Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum

발행: 1841년

분량: 229페이지


분류: 미분류


gurdon to the ouili, - apparenti a the back of the hapse of Sain JOlin. The patronage a reserved by Si Johia toti insoli duringliis solim astor his death, it a destinet to tho Town Counei of Edilaburgh ut his intention a no carriod intosesse i sor, as ill e immediatet Seon the patronage ascedet to the convent of the ciennos, to hicli thes hapulos ain John was adjoining. Asios oro mentioned alianos ali the writer on the iistoryand antiquities of Edilaburgh, illi the sexception of ait lanii, ascribo the erection of themtinner of Scioianos to tho totuani munificenco of the Countes of Catiliness, ille isse of thoopulon and owerfui inclair of Roslyn, ho inhoritod thotorritorial ille of uitline88. Thi is altogether erroneotis soralthougii tho influence of the nobi familios of Seton, of Dougias of Glenbervie, and of Lauder of tho Bass, wasiissexto obtain the papa authorit for the nilowmont of tho convent, it a to the venerable Si Johia Craus urit, and totho tot of a citigenis Edilaburgh, called Johi Cant, and of his isse, Agnes eri ettili, that the uias ero ind0btod sortho land on hicli the villiin Wa erected, and rom thesproduce of hicli, a revenue Orcit origina Support was toto


Jamos . illi consent of the Duhe of Albany the governor


it, Cant an diis iso the superiors movet entiret by piousseolings, grant to Jo8ina HenrySon the Priores s and to thoothor sister of the Convent of aint Catharine, conanaonlycallod of Sienna, eighteon acres os arabie and wasto lanii filio Messu age of aint Giles lyin among the ther laniis filio biossed Gilos, called aint Gellis Grange, on tho estand solithiaris, and the and of tho Borough uir on thonorth and eas paris. To his oed Si Johia Crausur is a

part a vassa in the laniis, and e mal es ver and conveysto the convent the patronage of the Chapse of ain Jolin, with ali profit o emolumen arising theres rom. Tho reddendo, or Clause of return so tho seu is in thosirs instance, a payment of ten inertis half Oarly, at thos ast of hiisunda and Martinnaas to the haplain serving

sor tho time a the alia of tho los sed tophon, illiin tho Motropolitan Church of Glasgo and in the nox placo sortho colobration ostigia mas sorii Jolm, his honos actors, and

relations, illi an Oration and Commemoration of the sanie.

litti distanc toWard the outhWarxis the seatis Grange. o ali religioussoundations had thei respective granges, barus, O Out-houses, O the Convenience of agriculture. Ioah this to have been that belongin to the Nunner of tho Siens. Imuland p. 176. It is qui te true, that religious oundations ad thei respectivo granges aut it is no true, that the ne reserre t helongo to the nuns It was the Grange of Satiat Giles, or a calle in the old writings, Gellis Grange. ' Mailland was nable to give an insorinatio relative to this haptainry. e says, ta ea tho outh-Wester corner of the a resa id nunner stoo tho Church of Saint Jolin the Baptist in the Borough Moora ut vhen, by WhOm, O sor hat se ounded, I cannot learn though probabi it may have been a Chapel fias to the Church of Saint Cuthbert.'' P. 176. Antiphona est Cantus Ecclesiasticus alternus, Cum Cilicet a duobus choris alternatim psalmi aut hymni concinuntur. Dufrente, Glossarium. Ol. I. Paris, I733.


to bellinunted and aster vesperi completory, Salvo Regina in honour of tho Virginu and very ay, whon timo hali permit, ne orither of the nun is to opeat ovoutly sivo times, tho Pater Noster, and the ovo Maria 4 ost nu illitho symbol of tho apost lesios ore the mage of the ross, andalso tho ord's rayoru and pon the da of tho cath of Sir Johia, and on the anniversar of it very year, the XequieSsor the dead shalli sung, illi a mas sor the repose of his solii tho bolis boing ung, and the wax Egliis hin illud upon thegreat aliar illi solemnitI and deconcy. n addition to this, the convent aso keel a lam burning in tho Chapol of

o ut of the oblation toto given on the Sacrament.

