Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum

발행: 1841년

분량: 229페이지


분류: 미분류


whon the adies of thoracion nos gavo intimation of the command whicli thoir hepherda ad ovor his organs os vision. A tho priosis had littio par of doto tion the doterminedio orti ho miraclo vitii ali itin solemnity, and with that vis vix dipon the Chapes of Loretio, ea Musselburgh, asilio cono of thoi drama This placo hadio boon endo vellver long es ore, as it wod iis foundation to ono Thomas Dolichtio, ho, in l533, having rought an imago of the Virgin Alar xvith him, turn sed hermit, and set up an St blishmon sor hi in soli 'Ι s happonod that this hapol had tho reputation of heing extremel beneficia to adios ho oro in that stat whichthoso h like their loriis isti to e in and it vas very

much frequented on that account, speciali by thos Whose labour vas Xpected tot more than usuali protracted or, as an old writer ternis it hard. V Thero as a lath, howas the wi se of a gentium an in is ostiiro by sonio callod

Squiro Meldrum, by thers, Rober Colvillo fili sit,' and

that captive a meant, and ot captaina ut e certaini se no reaSO for this pro-

posed emendation, as a captain tesore 'ohe Turk seem much more lihely than a captive. He probabi may have commando a vesset against them. De his ascit may, he was the ounder of Loretto It was on hi in that the satirical poemi Lord len- cairn, preserve by nox, and recenti reprinted by r David aing, in his interestin volume of Scotisti Opular Poetry, a Written.' M Crie, in the later editio of the Lis of nox, assumes, that he is the realSimon Pure; ut Nithout assignin his reasons. Rober Colville a the naturalson o Sir ames Colville o Eastor emyss. He arrie Francissi Colquhoun,


testant, set ut o Loretio, o us it a more Commonlycallod, ain Ailarit' Chapol, to mali her ori sons, and topropitiato tho mi ablem Thomas o uelitio illi an ossoringos old aridior histi such eing the customar donation. Tho ad go the star of tho gentieman, and arrived ut hochapol iis in time o itnes the miraclo of the protendodblini man' resto ration to sight. Tho usi, and came oonastera ut holhori succoodod in savin his own old and

sions tho imposior a destred to hut his yes, heroupontho ossiciating priosi bad him re-open them, annotincing, at the sanie time, his restoration to Sight. Hau in oboyed thoircommand to the astonishment of the bello dors, o oomodi se just as,eli as an of thos present. Me thon descondo l


that particular also.

mentioned, and in orde to satisf his ne mastor of his poWer of deception procoedod to alti up and own themoni as allini man, and with Such propriety thatio person, excepting one in the secret, could ver avo deto ted ho

It is suid that tho nox moria in his master suid o him, Seeing ou avo gloris sed God in ovea ling the naver of


This dote tion ultimatot ted to tho conversion of ono fili mos ablo divinos of the period rom the error of pope . Tho Editor alludos to tho Beu Johi Bow, who is sat esto havo boon the firsi orson ho introducod tho Hobrox langvago into Scottanil He a boria par Stirling, and aviniboen


educated at the gramma schoo there, on to the nivorsityos ain Androws, here holocame Alaster of Aris, aving pro si bust studiod philosoph and tho civi and common law nitor hich e beeam a ploade in the iocosan coliri. Aut iis inclination ea ling him o soroigi eountrios, hevisited Homo, here, avin attractei tho avourable notice of tho ope, he in l556, was by him ad agent fortho Churoh of Scottani ut tho our os Rome, and oonaster, a graduated a Padua, Doctor utriusque juris. Duringit sta a Rome, he was seiged illi so violon a tof ilhaess, that his physicians judgod tho ir of his own country Ssentia totis recoVery. The ope earing of tho Bosormation in colland assented to the recommendation filio modica genilemon, and Row, a pope' legate, and armedwith amplo aut hori ty, an led at yemouth noli 29th Soptember, 1558. I s happonod that M Row, a tho spirituat advisor os the ady was a visiter at tholous of the gentieman whoiaddotoctod the Loretto impostur . A se day aster the evenis jus recordod the legate made his appenrance a USunt. Aster Sonio litis time, a conversation enSuod etinen himand the mastor of tholous upon the subject of tho Catholicreligion, hicli vas supported by the ono, and atta ked by the ther. At ast o v was as kod fio thought that thopope, o the pries through him could work a miracle. Certainly,V was the replyri and the recent miraculous restoration. of ight at Loretto a triumphanti referrei to. The gentionania toti him, milingly that he had committod a reat


