lingilom has ut a very light oundation to support it, a the ni seminar os Blaci Nun there, as a Darisord, and an institution 1 undedines 355 sor Soeros de ordro des pro hours,V could arillybe supposedo have aliud sor a codo, ill aster 146l, is indoed, uel sancis ut ladios ore ovo brought unde any
Sisenna was the sole semulo Dominican stablishment in Seotland of er 1461, it Seonas to sollow that the conStitutions, whicli ore probabi copiod rom hos adoptet in tho Convent of BJack Nun a Sisenna, ere meant sor, and ereussed by thoracotisti sistophood pota thei formation in Ibi T. Addod to this, filio Editorio corroe in the opinion se has indicatsed acto skyi Finis Jay, thoro is clearly an Dd os allcontroversy. ut discarding this inser iace, Sufficient, it is prosum ed remalia bellinil to Creat thoestrongest presumption, that tho manu script o so the sirs time prini Od containsilio veritablo constitutions of the nians ho congregated in tho
Dominican Convont, dedicate to Suin Catharino of Sienna, on hat was formeri tho murro Muir, ear Edinburgh. VA so illo is nown of the overtament, ab iis, and domestic economy of thes Scotisti uias, this part of tho
by ing Edward ille Third, unde the patronage of Saint Mary and aint Margaret. The sisterhood, illi more than the sua fichlenes of thei sex, neve seemo have made u thei min Whether the were tot of the Order of Saint Augustine or aint Dominic, and the were of One Or of the ther, a soli dictaled, ill the Reformation. In tho oundatio letter, the in calis it ne maiso des oeres dei ordro de
present collection, it is belloved, ill e generali considerodas interesting the niore Specially, a no record os a similarnatur has hithorto been dis overed applicabie to the convonis in Scottand. Evon in the sister kingdom uel muniments are area an duriti tho recent publication relative to the Monaster of Syon,
tho ni thing of the inii, preservod by Dugdalo in his
Monasticon, are the ordinaneos issile to the Priores and Convent of Appleton, or un-Appleton, in tho Nostini lingos Vorkshiro. A the are amu Sing, and haV thera luant age of boinibrios, ille apolog is necessar sor liei introduc
The nun wer of the Cistercia Order. Dugdale' Monast. Anglican Vol. p. 654. At the original institution in the time os in Stephen, heir numberamountexto hirteen or murteen, exclusive O a Pri Oressa ut ighteen nun an a Priores Were there at the dissolution, - the thirty-firs o Henr VIII.
These ules, hicli, although conciso, a re tolerabi distinci, probably manat ed rom thoioad of the monaster to hichtho Convent of Nun-Appleton a attached, and do notposses that formalit anil precision hich would charactorige a regula colle os instruction cares uti prepared sor a recent
Ondo vinent Theseiries ii tinctions containod thothios insormation, a to the interna govertament of an English nun no accossibi to an investigator of Monasti Antiquitios, viatilthe reconi ork of M George ames ungior, ho, in his Histor and Antiquities of Syon Monastery, has sortunatoly been able to recove tho rute, or ather rulos bywhicli tho istors of Syon ore overno l. The aint, under hos baniae theso adios angod thomsolves, had the honouros rega descent, her ather, ii ger, being of the blood royalof weden, and hor mollier, Indeburgis, bella a descondant of tho ing of tho Goths. Unliko the Sisennes Satiat Bri Jget, at tho age of ixteon, obeyed her ather' communiis, bymarrying Ulpho, Prince of ericia. Tho passed tho rst years aster thei mari lago in continence, and aving onrolle lihomsolvos in tho hiri ordor of Suin Francis, liuod a thoirown ous , as f the had been in a regula and austere monastery.V' Neveriheless, the oly ad pressented serhusband with soli sons and oti datio liters. Upon the domis of Ulpho, in t 44, his is renouncod horranti, dividod her properi amongst her childron, and retire lsrom the Morid. he practised austeritios to a marvollous extent. A favourite pastinae, a the di oppin os burning wacon disserent paris of heriody to impros more vivi llyon her memor the Suffering of tho Son os God in his passioni V Sh dioi 23d uno, 372, aged eventy, Wascanoniged by ope Boniface the IX. On the th of Octobor, 1391 andior estiva was appotiat ei tho da sollowing. Ontho petition of the clerg and nobilit of weden the gonorat counci of Constance Xaminod the proos of her sanctity,
Ylviii PREFACE.andisii thoras of February I 415, unanimousi declared thatsho ad been properi enrolled among the ainis Hercanonigation a confirmed by Martin the V. in tho sar1419. This exemplar ladylavinx, sor so longi period ei oyed the sola e of male society, and aving, at the Same time, givensiaci pregnant proos of Continence, naturali seli dispossed to xtendis simila comi r to thos seniales lio, unde hergui lanco, ad agroedo sorni thenaseives into a spiritualsisterhood. In place theres ore, of locatin the monks and the nians unde disserent rooss, tho oly Bridgo placod homtogether, and the great Monaster of Wastein in thoraiocsso