Si John was prudent Onough to reservo his liferont of the dominimu utile, o right os properi in tho soli, and of thopatronage of the Chape of ain Job n. Whon his iope' si night' ' diud has no boon ascortainod nor is it materiat, it could no have been ver long aster the dato of his grant to

Although Si Johia Crausurdia vo the round tho buit ling


Esti qui ais ducois his fladyo remanit edo continuasse xlv eiris Sche was an nobili and wyso ladye Sche gydither Onnis livin quhil he was cumito ago; and thairestir sche passit an romani in the place of Senis, o the BurrowΜvre, bosyd Edinburgh, the res of her Helymo. Qithilli place scho holpitrio fund, and bigis maist principale. ' Sh di sed a thomuniter of Sciennes, in the ear I 558, and heriod Was transportod rom that place, and interred by horgrandson, George Lord Seton, in tho Churin of Solon, hi hsh had partiali talion down and Obuiit. In tho Chronici of tho Solon amily tho author has enumerato the speciali actis and deidis of this adyse, gis occasiouia ill ali adyis in tym to cum that happinnis tot in the nidiotis, o onyvthir lious, o solio the ait ladio in honest convorsatiounand hastite, and in hyiadnos and liberalite to the ousquhamio the a allyat, and quhamos tha hau thoi levitan During tho omewhat ries period that the uniter of Sain Catharino of Sienna ourished iis inmates ore like distinguishod sor thei morasty and piety. At a period hontho resorinod doctrines ere undermining the papa powor it is worth of notico that this sisterhood escaped that censure so indiscriminatet bestowod on simila ecclesiastica establishments. The silence of the reformers might e talion asnegative evidence of the unis orna propriet os conduci of thonunsu ut there is positive proos in thei favour, hicli s


PREFACE. xxiii

In tho Complaint of the Papingo, Chasti represented

Chai mers, se Ante page ii, although the editor of Si David Lyndsay, strangelyonough refers to the Satire o The Three States, a containing the exception in favour of the Nun of the ciennes, hereas, in tha bitter, ut able, satire, thesisterhood generalinare attache se incontinence, an Chastit is made to say, -


Archibald tho Grim, ut os an exces of Viriue, a limebeon hocked by the immoralities of tho nians of Lin-chiden, and that he may have expellei thom rom hisnunnery, and replace them by a colori of friars, althoughtho solitar authorit os major motis Contemporar - an harillyio talion a sufficient viderice, ithout corroborative tostimon but granting that it is true, it meret provos that vico ad talion roo in ne nunner and it ould e suris irrio inser, that hecause ne convent a victolis, at the

instances may be adducet os profligae amongst the rotestant clergy that ali Protestant clergymen must e presumedalso toto profligate. But, suspectat ha there has been uehiXaggeration used by those riters ho, entertaining disserent opinion in religion, have troa ted of Seminarie of the present description. Imagination has, e belleve, no vnfrequently supplied homwith fucis and assertion S, pertia PS UnContradicted or nnΟ-tico a tho time, no vnfrequently SSume an importanee by tho lapse of years hicli thorwis the wohild not avo obtaine l. In ur opinion, hateve may have been thoinclination, here as an almos insurmountable obstaclo tolli prevalenco os vice in the cotisti convenis, in the circumstanco that long prior to the Resormation these stablishments ero the ni seminarie so the education of ladios frank and ortuno. The uianer at Haddington a colebratod in his account, and the ne a Sciennes as duringit brises existence, equest So.


In hos days, tho reat solida proprietor usualty oro resident pota thei estates, unies obliget to attond thoirsovereigia, ei ther in the fiet Mor senatori and whon absent frontinoi casti os thei families remalnei stationary. In his waythoro as ardi a nun nor in colland that was not undortho sui veillance fine or ther of these erce barons, ho, had tho lsas surmis os immoralit reachod their earS, ouldhavo ad illo hesitation in visitin tho stablishment illithe mos exemplar punishment anil his contro mus have operate Masinia to the commission of thos impurities illiu hi h the oor uias have beesia Charged Besides the vicinageto illo residen ce of thos families, tho semate branches of whicli ore re eiving thei education ensured perpetuat visit froin the matrons, ho naturali mus have talion a doepinteros in the progress their outhsul relatives oro mal ingin thoi studies, and whos anxiot so thoir futuro olsare would mali them sensibi alive to any rumour that might tonii torax a stati on thoi reputation. Whatover, theros ore, may have been the Case illi monastorios, the Editor anno bring himsolf to bellovo that thochargos lavistised against the nuntieries in colland avo any solii s undation and e is inclinet to suspeci, tha very many of the accusations both against nun and friars may botracod to the politica agitation hicli procede lolio Rosormation, heia the cotisti nobility, who ore neve muchtroublud illi scruplos of Conscience, ould o bo disinclinet to give currene to fictions, hich Would aflbrd homis colourable preteiace or appropria tinisor thei privato motu men the long ovoted domatias of the clergy. Tho Conuont of ain Calliarine of Sienna neve seonas tohavo been richi endoWed, and Wa probabi supportet moro



by tho donations iven by thos placet there sor education, thani an si Xed eventio. Indoud the in come derived si oma sex acres of the Burro Mure, mus have been inconsido ablon and sor severat ear aster iis est lishment the nun-ner probabi derived iis clites suppor frona tho piet of the

