장음표시 사용
the laniis, or Temple V land of Binia ortinias, hicli aro also nox in the county of inross, thougii at that timo in Fiso, andare presenti the propori of Admirat Adam, filair Adam. The sorinor portion of his states, the quire V sold o Robur Colvillo, a b sore mentioned a goalous Protestant;
whicli is no much olde than tho millillo of tho foventeenthcontury the nam originali stood oldrum ut as ster-ward partiali obliteratod, and Robori Colvillo substitui d. M Crio in his Lis of nox apparenti had Do dotibi, as hetalios it sor granted that Colville a the pari meant. Vodro advocates the cause of Cocliburn of Ormiston bullas in iis Analecta, he has no statod wli ho proposes to
hushand is also recorde l. The 'ad gave compleat sutes fati the colours of the church sor advent, lent, martyrS, COI sessors, virgins sor at the Solemn east of the year, os purpleand crinison volvot richi flower'd with old, hii damasti,&c., o sorgettingi ut of lacli vestiment so tho ead, with otho fine chasabeis Also a reat Silver ross, a silver Eucharis Ciborium, O remonStrance so the . Sacrament, with a fair halico silvor undisiit, at for the majest anil decorement of the altar. The writor then remarks that sonae a thini ho mighthavo dono bottor in describin the coiirage of a overnor of
ine and decore in Q. of tho nuntior hut an unpicturesque fragmen remains, whicli has been Covered in and o serves asin helter sortite hoei that re pastured in the mali parti in the id litios ,hicli it is siluated. The old in hicli the ruin stantis was, bout SiX or event years ago, the subjectis a tediolislaw-suit botwoon Johnsionis Mest rhal and Dick of Grange, the expenses of hicli, tris suid, ore trebi the amount filio subject in disputo. The Laird of Grange a ultimatelythe victor, and the sit of the niannery and round around it, is no v in possession of his heir fine, Si Thomas Dici Lauder of Fountainhall, Bart. On tho eas of the romatias of the nuntier is the mansion-hous of Sciennes Hili, hicli, illi the ardon and adjoining parti bolong to Johi Murray, sq. accountant, Edinburgh. This suom to have been par of the ground holongin to the
There is in the Librar of the acuit of Advocatos, a very fine op of the Psalterium Davidicum, cum aliquod canticis ecclesiasticis Litante. Hymni ecclesiastici. Printe a Paris, apud Magdalenam cursette, viduam spectabilis viri Francisci Regnauit, via acobea, sub signo elephantis commmoran. iiij. vo. On thera leas solio solio in inscription his bu I tenis to sister mari One erasurde in the place of the Senis besyde edinburgh.' It is in excellent condition, and bear evident mark of the attentive perusal of the o ner, a there occur throughout numerous margina addenda in her very eat handwriting.
Sciennes Street, consisting on the east Si de of severa snaallhouses, non of Whicli appea toto Vor old On tho est fido tho troe is irrogular, an brohen in ne placo by twosomowhat aristocratici uil lings, with plot oigro uni in front, and in another place, neu tho solitheria nil by a mali square the ortheria par of whicli is ancient. Tho ous sola themast fide aro understood o holit seu of tho In corporation os aliors Thestor isti ip of the whole and of Scipia nos sorinori bolonged to the cit os Edilaburgh ut sonio timosinco, heia tho it fruetioli qualifications ere dispossed of tho superiorit of Sciennos as acquired by Alexander Dal-giel Esquiro. Thoro is a portraitis alia Catharine in somo of the copiosos horievout Episti os publishod a Vonice, by Aldus Manutius. 500, solio, rom hicli, probably the vor indissserentprint in Buller a talion Ronouarii, in his account of tho Aldino press montions that the eas containing the portrai ture of tho ain is generali desective. Hor ea head was to
bo sesen in tho Church of aint Domini in Sisenna, in thotimo of Sir Andrex Balsour, and probabi may bo seon there stili.
Letters Edin. 700. 2mo. P. 114. He says, In tho Church of Saint Dominio, amongst ther relicis, is preserved the head of aint Catharine of Sienna.''In another par of his musing ork, Sir Andreae mentions havin seen a Bolognia, the entire Od of Sain Catharine of Bolognia, In the Clivrch o Corpus Christi, may be een the entire od of aint atharine of Vigri, a religious oman of theorde of aint Clare, that die a Bolognia, in the ear 1463. She sit in a chair, with a religious habit. The hin f her ac seem tot bent an streachi herisyesopenu er and an seet hare. In ne and she olds a crucifix the thor is placed pon a pilloW. They use in the presenc os a reat deal os compante, to
patre heriails ver monti, an to ut heriai Once a-year, after the are grOWn. P. 207.
A Wolfius has presseruod in his ver curious orti, lictrepresentation os a nun of the ordor of Saint Catharino ofSienna, hich gives a very air ido of tho costumo of thes indieS, an accurate copy, made by M Loith, ill bo ound opposite to these prefator remarkS. In conchi ling, tho Editor has to return his bos than ks to C. K. harpe, Esq. sor his transcriptis tho Constitutiones Vand so tho engravita of the vie of the nuntio , hichembellislios the illo to the Curator of tho Librar of the Univorsit of Edinburgh so thei obliging use of the originalMS. - and to the ori Provos and Magistratos, o thoirkini permission to examine such of the early illos of theland of Sciennes Mare preserved in the cit Charte Boom.