장음표시 사용
479. utraque tellus : i. e. tho land rom hic tho stariod, and thol:ii id to hic the were going. erat, aberat. 482 jamludum here in immediat oly The or osten means longcornua properi tho extremit o end of the suil-yard heroussed so the ait -yard them Solves. 486. alii : Omo, correspondinga pars in extra ine.
487. munire latus P securo the fide os the hip i. e. provent tho
500. Stygia : Styx is tho principat rive in the lower orid, round whici it flows foveri times. 501 interdum, ometimes, mus h distinguished rom interdiu, intho daytimo. sternitur is strown levet, is SmOoth. 504. Acheronta Achoron the river of the lowor orid, round Which
525. numero omni than ali homuniboris his fellow- soldiors. 527. Spe horo in the objecti his ho90.
530. Construe-Impetu decimae undae, vastius insurgens, ruit. decima undae tho Roman usod lo consido that ovor tenthWave a largor nn more clangerous an poWorsu thn thoothers Tristia l. 2 49- Qui venit hic fluctus, fluctus supereminet omnOS:
quod cuiqvs relictum est tho ordo is probahly, Et cuique subit quod i rolictum osti but tho Otho way o ma ingcuique tho nil objec os relictum is possibio. 515 desideret desidem 'o destre something hicli is absent, to
549. fervet hosidos the ver ferveo, hero is nother Orm fervo, fervi, 3.
55S. aera aer is properi the lower imosphoro, a distinguishod from aether, tho UPPer pure air. fato functa su est ait se necompli Ahes iis sate, .e., meet iis
Os teno P voavo. ut his moniain iis no probabie. 573. 00lix tho nuclitoris Acolus, i. e. Alcyotio. The termination- , i intra Otii montis child of os lino 274. 574. quas induat ille indua thoe subjunctive locauso quas Stuod sor ut eus, thatio Dan Put them Ou irerat is coordinato illi induat. 578. Junonis : Loenus Juno prosi dod Ovor in nrri ages. ante in Proseretico O; s. antepono, antefero.
579. qui nullus erat: ho was no hushand of hors, ni doad.
582. hoc this latior i. e. that he hould resor no Other oman tolior. Hic generali refers to the euror os Wo objecta tho latior), an ille to tho otio farthor 1r therio er).581. manus sinestas unotean hands Contae or connectio Witharasa body, o havin a dea bod in tho ouso, a Considoro to defit a person So in his casse, by a poetical oxtensionis the dea, tho ac that tho usband of Alcyonowas dea made her hanta uncleati, although she hadio been
587. mittat this is the subj. ovorno perhaps by ut undorstood after jube. As jubeo, o ever, generali talae tho infinitivo, an no ut it tho subjunctive, mittat a b looked on asilio subjunctivo sed imperatively 590. arcuat a trisyllabio, pronounce ascis tho et harbeen a v. 591 jussi: aliis adjectivo is trans fores to regis, instoad os cingapplis to Iris Tho orderet V kino is ei thor tho hin towhom Iris as ordore t go,' or olso alio in Who was ordore to obo Juno' command. V In the forme Case, ordoro hing V, hin about Whom Iris hau received ordors. 592. Cimmerios Cimmerii, a mythica peoplo O tho extreme est of the coan, diuod in cavos in region os logs his description Os the Cave of Sleo is most Oworsu aut vivid, and is perhaps tho fines passage in his book. 591 medius Phoebus: id-Jay Eun, i. e. Phoebus in themiddio os
596 dubiaeque crepuscula lucis tho twilight os uncortain light is a
result of tho clarioloud an misis.
597 ales cristati oris tho bir os crestudioad in the coch. vigil solliciti, sagacior notio tho climax in theso adjectivos.
Notico tho g nitivo os quality-ales mistati oris. In his constructio tho insertionis an adjective is alway Docos -- . Thus vir integritatis is no allo ablo fori manis integritri; o mus say, vir suininae integritatis.
603. Lethes tho Gree gon sing. of Lethe, tho rivoris orgelsulaess. It was a rivor inrupit, the wator os,hic Wor drun by thospirit of tho dea in orde to malle them large tho past. 604. lapillis lapillus is tho dimin os lapis, idis, a tone. 605 fecunda : tho poppycis calle sertile o fruitsulis account ottho number of Aeed i contains. 610 medio is oinod Wit in antro. abenoris for ebenin sponda on
614. messis silva and litus aro'ac the subjectis gerit. 616. simul, simul atque, as Oon S. virgo Iris. 618. Sacra domus tho hous is callo sacra hecans it is in homo of a god. 621. excussit sibi se: hoo himsol Dominimself, .e. Domini P, 801nnus heing the subjectis ercussit. 623. Somne . SomnM: nolico tho repetition, omplorodio doubi in
ordo to alae Somnus P. 621. In anotho passago Ovid malios a very simila statument about Ambrosia:-
Ea ossa diurnis Membra ministeriis nutrit, reparatque labori. 625 mulces distinguisti tho paris of this vor Domahose os mulgeo.
mulsi, mulaum, Or uictum 2 to milli.