In l532, the conveni o an accession of torritor in theland of S in Lauren comouso, ne armaddington,' pon the

atlaarin Solon, aughter of Georgo, the seconi Lor Seton of that name, and sister-in-la Osi ad Seton the patrones of the nun nery ald neve marie ho bellsch michi hau had monyaud maryage is, bo vovit chaiste te, and enterit, and wasane sister of the ordo uris Sanct atharine of the Senis, and enterit in religio ui in the placo bosyd Edilaburgh of the Senis, of XXX eiris, an rema init thai the pace os xlij eiris, an de id of the age os lxxviij yeiris in the sat dilace quhair scho es bureit. Chron He of the muse of Seytoλὶ p. 36. Another Κatharine Seton, at a later date, eem to have been os a sona erilia different temperament frona her amesaho. he attractei the attention o Monsi eur de Croc, tho rench ambassador o Queen Mary, hona Chaliners alis, in aged and observant person,' sor hicli 27th December, I 566, he was by the session of the Canongate, upon her awin consessioune os hariotrie, decernit to e ranicit horioid o itinthe fide, and cloppitin the ut hare sideri tote et pon the Croce, and that to remanetlio pace of iii ho uris and that resti tote banis clit, illi certificatiouno that is vorscho beis ound in the Canon gait, scho hali e runt in the scheel; and schurgit, and that rester banis ched. - Book of the Canonyait IIS. t The Hospital of Sa in Laurence, bewast V the toWn o Haddington, as o unde db Richard Guthrie Abbot of themonaster of aint Thomas the Martyr, of Arbroath, and endowed illi various possession and renis. y the s undation charte it Wasprovide d that themaster of the Hospitalis hould gis yearly to the opers illi in the Leper' Houserat Haddington, ne chalde of meat, bear, O Wheat for thei sustentationani support payable ali yearly, at hitsunda and Martininas Tlio is inas confirmo by the Crown. In 1592, tho cois Parii ament speciali ratifies, approves, and confirms, inter alia, this gist, an declares that he hailli e S, counset, and communitie of Haddington, hali haueright to this chald furti of the rentis of the hospitali boue vrittin, illi ut projudice to the insest mentis fowsermo, ima id beoli Priores and sister of the Schenis, beside Edilaburgh, to unaquhil Siriuis Bellendent Aucho ule, kni lit cler of his hie nos iusticiarie, his atris and successo uris, os ali and halli the laridis callit Sanct Lauronce House,


PREFACE. xxvii

domission of Si Johia Gourlaw, the last receptor, unde a reservation of his lis roni. o di od hortly asterwariis, asthoro is an instrument of possession of the and by thopriores and convent the ollowin year, hicli poci allyrosors to that Ovent. Subsoquently in Consequenco os omedoubis a to the validit of the annexation ithout consent

of tho ope, tho legato a later , in the ear 544 solemnlyratisiod the donation. Tho Sister of thorali sens didio derivo much bonosit romtho annexation of this state to the convent, as abo ut thetimetho received tho papa confirmation of the conu ance, thecountius to tho eas of Edilaburgh were undergoing the plea-surabie sexcit omen incident to an Englisti invasion by li arm unde the command of the Ear of Horis ordo lottor no vni his Ducat ille of Somerset, ,ho, in his progressio vard the Scottisti capital, as a burning testimon of his servent pa to variis tho ne salth, humanoly irent anil desolatsed V Madington to viae it the rei es and nunry V

much gratisiod, o doubi, by haviniit in his power o ivo suci flamin eviden o of his detestation of the cario Lady.



inductive clauso of tho seu chartor, aster variis toto noticed,

in favo ur os Sirio vis Bellendon. In 533, the nun Obta inod rom ames parmonili an annuity of ten mortis ut of Mrtain laniis bolongin to imin the count. of Linsit ligo vat anil in I 555 the wero insost in an annuatrent of eight mortis, o bo ovi sed surth of tholand of Glon poli, in tho Lordshil of Ettricli Forest, and count of Sellii rh, belonging, in proporty, o Alexander Murra in Erlisorchard. fB sidos these, it is probable that the priores an sisters

land oriousos in Edilaburgh iut it is lain, that a best thoir

P. 2.' In ooci' Dougias, laere is a very unsatisfactor account of the Bellendens. Sir Jolin is there sal to have been t ice married, and t have ad io sons and threedaughters, hereas the seu charte est ablishes, that he had tino sons, esides Lewis,