Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum

발행: 1841년

분량: 229페이지


분류: 미분류


PREFACE. lix visit his, his ancient kingiloni of Scottanii, in anno 16lT, howent in person to se it, and ordered, that it sh ould bo uili vitii stonos roni the otioni to the top, and that a door an da patris stairs houldie ad sor it that in i might havetho more eas te acces uni it bottona, sor Otting of the yl. This roya commandie in obeyod the wet was adorned, and prosorvsed unti the ear 650, heia that execrabio regi cideant usurper Olivo Cromwell, illi his rebellio us and sacrilegi ous complicos, id invade his ingdom, and Dot on lydes ac suci raro nil antient monuments of Daturo' hand-work, but also the synagogues of tho God of naturo. It was,' says Chaliners, completet demolisti sed Carly intho last century by Some Sacrilegioli Person, it Wasremari ed by the eighbouring peopte notato havo astor variis Prosperod. V Accordin to the Rev. Thomas layte, minister of the parish of Libborton, in his account of that aristi, priniud in thoirs volume os in Transactions of tho Societ of Antiquarios of Scottanil Astor tho Nun ner at tho heens asso unded the nun there made an annua Solemn procession tothis hapse and well, in honour of aint athorino. Vt Noauthorit is referrei to, and the repori, perhaps, a nobottor Oundation than tradition. EXCeptos a sacred ell, there Seem no reasOn hy the Votarie of Catharino of Sisenna

Vol. i. p. 324 Chaliners repeat the assertio in his Caledonia. M Whyte a partial to Scotisti topography, and re utina statistica account of the paristi, Haddington, prin te in the Transactions of the Scotist Antiquaries, and of the parish of Lesmahago , hici appeare in the Edinburgh Magagine.


resuliod rom an se of the water in ut an eous distempers.

Iuni j M'. iiij I l 456 yeris.'Tho Alexander apior, mentioned in the las extra et romtho inventur,' a probabi the rs Laird of Morchiston, and tho diroci ancestor of the celebrated Mathematician.

Q may bo orth whil hero to mention that in the Auchiniec MS. ther occursa fragmentis a poetica lis of Sattit Catharine, hicli, illi similar magiologies V is include in an interestin an rare litti volume o Whicli Ort coples ere privatelypriniod by the Secretar of the Abboissor Club, and whicli is entitisti, legendae Catholicae, a lytie bok of Seyntli Gestes. Imprinted at Edilaburgh in thooear of tho

Incarnation MDCCCXL.


Fixere sortes ante Agamemnona,

inio a disputo illi the Magistrates of Edinburgh, tho naturo of hieli, illi bos seen rom tho solio in extracis rom


was proprietor of the aikeris of the Scoynes,' and that hoalso ad a quarret illi his vertoriis, the civi dignitaries,



Napior furvived tho las of these decision aboli sevonypars, and the Scheynes V passed rom his si to nothors mily, and ultimatet came, a previousi noti ced, o Janet M J Iath, in tho naiddie of the fame contury. The Merchistonestate, hicli originali comprehendod ome of the ostvaluabio lani in tho vicinit of the metropolis, Subsequently beeam ver considerabi curtaile of iis sat proportions.

In noticin this ladg famil in a provisus par of the preface, in Editor referred exclusi vel to the dilaburghm Maths, and the absurd attempto, M Playsai tomagnis a respectabie tradesina into a descendant of a Lair of that Illi Crawsord,


lxiv PREFACE. Asterieing, sor a long series of years, ut of the family the Casile or mansion, and a se acre surro undin it, erere-purchased by the late Lord apter undisi e no in possessionis his son, the present in heritor of the titio. soarch in tho ordini gli Troasuror' accounts has producod sonio additiona information rotativo to thomuniter of Sa in Catharine of Sienna.

1533 April 12. Itom to the Sisteris os the onys, in complet pay


Vations pon the supposo genera demoraligation of thonuntiorios in Scottanil, and speciali vindicatuit anil oliope successsully the hastit of the Ladios of the Burrow-

For his exploit, the noseles Sain Ebbarandae mutilate nun were include in the Roman Martyrology, - thei da bellaifixed for the 2 April, although it might per- hapsi said that theras of that monili Would have been infinitet more appropriate. 1 Andro Hart. Edin. 162 I. Reprinted by Sir Ioli Gratiam Dalyell, Bari in his collectionis Scotisti Poems of the ixteenth century.


