장음표시 사용
child rem and remotor cissuo ar, his arandohildrem auddescendantS. aequor horo sed in iis strici sens os lovo sursaco os mater. It is derivo Dom the samo oodias aequuS, Ven, levet. 749. freta lata volantes tho accusativo donotus tho ertent of the action O tho verb, i. e. the round ovor hicli the motion passus This uso is a variet O tho cognato accuSative. 750. amores the plurat is usu to represent tho lovo o both sidos.
752 mare carpentem cf. carpere viam, to urr ovo the Way - hureyingive the ea. Substricta loan, flendor, hin; a bstringo ri dra up. 753. Spatiosum in Mittura: cf. colsum in cornua. an thregar to, broad in respectis it throat guttura is pluralprobabi bucauso the Moat is considoro a consistin os many PariS. 756. Ilus, o th ain os Troy foundo Ilion an re sive Domdupiter tho famous Palladium. H Was tho sonis Tros, satheros Laomedon, an grandiatheris Priam. ASSaraeus son os Tros, ather os Capys, an grandlathor os Anchises Tho genealog give horo is no a trici descentiso sat heroo son. lus, Assaracus, and Ganymede erebrother Laomedon a tho sonis Ilus, and Priam a tho
756. Ganymedes, a cautisul out os Phrygia, Son os Tros, as, whon utilin o Mount Ida carrio aWay by an agi toJupiter an made cup-beare to tho gOds. 757. Priamus tho last in or Troy son o Laomedon, ather os Hector an Paris, an hushand of Hecuba Troy Was bosieged sor 10 years by tho unito Grook on account os Paris rapuos Helon. Priam purishod, illi tho allis Troy his hoad Wascut o an his mutilato bod Was os among tho capsontho lain. Hectoris mector, sonis Priam, and nshand of Andromacho, Was the bravos o tho Trojan ho was hillud by Achilles inrevonge so tho deat os Patroclus.758. iste in tho diver hic Fou See. 761. illum Hector. Dymantis Hecuba, tho dangliter os Dymas an mollior os Hector, a tho honoured is os Priam, a distinguishod DOm his other ivo who ore, in a sonso, his mistrosses. ItWa thorosorori bo expocto that tho tam os Hector ovidbo greator than that os his hali-brothors.
766 Iliacos Trojan, rom Ilium, the poetica nam sor Troy. 768. captatam : Dom capto, to eo pagori aster a frequentative os capio Modryrio Cato again and again. 769. Cebrenida Dom Cebrenis, claughtorii obron. obron asin rivor in Troas also a river-god sather of Oenone and Hosperie. 772. longe probably goos illi relicto- caught ustor tho alio has hosti tosta sar loliind. It an possibi go 'illi deprensa - caught ut a distanc Domaho latio it has test bohitid. 778. piget is an imporsona verti os pudet, taedet, poetiitet, and miseret), and like them talios tho accursativo of the personseoling, and tho genitivo os that whicli cause the sceling, .g., Poenitet me iracundiae meae, I repenti m anger. 79. tanti: orth so much, tho genitivo o prico Tanti, ειanti, Flitris, minoris re so astor orbs os sollio and laying. Prico hon indusinito is senardod by tho Latins as a quality, and expresso by tho genitivo whon do finito it is rogni dedissa instrum sent, an expresso lintho ablativo 'hus At What prico macilio rico bought 3 For a mali prico. -Quanti oryza empta est Parvo. 80 nos dux tho snnho an I. I82. qui tho relativo must orion o splitin into a conjunctio and
Tethys tho lea, propori a marino Dddess, Hauctior os
Coolus and Terrari ho marrie Oceanus an horo the various rivor-gods, tho Oceanides, Q. 788. obstarique 'his is impersonat obsto ovortis tho dativo, and thorosor in the passive an ni bo sed impersonalty o obstari in that an opposition i mado. O cannot Sa obstorior ram o posta, ut obstatur mihi So ou anno say
anima obstatur, or animam obstari, ut FO mustisn obstatur animae, or Obstari an irnae.
22 titulum titulus, i in stille , Dry.