Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera : accedunt clavis metrica et notæ anglicæ juventuti accommodatæ

발행: 1828년

분량: 396페이지

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EPISTLES. BOOK I. 371might not e tho subjectis impertinent curiosit to the our



Antonius Musa, physician o Augustus, ad recommendod the oldiam to Horiace, ho praeti sed cold bath in in Clusium

and Gabii. ut findinet tho inter o severe, he resolve togorio Ome armor elimate an dory Aea-bathing. O this rea-sonae ritus to his frien d timonius ala, hora ad been using the ballis ut Velin and Salernum, to give im Some account of the climate, eople, ac pomrnodations, c. The egi nning of this episti is very much transposed and confused . e mustiooh a far a the wcnty-souiti, verse Ofore e canae thenatura arrangement of the thoughis. I. Quin sit hiems: e fore tali in in his it Seems pcessuryto bring in the wenty-sourin versu Par Si te scribere, ac nos accredere tibi quo sit hiems Velim i. e. o must write torno, Vala, halai nil os inter ou have at Velia, und what thoclimate os fatur nurn lint is the character of the inhabitanis and o the oad areri sor Antonius Mus assure me that the

3. Illis i. e. to the eopte a Baiae.


5. an myrteta . . . contemni that thei myrti grove and


Wo a suppos that Quinctius ad alliod Horace ora tho

40. Renuit nexus atque Sabellus: that 1 objectu an ii ny.'Horace leas antly Styles himself Sabelcus inasmuch a corint rype opis allo thei flaves to tuli greater liberi than the linus in thes ity. The sit ration os atque aster ne at is unus ualland





This episti contain th advice of Horacorio Lollius, Myounggentieman in hos happinos our poet took much intere St, and who was et inexperiende in the wiles an temptations of aco uriter' li se . e ad atroady ritton ne letter o him toguar hi against soni mistahes that might e fata to his


100. ρlidus Digenti . . . bibit the coo stream Digentia, whicli flows through Mandela.'

This opisti is a satire o the poets of our author A tim0,who, unde pretenc that Bacchus a the god of postry, and that tho est ancient bard love wine, imagine d the mightoqua thoi merit by rinhingos re ely. Horace augiis at suci ridiculous imitation, and rallies the methodicat duines of thsi compositions Dacier. 1. Cratin Cratinus as OXcessivel sond of ineri so much so that Aristophanes Says, heiled of ries at seein chogshead

brohen and the wine running ut. 5. Fer/ i. e. plerumque. S. Forum . . . Severis: de the Forum and tho praetor s

thum to attemptioetryy i. e. let serious businessi performed by the temperate. The praetor' Court was ne a the puteal.

This, und0rstandrioae the decree of Bacchus.15. Rupit Iarbitam the poet means to a that Iarbitaburst,illi enu and Vexation in attomptin to rival the wit and

eloquence of Timagene the rhetorician. 18. Cuminum: Dioscorides Enys that cumin il mali person pale ho a Sti in or drinli, a decoctionis it. 23. Parios: calle diaria from Paros, the country of Archilochus, the inventoris iambic verse. 30. Socerum: e. t Archilochus Lycamben oblevit. 31. Sponsae . see Epode VI. 13. note. 36. Premat aetra limen 'abuses them abroad.)

43. Ait: c. aliquis e tribu grammatico. 44. Fidis enim . oraO SuppOSe.'47. Displicet. . . posco domo like the place of contest, Ias for a truce. Horae preten d ver modesti to si sortim to correct his verses,aefore the were brought besere thepublicis the Stage.

pleas antly add Eome peculiarities of his own character. 1. Vertumnum: . th booksellers shops vere siluate around


13. Uticam When a Worhaad uniui ut Rome the booksellers sentcit ossint the provinces.-Ilerdam . this as in Spalim: Utica was in Africa. 23. Urbis of Rome.