have had peculiari odit notion on tho sub joc os indelica cy,

withoutilomisi, an in ne particula instance, tho allowsed thoi goa so the Scarlet Lad to lead them frona tho path of truth, and to place them in the wkWard predicam sent of participator in a detected fraud. Thyladios of Sisenna, pon the round belongin to them, used to pasture a flock of sheep the custod of whicli asint rusted to a bor, ho ad the faculi os turn in ut tho


PREFACE. xviiwhitos of his oyses ita suci a manne acto Creat an impressionon the par of the spectators that he was altogether lind. This exhibition a si sequently witnessed illi qua sur-pris and delight y the nutis, and thini in that it might

professionali bo turnodo account, the transmitto an account of the oy's performatice to Some of the venerable occlesiastics, hoethon honoured the capital illi thoi prosenco. deputation of thsese orthies pro Oedod to the convent, andastor such resectionis the longili of the walli might requiro, thoioy a called osore the oly men, and went through his performances illi great clat. Havin ascortui nod his capabilities, tho visiter advised the entertainers to providothum solvo with another hepheril, and in tho meantime tok001 the exhibitor secluded untii tho exist ne of such person houldie orgotton. To his arrangement tho abbessandis uias consented and the ad Was lippi by thom in pious rostrain sor etween even or ight years during hichpori odio ras ut preparet so the charactor hich he was

Tho Roman Catholic clerg had bocome ver much alarmedat tho progress of the Reformation, although the apparentlytreatod iis advance illi indisserenco. illi ho vise of keopin public attention live, the no and then gratisioditio nativos illi Something ut of the common un. Forinstanco, in 1532, to leas the citigens of Edinburgh, andespeciali the omale portion of the municipasty Who then, a now Seem to have been inbued with a strange ankeringaster reachor os ali iniis, a fastin Worthy, clept Johia Scott, xhibited himself at the cross, here, unde the inspiration of the Virgin Mary, he doubilessty, reached a very


lxviii PREFACE.eXCitinidis ourse animas he was persectio mali sed tho novellyos Such a spectacle must avo greatly en hanced tho effect of

his sermon.

no sum cienti impos inito rotain much holixon tho indisf

preServet much curious informatio relative to coit - In theseare 53l J0hii Scotreturned uster his travolt in through Franco, Italie, and the Hol Land Besore his departour ut of the countrie, he had succumbe in an acti sun f law, and because hewa no able o pay the fame, his adversa evicted, o retire himself to tho girili orsancteurie of Hater udhous, he he abstaine froni mea and rin certain dayes. The bruit of his abstinancio commin to the ing's ars theatra cause diu him into David' tower in the Castoli of Edinbrugh, andi read and walter tote et bes idolim boti absta ined 32 ayes altogether rom eatin or drinhing. Whenae a let orth, the peoplo came floch in to hina hemitere manie ille spe eches, and among the est, thati thoraeli of the bl esse virgine e could sust, and it e neve so long Aster horis disinissed he wen to Rome, heri e was committe t prisso uni Pope Clement, tili tria was talion of his abstinence. When he had give a proose, e vas et atlibertio, and a testimoniali gi ven him, eat ted illi a scat os lead, and sonae messe clatilis. Frona then celo cam to enice, herae gave the like proos of his abstinence, and goati ducat to suppli his charges in his volage to Jerusalem. He brought withaim rom Jerusalem sona date tro leaves, an a poch fuit of stolas, hi Cli, hesaid, e talion ut of the ille to hicli Christ a bound he he was courged. On his returne, he made a charrangrat Pavors Crosse in Londoui against in Henries devorce, an Shahingis the pop's authoritie sor hicli causet Was committe trio prisson ο wes et a liberti asterie es Leepedi days, at whicli spaco he absta inedfrona mea and di in h. When o amo homo to Scottandrae Nould hau joyned im- sol Diviti, Thomas uelitie, holad buit det a chappellcio the Virgine Mari With sonio monte e ad collecto among the eople, her e made great gaine by fainedmiracles iis avarice asinawen to altison, git no an dura reprovelim sor ear of thobishops Quhen ante preest came to a messe, he liadine hegger Or the who ainedhe was cure Of some infirmitie aither of hodie or ind. Johi Scot be in rejecto boThomas Ductitie, tuo a chamber ne i Edinburgh, herae recte an altar, herein he et his davgliter, a youn maid, and wa candet abo ut lier burning tot adoredi oralis Virgine Marie. When his gaine looked not this V, he oo hi in to his id crast ho anted n good Will, o Witta decie ue.