632. arcus this is tho ainbow down hicli Iris ad sown to tho
646. eligit Morphea qui peragat notico tho final uso os qui, ut
choos Morpheus in Ordo that ho may accomplisti. 647. Thaumantidos : gon o Thaumantis Iris, ho a clauotero Thaumasci se lino 585. edita aco neut. l. os editus Dom edo, 'hing givon ut ordorari os jusset Distinguisti tho conjugationis edo, didi,
666. non is Oinu closoly it ambiguus. 669. lugubria : α, vestimenta mourning garments. 670. Tartara: Doni Tartarus, m. pl. Tartara, seorum O. Tartarus, tho inserna regions. Sub inania Tartara id a tareas m bras Tartarus is calle empty bocauso it is hoabodo os Eliades hieli hau no substance. Sub Wit aco. clown into. 671 quam crederet crederet is subj., ascit is tho apodosis os a conditional suntono os hic tho protasis e .g., is stio ero askod Whos it was is implied. notho explanation is that tho construction adicit talom vocem ut illa crederet amess Conjugis, ,here quam ut eam, an adicit musti tho histori prosent in ordo that it a b solio edi crederet, an imperfeci tenSO. 673. manu is illior tho nom. sing. Orson sing. i.e., oither his
674. 0Vet govorias lacinimas nia lacertos, and musti translato ista separato Ord in Englis sor ac objectu cf. olebat, lino 148.
678. Cori strue - Circumspicit si iido , qui modo visus orat, athilli C. 679. nam olior is an implied ellipso of the asino alono, Urior . . . 680. postquam is soldom ound wit tho pressus invenit horo is ho
682. ferit ferio, ferire is a desectivo verbi tho pers an supino
PerctιsSi percussum are Supplied Dorn percutio.
havo hora an instanc os the ourth construetion. vellem is a potentiat subj. 44hould havo liked representingtho isti a contrar to faci; hilo velim reser to a Wishwhic mayio reali sed . 698. multum utile D multum is an adv. - ory of multum miseri meus illiusque parentes. 699. non simul: ithout theo. 700. nunc ver Osten, as here, M scit is, ns in caso standa. 701. Sine me: ithout myself, .e. Without m actual ody Mybod is horo, but noxistone clopendo oti an onde Withyo s. Theroci another readi Dg-sine te. 703. SupereSS0 Wo might perhaps have expecto ut supersim instoad
706. tamen, as a rulo, dos no stand ut thoi inning os a sentoneo. So igitur, quidem autem, etc. undis the thera and sed, at, ast et, atque ea alWay stan ut thologinningi a sentence.
littera tho inscriptioni tho tomb. Litterae in pl. - letter, opistio. 712. ecordinito somo rondings, tho objoc os dicit Ogins illidumque moratur ibi, instea os illi hic. 713. hoc litore citi his spolin tho hore. Oscula: Dom osculum in littio mouili, proti monti, naiss. 718. quamvis aberat quamvis early tways is sollowod by tho subj., ut in Lucretius an post-Cicoronian writera raret in
719. Omine Alcyono rogardam animo os horiusband idoat tho ac that tho hod of a Ahip rechediorson is stoatin straight in frons of her. 22. quo magis illa tuetur hoc magis a besoro, hoc tho abi os
recogniSecit. 729. manu mortali manu, O hominum mantibus.
738. senserit uti um is understoodiosor senserit. Tho pers subj. se iserit an visus sit Aeem contrar to tho ut so sequone offensos in dependent sentoneos Wo hould ither xpectdubitavit sor diιbitabat, or sensisset and visus esset O senserit an visus sit Tho persout is o ovor ound , speciali in Lio, o an euon in pas timo impi rogarde a sueti, without rosereticorio ita bein contemporaneous With, o Prior
to tho pas ovent denote by the main orb. 742. aliis mutantur: lit., tho aro changod with a bird, i. e. tho substitution os a bir is tho monias of thei chango in cachCRSO, i. e. the ure ac change into a bird s. lino 404. satis obnoxius isdem amor is a conciso expression sor amor
eorum, qui isdom satis obnoxii orant. Vobnoxius in Latin novor moans obnoxio us in tho sons os
halosui. I moans 1 liablo to punishment, 2 liubi to orguilinos a fauit, 3 submissi vo , I rosponsi bio, 5 liablorio. 43. nec conjugiale solutum foedus in alitibus otio legon is that