24. Solibus aptum ond of bashing in the sun.'

Adscsaeus ad complainod that Horace hadio ad dresso anyos his satire or epistius tomim. In thisisautiful an finishodopisti the poet malles ample amend soriis forme remisSness. In therars par of itie examines the comparison belween the ancients and the moderns, hicli has been matteris disput in ali ages. e next shows the folly of that excessive lovem antiquity, hicli regarde the time o an persormance atherthan iis meriis. In the hird placeae reat of tho theatre, and of the difficulty of succe ding thure Andinalty he would remin prince ho important it is for them to encourage a spiritis emulation sor opic poetry by hichahel ON achieve-ments may be celebrate d. 10. Qui Herculos flew the hydra Os Lerna. 13. Artes artisces; ne eminent in an depariment depresses by his fame, those ho are inseriou to him. 23. Sic fautor veterum the de is, o extravaganti do thepeopte admire the work of antiquity that the would say the MUSe themselves ultered, o molant Alba, the law of the Twelve Tabies, theoreat with tho Gabii, c. These ereamong ths rs productions of the Romans, and certaint notio be considere a modet in composition. 28. Si qui . . . loquamur: is ecause the mos ancient



Nortis of tho Greelis stro the est, ve ars to eigh Roman writer in the Same balance, it is in alito say any thin sar-

72. Et emetis . . . distanti and littue removed Dom persec

86. Saliare Numo carmen: umu's hymn so tho Salii. Whon Numa instituto the order of Salii ho composed a

i. e. f the oppos thoi frealis at the theatre. 187. Verum . . . jam ut even or the linight now. 189. Quatuor . . . horas the curtain salis for soli hour ormore. At the commencement of the play the Romans et fallthe curtain to expos the stage, instoad flaisii fit up as edo. The play was interrupted in this case, and the stage heptopon to vio for the exhibition O Some hoN, O severathours Horae complain of this abuse. -193 Ebus i. e. ut out in figures Divory. 199. Scriptores . . . surdo he would thinii the writers of thocomed employed in telling a stor to a dea Dass.'209. Laudare maligne condemni faint pratse. 210. Ille . . . poeta that out appears to me abiecto alliupo a tight opse' i. e. able tota an thing. 230. Edituos heralds, to proclaim o record . 269. In vicum vendentem 'into the street where the Seli.'



Julius Florus, o hom his episti is addressed, as, at thetim it was rition absent, illi Tiberius ero. Horae gives his rea fons sor noti avin complied With the r quest os Florus that ho ould se nil him sonas lyrio poenis Ue telis in thatho istis to devoto himself to the stud of philosophy. Andthroughout the episti he intersperses many excellent precepisfor the regulatio of the conduci, an sor Securing a OOdan happy lisu. He commences illi a livel and musing

account of a lave-deater a an example of the verbosit and linaver of that classis men.

14. Semel hic cessavit: le asine in fauit an hidaim- sol b0hin the stair for ear of the whip as a naturalenough. Doering refers his construction to pendentis in scalis, the sua one. The Selle usos the wor cessarit soraufugit; to osten the crime of running Way, hich wa considere dis important a defeci in tho character of a lave, that the sale a made void by law, f this a not mentioned to the

Mecum facienti r i. e. me adjuvantia. daeeli. 28. Vehemens lupus: c. ut 'like a a ging olf.' 48. Non responsura lacertis unablerio cope illi the arms, o forces, of Augustus ae Sar. 52. Sed quod . . . versus i. e. butio possessin every thingilia id, isti, Latiose of hellebore could cur m madneSS,

60. Bioneis sermonibus' i. e. illi Euchleen satire a Bion os Borysthenes is salixto have ritie n. 81. Ingenium: in manis genitas.'87. Frater . . . ille the poet passus Suddent to another topic that of the mutua commendation an prais o certain poets. He Say there ero a Rome tw friends, the ne a rhetorician, and the Otho a lawyer, hora greed O Xto ea chother. The lawyer m ad the rhetoriciati a second Gracchus ;anda in turn callud him another Mueius Mucius as a Cele


128. Quam sapere, et ringi than to be ise, and alway on

is unit and simplicit os design.

