장음표시 사용
Tho constitutions salil to have been dictato trio aint Bridgo by ur aviour in a vision,' ' re in tho chartur offoundation recogniZed by the in as applicablo tho Monaster of ain Saviour, and Satiat Bridge of Syon, of thoorder of aint Augustino,V hicli nam it was o boar
'through ali successive ages. V They are ver minute and preciso iut ant of space necessarii preVent man OXtractS. In om poliat tho resonabi tho Constitutions of tho istors of the Proachinis riarsu biit are infinitet more explicit Thus,sor examplo tho hea de gravissima culpa,'' in the presentUOhime, i Ver Concise, heroas, the fame head in tho illo ofSain Bridget, is tho reverse. Q hal give itis a speci
In tho rospective Convenis os Satiat Bridgo of wodon and Salia Catharine of Sisenna there asino condition hi litho inmatos mus have soli sonte ille re ictaneo in submit-
Surei theso excellent persons could neve indulgo in stron liquors Such lamentabie proo os emale eaknes can hardi be inserred, although this passago in the rulo might ea naught sollis to thinh, that the nun Sometimes Worshipped Bacchus With to much servency.
than galling. ut a congregation of Sixt womon in the oneplaco, and thiri in the Othor, illi ire liberi os speech, would have been trul alai ming, and mus have lod to any exhibition an thinibu scemly. o prevent suci mischie-
and contain a vast mas of mos vallaable mattor relative toecclesiastica institutions. o hal Do proceod to theromaining articles in the present Volume.
Se pago of this Volume, an page 296 of Aungier Syon.' These Signs ere in se by the males, as etllas by the emales.
Tho curious charteri Jamos IV confirmin the ound tion filio Chapse of ain Jolin. the charte by Jamos the V. in favour of the adies of Sciennes, the warrant a toseuling the marches, ind the letters charging the persons os inquest o procoed inde the ries of perambulation, aretalion rom tho originals bolongin to tho cit of Edilaburgh, to hicli access was mos obligingi granted by the ordProvos and Magistrates. In the fame undie of apors relatin to tho Sciennes and aint Giles, was ound the articio entitiei Copia statuti de globis ecclesiasticis, ,hicli, as reserring to a Provincia Councti, o notiosed by ordHailes has, on that account, been inclis led in his volume. Tho Otho documents have been alien rom the extensive ani important ecclesiastica collections brought togotho bytho lato Mario Generaliutton, illi the vie of sorming a
chassed by the curator of the Librar of the Facuit os advocates, and no sorti no the eas interesting portion of thonianuscript helonginito that earnediody. Gonora Hutton has generali noticed here the originals ore obtainsedWhen Copies ere made, and he appears o have procured
men a the author of two viniable volumes of Lecturos on
by tho ather; ut liat has ecome of them, cannot beascertained although ver inquir on the subjuc has son
PREFACE. iiii mado. M Johninos dicit many ear since, and liis representativos an ve no account Whateve of the sat of theso maluch documents --hat Soer provol ing, is that to ne of the chartor there appears to have been appendod a sua ofilio nuntiery, and a no ther impression sanown the oss
In the AppondiX, bosides the notes by onerat Hulton asto the conveyance of the land of Sciennes astor the Bosortia tion, illi sound various particular relative tomuniteries in Scotland whicli, it is trusted ma not e considerei as levoid of interest, ispeciali that portion hicli resors tolli Conventis Northiorwich. In a previous par of these prefator remariis, e advertedio the remari ablo fac of amo Margaret Home the Prioress retaining possession of the conveni o long astor the suppression Os religious ousos. This retention of the properi Was judiciolist managed etween the brother and sister, and the publication of the minutos of Ovidelice in theponitin claim to the aridom of Marchinoni, has thrownsonio additiones light on this poliat, as et a si the Subsequent transmission of the estate Alexander, the brother of the rioress was a ounge son f Patrici Home of
Polwari, and pon the 16th os october, 159 1 obtainod acrown charte of illo laniis and baron os morti Borwic in favour of himself and the heirs-male of his o lyn homsailing, to his nephew, Johi Homo, ourth sonis his eldor brothor, atrio Home of Reidbrayes, with remainder, in thoovent of fallure of heirs-male of his ody, to his rothors seriatim. In his charter, there is a specia reservation of theliserent of the Prioress Danae Margaret Homo. Alexander
Humo dised in tho monili of July, 1597, withou issue, havino illud the offico of Lor Provos of Edinburo h romi 593 t i596. Alexander thus seem to avo obtainei theso of the stato bosor thesileath of his sister, ho as howevor fuit securod in tho liserent.
