장음표시 사용
47. Pater ardens this allude to a scene in Toronce's Adelphi. 48. Nepos . . . flius his profligate Son. Τ51. Numquid Pomponius Horae does no admit the faci, that in comed the style is occasionalty elevatud by the subjeci, tocto any argument in favsu of iis deservin the nam of poet-ry, since a Simila occaSion Ouid produce a Simila effect even
54. Quem si . . . pater se versum; ,hicli is yo displaco, an angryriather ould rave in the Same manne a he in theplay.'-Personatus in the play. Persona a a masti ornby the ancient uetors. 57. Tempora certa modosque quantit an meas ure. 59. Nor . . . poeto bou ould no eveniund the fragments of th dismembere poet ascis oti alter the arran gement of this passage . Postquam c.' romanniUS. 62. Alius: intinnother time, I may inquire hether comedybe rea poetr O not. 64. Genus hoc scribendi i. e. Satire.-Sulcius: Sulcius and Caprius e re taeo infamotas informers, Wh currie abo ut their indiet mentS, O accusations libellis.
68. Ut sis i. e. although ou may be a robber lilio Coelius and Birrus, Pammo an informer, ille Cuprius und Sulcius.7 I. Queis . . . Tigellius: in hiel the and of the rabbis and of Hermogenes Tigellius may went.'
111. Sectunt Sectanus as insamous sor his debaucheries; and Trebonius soriis adulteries.
122. Unum . . . objiciebat h placod e re m vie oneos tho jud ges distinguisliud foranowledge and integrity.'
This satiro contain Horace' celebrate account of a ournent Brundusium. Hi adventures are re eountsed illi muchpleasanir and the satire is consideremone of his est per- formancos. Orace accompante Maecenas, Cocceius, an Capito to Brundusium on busines os a political nature. It was onthis occasion that the reconciliation as effected e tween Augustus und Antony, and the treat of peuce made, by whicli Octavia a given in marria geo Antony. 5. Allius . . . num whicli more active travellers than we, usuali persorm in one. The gown was giri high in proportion
figuro talion froni the habitis passing the ait ver arbi toas certain hether it a perfecti polished. 34. Fundos: Fundi, wher Aufidius Luscus aete a praetor. It Seems he was a scribe, and ad beo sent to Fundi by the prQtor urbanus to verse the assair oscit. His vanit inducedaim to mali a displa bos oro stranger of at the insignia of the office of praetor a Rome, and rendered him an objecto thoi ridicule. 35. Insani . . . scribet: Quia gli in at the display fi adges bythis Oolisti serivener. 36. Prunceque batillum censer of burning incense. This vas Suali carriet bessere person vested illi Supreme authoritae.
40. Sinitessae: at Sinuessa, a town o the order of
44. Nil . . . amico nor hali I ver, hil in my right miud, compare any thin to a plea sani friend.' 45. Campano ponti to the Campania bridgo,' ver therive Savo. 46. Parochi: c. mbuerunt parochi ere commissioners appotnted o furnish hay, Ood, and Other necessarie so those who travelle o publica usiness. 54. Oscio lae Osci, o Campanians ne a Capua, ere notOrious sor thei Vices. 55. Sarmenti . . . aestat: the mistres of Sarmentus is et living ' i. e. hecis a unaWay StaVe. 63. PaStorem . . . Cyclopa that he would personat the Cyclops in a ance. Messius se e med et calculate so this Character, as u de ep scar in the orehe ad gaverat in the ook of Polyphemus and e could represen him ithout masti orbus hinS. 65. Catenam flaves of the meanest clas&were chaine d and when freed the consecratei thei chain to Saturn But Sarmentus, ho ad run way, is SuppOSed to have consecrated his chain to the Lares, ho ere involied by travellers. 67. Dominae tho right of his forme mistre S was no essperfeci ver im although he had go ciear of her, and was
69. Libra asound of bre ad a Jay a the lawsul allowaneosor a luve and e intimates that ne Eo lanii and meagreshould have been contented with t. 78. Atabulus a destructive indis alled Siroteo. Doer.