mistali in s unding on that instanceis stablisi in his proposition and thon, aster explaining tho rea sacis,io callod in the actor, ho ent through the whole persormaneos again in his proselice Ilo Wa persecti cons unded illi his distaclosuro He retui nod homo, and not ver long aster artis, bocameras ealous in his Suppor of the ne doctrinos, a lauhad previsust boon in his opposition to them. The stor of Row' convorsion froni poper is undoubtedlytruo ut the cause here assignet is perhaps, no qui te socertain. Tli famil tradition unquestionabi was that thedotoctod impostur of the hephordio a the hoen mate

to remalia in manuscript -


was nouen 1 many, and ali took imo boorouly linis. Asior thisio cum homo, and the clerg resolvod to retrivellipi reputationi Working a miracle on him. He a talion into a public place, here aster a reat an insignificant coromontes, at the time appotiatod, e turno Milouia his yps, and satisfiod tho onlookors that he was heu led, and a pe

neu borno, and received Such a conviction rom that dis ovory, as ad him renounce opery, and turn Protestant. V

Analecta, vol. i. p. 59-60. ' Vol iii. p. 253.


PREFACE. lxxvii

scat have besen recorded by the Lion ing, rem ained tintiltho lose of his life in a State of single lesso insesso his assoctions haviniboen early blighted by the abduction of hisiadio ove, - the mother of his natura childron, and hormarriagorio ne of the ei family. o v, fac novo took

coit, in his Lives of the Reformers, p. 56, foem to have contente himselfwith reserring to this article, as the authorit for his versio of the stor justinentioned.

o Chaliners edition os Si David Lyndsay, ol. iii p. 242, and Pitscottie's Historyos Scottanii, Ol. 2, p. 305. Edin. 18l4. vo. The genti eman who married quire Meldrum' mistress is declared by Pitscotti t have been Ouis Stirling, uncte of


lxxviii PREFACE.iinto im soli a ise, it is lain that he could avo non to solio toto retto. Tho quiro V of Si David Lyndsa was proprietor of theostate fili esti then in is ostiiro, and no v in the mallcount os inross, of hichilo isti is no of tho our purishos. This, it is presumed is the fame stato that is en torod in thorollissilio hori tors, made ut in 1517 a Cliosh-Meldrum, in contra distinction to Cliosh-Allai dico. Each stato is alii dat 2. H also ossos sod tho land of inns his opstho then Laird os eir. The account of tho abduction is o et toti by the historian, that w may be orgive for insertiniit. In his meane tynae, that was an genti eman in dilaburgh, a med illi amo Meldrum Laird of Bines, hora ad ano sal ladio illi bina calle tho adie Glongois, Wh was an docliter to M Richar La sone, Proveis of Edinburgh, tho vhil ladio hadiorne tua bairnes to the suid laird, and he intendit to mari horris he might purchas the ope' licence, hecaus the Were Sib. O tWith standing. an genti eman, calle Lues Stirling, invyed the love an marriage beluiX thir tuo personages, hinkan to hau the gentie oman in marriage to hi ius elis, ecauso cono the Lairilo Bines michi no hau her richillei the ope' lawis Thair ir e solis ted his

tho Lair of Bines, toria his ladi froni him he way of de id randa that effect solio edhim beluix Leith and dilaburgh, and et on in beneatholio id Chappoli illi 0sti armod men, an he again defendit imself illi syve in number, and ought withaim, and si e tho Lair os ei res principali servand, and hur tho Lair of Κoirto tho porrillis de id, and tuentie-sax of his en uri nil laine Bot this illiam Meldrum o Bines as evili martyred, o his Ochis a culted, and theon oppis of his olbowis a stri hin ais, and was Stri hin thro theiodie so that was no signe os ly in him. iit be the mightie poWer os God, lie eschappe the death, and eived systie ei res thairoster. - UOl. i. p. 305, 306. In the histor of the paristi os Inverest , containe in the ne edition of the Statistical Account os colland the author has in advertenti Stated that accordin to Keilli V 280, Loretto a connected illi the Nunner of Sciennes in the outhwin os dilaburgh,' 272. No , there is no the lightest authorit sor an sucha sortion. eith, the authorit referre io, i Silent on the subject He ives ameagre notice of the convent, but that is all.