noticinitho manuscripis, it is remarhed that inmong thors, there are sonae missat beautis uil illuminated in particular, that whicli selongo to the Monaster at the ciennes, ear
Edinburgh, and presented by D Thomas Dougias Thooxocution is admirabie, animi is in aligi stat of presservation. V Upon an examination of the volume there is nothing
to indicato that it ovo was in possession os that sisterhood. The dato of the presentation is 1679 and that it was rittenprior o 451, is proved by the faci, that at tho ni is a register of birilis, commen cingin ast da os may 1451 andon lingin tho 30th of Octobor, 471. Tho ast orato is assollows Item XXX die Octobris, Anno Domini millesimo ccccclxx iiij ' nata fuit Anna Babhin filia mon.' Tho sentrios ali rosor to this famil of Babhin, hicli seonis to have been a
very prolific ne a the recorde inseris the nam es of sola
rium S. Catharino Viii is he had talion tho troubio of rea ling
ino vo rars page, he ould have ascertained that the person intonilud a no tho modern, ut the ancient virgin, - the
selectod a the patrones of an convent in his Lingiloni, hewas, neverthel ess, in igh reputo, at eas in the vicinit of the metropolis, here the miraculous essects of he wondorsul tutio,Virought froni Mount Sinai, at tho specia requos of
tho satiatly Quoen Margaret, proad hor nam sar and wide. Tho logoni is secordod by the veractous Hector oeco, hoso
crodibilit 3 lias been o satisfactori ly prouod by tho Editor filio las sedition of the translation of his histor by Bellondon,
- och two milos fra dilaburgh is an sotiniano dedicatio Sanct utrino, quhair sternis of ullo pringis illi landilowith sic boundan o thatio boit ilio an in se gadorit wayit pringis incontinent illi rei abo undan o. his sontanorat throw ane dropis Sanct atrinis ulte, qui, illi, siro lito ut of Mon Sinai, fra hi sepulture,' to Sanct Margarot, the
Edinb. 821. vols. 4to. 1, ain Calliatine as interrei in the monaster ani convent f unded unde hernamo, and in honour is alii Basilius, pon Ount Sinai. In tho Appondi there is an interest in paper, hicli, although dated in S. at Edilaburgh, is evidenti printodabroad, and probabi a Rome It is the admission o Richard ait lanxas a brothoros the bove mentione monastery, pon the 26thraune, l520. It is a print exsortii, ofwhicli, probably, an hundred Were thrown OT Blanks were est so tho amo. place of execution, an dateS, and these, heia a brothe was electod, oro ille iis in manuscript The original as accidentali solani hamongst the numerous uncataloguedinanuscript in the Advocates Library. . Asini Chard a a very common anae in the family of Lothington, it a be n uni eason able conjecture, that tho Mon of aint Catharino a relatet to the Celebra ted poet an statesmaia, Si Richard Mailland Lothington. The eccsentri Monti os a Trappe and ci- levant Baron, arie-Joseph de Geranii, montions in his tigri mage to Palestine, Ol. i. p. 323 Lond. 1840 that he hod os Salia Catharine 'as qui te entire Sixt Iears ago. Since then it has been o ostenr0mouod in orde to saverit Dona the depcedations of the Arabs, anxit has sust erod soni uel frona damp that the principat Paris ni are o lost. Those hici, aro fhewnare tho head and aiand in very good preservation. The ci- levant Baron a no more avolare than es pio us eoplo, sorte only gota poep at the ea an hand - the former, hicli as rapped in cloth of gold, anderownod Mith a olden diadem, Was lacta: the alter as extremel White, the finger stili et aliae the natis, and ere adorned With valvable rings. - Ι was tot of arin os stili grPater value, an assured that the satiat ad received it rom ur ordhimself and that he had it On e finger hen he was discovere on the ountain
rine This ullo hos an singulare victe aganis ali mane oscant i and si a vis.
This singulari curious iniis nar irati guarde With great care, and so suspicioustywalched that even eram the Trappist a no permittodo obtain a sight of it Had Geram the Baron been the visiter, this extreme caution might have been pratse-worthy. ut reatly Wh guard his miraculous in at alii Such precaution a quiteun necessary, is e re to bellove an aneCdote hich ur plotas authorit gives of iis Wonderim powers. That very aught lady the Empres Catharine, ad a fanc forthis reli of hor amesahe, and solis oly ather di no dare to refuse s vervunceremoni Ous a Personage, it a reSolved, that the ring shouldie transferro fromthe dea finge of the chaste satiat to the living digit os the unchaste empress Thestiri ne a a cordingi openei With ast solemnity the Archimandri te, in magnificent pontifical attire, and arrayed in ali the attributes of his digni ty, approache to fulsit his mission, heia, lod to ille magement O thos present, and speciali of the individualwho was hie persorinor fir burs fro the interior, reduce his clerical attire toashes, and purgued hi in s vigoroiasty that he as Obliged by a precipitate ight, to
How the mee an virtuous uter of the Russians received this flamin account of the fallure of her embassy, e have o been insormed: ut Surely, With so potent aheavent guard What usoris there or an arthi one Θ