79. Erepsemus by Syncope, sor erepSiSSemuS. 83. Quod . . . non est: ,hicli cannot e nume in verse ;although it a be nowna iis externa martis signis), suchas the sellingis ater, and the Xeelleiace of iis re ad Thistown is supposed to e Equotuticum, hichisameae could not
In this satir Horaco attempis oratio that est greatnes isquite independent of eXterna circumStanee and that true nobilit consist in personat, orth, an no in tho distinctions orbirili an family. o mention his Wn caseos a proof that Maecenas seleelsed his frien d for thei personat qualities sincelle hadio ad vantage of samilyrio recommendi im Andiu paya grate fui tribute to the memor of his atherio hau in trainedhim in th pathi viriue, and instilled hos principies into his mind whicli suem to have luid the oundation os his appiness.1 Non quia . . . natum the conStruction is, o Moecenas, non suspendis adunco naso, ut plerique Solent, ignotoS, ut me nα-
tum libertino patre, qui nemo est generosior te quidquid Lydorum incoluit Etruscos nes, nec quod fuit tibi matemus atque paternus rus qui olim imperitarent magnis legionibus.-μ rum quidquid of nil the Lydians.'5. Naso suspendis adunco bou neerint. s. Liberti ioci libertinus originalty meant the soni a re ed-mano ut asterward both libertus and libertinus eremsed tosignis a Deedman. s. Ignobile: ecause Servius Tullius astor of a semaleslave Andoeti his own meritSae roSeri Sovere igniy.
Laevinus, thoughaelongin to the family of Valerius Poplicola, who holpud to anish Tarquin the Proud rom his inglom,
24. Quo tibi . . . tribuno: sc profuit What id it prosito ou, Tullius, o resumo the laticlave tyo h ad ut off, and hec ometribune 3-Tribuno, for tribunum, by attra tion agree in With tibi, after the manne os the Greelis. This Tullius as o lorubirth, and ad been compelle to relinquisii tho laticlavo by Caesar, e Cata Se e Spoused the cause of Pompeyri ut after therasathis Caesari resume it. 27. Ut quisque . . . pellibus e ,he any one is o CraZy a tocove half his log withil acti te ather. The bustitiis orn by Senators e re originaltyilach. 30 Barrus a uin, concelte spendthrist, ho istie tobe though hundSOme. M. Tune . . . audes dare ou the son os a Syrus, a Damas, o a Dionysius 3 These are the nume of Slaxes.
43. Sonabat Novius ad a thundering voico, hich could dro Nn the in os draymen, and the rumpet that prece dediti funera processions. Hu ould by this impi that thostrength of his lungs a the ni recommendationi Noviussor the tribuneship and that he was fit oni sor a crier.
his own merit obtained hi the placeae held in the estuem os
58. Circumvectari dividud mesis. 59. Satureiano caballor in a hors of Saturum. This placeWas fame so ita nobi breed of horses. 68. Mala lustra haurit os impurity, literati lustra means dens of wild beasti' here it is used figuratively, o places of bad repute. 72. Flavi Flavius a master os a school at Venusia, hero Horace alborn in hicli,ere taught reading, Wriling, and arithmetie. 73. Uni quo pueri thicis burtesque.