Romulam gentem.

20. Quid hoc . . . pingitur i. e. ho will his satisf theman who hi res ou to ain him hipwreched, and Oatingliopeles O the brohen plantis of the esset p21. Amphora . . . erit: i. e. a bad post opsens his poem illi S0mething great an magnificent, ut amusus himself ithtrisses a ad potior begins a large and beautii ut vase, but Produces otii a orthles pitcher San. 32. Emelium . . . imus the meanest artis in the Emilian Equare. This placo as calle astur Zmilius Lepidus, hoformeri had a school for gladiator thore. In later time Polycletus, the statuary had his Oom there.


34. Infeliae ... nesciet: but hemill e Iinsuccesssul in completing the statue, ecause e casmo give jus proportion to the whole.)35. Hunc ego . .. capillo is Ι,ere bout to attemptin Worhos ari, Pshould no more isti to imitate Such a ne than to ap-pua in public rem arti able for fine lacti ai and yes, ut disfigured by a desective Ose.'42. Venus. beauty. 45. In verbis . . . auctor these W VerSes have ery properlyexchanged places, of lateae ars. Accordin to the judgmento Dr. Bontio thu fhould standis the do here. The constructio is, Auctor promisSi carminis, etiam in serendis verbis tenuis subtilis cautusque amet hoc, et spernat hoc; i. e. delicate and caresul in selectin Words, must adopt this, an rejec that. 47. Direris egregie . . . 0vum: bou illisa in great pratse, is by a ghilla unionao rende ne*, What aiknownbesore'; i. e. mali a ne Wordiu of tW oldines. 50. Fingere . . . continget 'it Willi alloWablerio coin Wordsnot known to the ancient Cethegi.'- Cinctutis this means, girdod ready sor action, a the ancient Roman were. The Cethegi ars used for people of thei time. 59. Signatum p sente nold impresse With the current Etampy c0mparing ordito coin, hichiore the stam of thereignin prince. 65. Regis opus the work of a hing ' i. e. the mal in osa harbourri prote et the fleets.

69. Vinar lasting, permanent. 91. Coena Thyest i. e. a trage dy See Class. Dict.120. Reponis: represent, or describe.136. Ut scriptor cyclicus: like that tristing, ain post os ola 178. Semper . . . aptis mu St tway have regares toWhat is connected with, and suile to the age of the parti . 189. Neve minoris i. e. eithercles thanive acis.196. Ble: i. e. chorus the chorus is o suppi ut thoplaces montione d in this and the sive followin verses. 220. Hircum this a the priZe. 237. Et audari. . . talentum and the impudent Pythias, hospunged old Simo out of his money.'-Pythia was a maid servant in a play of Lucilius.-Emuncto cunningly Verre ached.

254. Non ita pridem nor is it long ago. Sponde es ero admitted in the odd places ut an iambus as retainta in the

294. Proesectum . . . unguem. i. e. and whicli iis author has

nails verrit. 295. Ingenium ... Democritu aecause Democritus con-


sidered genius superiourno ari, and Xcludes very an in his Senses froin Helicon.' 301. O ego . . . horam Dolisti fullo that I wam is Phadno by physic cure myself of the spleen in the pring.'314. Conscripti: in Senator. 320. Nullius veneris Nithout graee o beauty. 324. mfer . . . avaris deSirin nothin but sanie. 340. Lamiae tho Roman pretende that here mas a right-sul forcseres of this name ho devoured children. Horace, no doubi, alludes o soni poet ho had introduce in a play ohild that had been devoured by this Lamia, and talion ut of hor live .-Pranso Who ad eatenit' talion actively. 345. Hi . . . Sosiis: iuch a book bring gain to tho Sosii :tho wero bookbinder and booksellers. See Epist. I. XX. 2.

i commit the fame blunder, though cautione against it, du-

357. Choerilum a miserable versifier. 372. Mediocribus . . . columnoe: ieither gOdS, men nor thebookspliors' shops, allo os medio erit in poetry. Columno are