The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


his disposition fulsillo his filial and fraterna obligation in a manne consorinable illi his haracter, and preserve the secret of his oblo hous thalaad boon confide to im evon from his Wn isse; ut at thesam timo, ieldin to the impulse arising rom theties of consanguini , he persuaded her, o the pretenee of a seelingis common humani ty, to receivo the damselint he hous as an orphanihild Without cither sathoror mollier. Subsequently e bestoWed her in mar-riago illi a libera dowr o an intimato friund of


mise of the paymentis sisty sesterces obtainod the drugshe required, and thus in the word purchased theo eo of 0r Wishos the dea th of her hiisband Andno the wise aecompanted by tho doctor, etoo them solves to the chamber here the sic man lay and protondin they had rought illi them a celebrato lpotion to Whicli ho epithe sacrod V had boon aps,liod by the earned in conscquene os iis excellent qualitiossor composing the stomach and removin the bilo, though, in saet, is it ore sacredis ali it Was a thorsa red to the interest of roserpine ,-th doetor, in the presene of Severa relatives an fri nil of thos mil3, havinifrs Woli stirred tho content of tho cupwith his own hund, Xtended it to the patient.

At this moment the audacious oman, eugerit POSSCSS


the doctor provialed onae to leave him, tho insidious pestilene had ulready assed through his stomach andassecto his entir system illi sueti orce, that he Wasseige With a heau fit of somnolen . Hardly able toprocee to his homo, o Trived there illi reat dissicut , and had carcet time to relate to his is What liud happenod and reques of herrio obtain, a thereWard sor putting two men to death, at eas the sumos money that ad eun promise lata sor polsoningono tha tho lis in his hod boeam extinet, and thus this celebratod doctor perished by a violent death. Neister did the oung man hiisband of the wiched


convulsion presently expired. The reseci, an experienced magistrate, instanti proceodin to investigate the manis id polsoning of the murderess suffere notthe centrio gro Cold. Summoning theres oro, o his preSeno the chamber-Women of the criminal, and extra ting rom them tho truth by torture, e con



within sor exhibitin the wsul spectacle to the vast

t entertain Ver Serious apprehension regardin myOWn asoty, and Considering that Whateve description



ABou th firs watch of the night Suddent aWakeninis omin ound wee stoep, I Started in assante, and lookin around me, perceived amid the silentishadoWynocturna solitudo that Pliad procured by my ight, the oon' sulliri, just emerged from the aves of thesea, hining With a degre of hitenes unusuallybrio and littering Knowing that the all-poWerfui Goddos of Night ex ollinii the attributes of majest ad the the deities, no only extendedae providencet human assairs, domestic catilo, and the beast of the sold, ut that things inanimate vegetate unde herinfluence, and eventodies in the arth, in the ea, and the firmament, obedienti increased illi aer incre-