Seem meret eXpletive here, epitheton ornans. moer. 86. Si proeco . . . sequerer flut an auctioneer, or a collector ache was himself, I should have the mali profit os such
man do by sayiniit is not thoi sauit, that the were notiornos illustrious and nobi parenis.'95. Adfustum to fuit his pride. 109. Lasanum travellin kitchen.)- oenophorum: Wine jar. Tullius, o fave expense, travelle d with his cookin apparatus and wine ar, hicli his laves carried. 110. Hoc sc modo 'in his way, Plive more a m easethan o an a thous and ther of Senatoria rank. 114. Assisto divinis sto prid uar tho fortunetellers. Me of rank,ould b ashamed toto oon,ith the multitudoaround the diviners, o sortian0tellor but Horace a notafruid of his dignity, and could follo his inclinations. 120. Ob eundus Iarsya sor Uarsyas there asin Statue os Marsyas in the forum, ne a the Rostra, here the judges, laWyers, an parties interested assemblod to decide causes. The poet humo uro usi represent the statue a frowning ith indignation a the sight of the ounge of the Novit, ho DOm a
127. Quantum . . . durdre: Suffcient to provent hunge dur
Whilo Horace a militar tribuno in the arm o Brutus, there as in the fame campine Rupilius Rex, ho jealous os his advancement, osten reproache him illi his o birin. Our poet by way of retallation sor this insolence, talies occasion to describerio Brutus a contest that happene one a be- tWeen Rex and ne Persius, a mercliant, Wh Wa there so the purposes of trade. He ives the whole an at o solemnitywhieli heightens the burteSque.
1. Proscripti . . . esse 'he construction is, Opinor notum esse
omnibus et lippis et tonsoribus, quo pacto ibrida Persius ultus sit pu atque venenum proscripti Rupili Regis.-Proscripti Rex had been proscribed by Augustus. 2. Ibrida, or hybrida: Mongret'; hicli epithet is appliedio Rex, ecause his suthe was a Gree and his mollier an Italian.
5. Clazomenis Clazomenae asin est of Asia Minor. 8. Siserinas Sisenna an Barrus ere themost celebrated
34. Reges . . . tollere Brutus ad only haro in illingCaesar, ut his ancestor L. I. Brutus ad expelle the Tar
Tho poet introduces Priapus, verseer of the ardens, complaining against the orceresses Canidia an Saganari and describin thei secret enchantinent and thei diabolica practices.
3. Taluit esse deum: conclude t mali a go of me. When the artifice soland the inutile lignum iansit even or astool to sit upon, he madu a go os t. his is satire indoedupo the mytholog of his country. 4. Dertra tho mage held a cane or tu in iis right hand, and a reed fastone est his head. 6. Novis Maecenas ad latet bulli a palaco, and lai out extensive gardens in the eighbourhood of thoisquilino Hill. 7. Angustis . . . cellis: the odies of the oor ere in times past rought here romthei narrow celis, o huis by their
10. Pantolabor both hos persons oro stili living, ut asthe had squandero a a thoi ostates in dissipation, Horace appotnt a burial-place so thom illi the lowes of the rabbie.
11. Cippus ohen round was et aside so any use, it Wascustomar so the dimension to e marked on a pilla set upso the purpos On the marginis it. 12. Hoeredes . . . sequeretur that this buryingaround might neve revert to the heir of the estate. 14. Quo . . . agrum 'from hicli ut latet me had be-held tho fiold dosorinod and white illi humaniones. 16. Quum . . . animos although thieves and east os prey, accustomed to insest his rogion, eremo SOVeXatious t me asthos lings, who by their enchantinent an polsons distur thestiades of men. Aster quantum, underStund venescae sunt. Priapus use the present ense, although speahing of the stato osthing on squiliae prior to the improvenient recenti made
24. Cum Sagand majore: with Sagana the older. There
48. Incantata lacertis vincula enchante dirae oleis. Canidia tost hercle eth, and Sagana her false hair an bracelela.
The classis impertinent obtruder described, and mos hap-pit hit orT, in this satire, is to numerous orae unknown to Πy, and to gre ut amuis ance notatote deteste by all. The poetgiVe a humourous account of a sellox who accidentali mei him in his ath, and whomae founxit impossibi to hahe T. 1. Vix ci ci this a the stro ut through,hicli triumphalprocession passe to the Capitol. 2. Totus in illis: ,holi absorbud in them.'
lates Bolanusin his acuit os guttin rid of suci sello a t
15. Sed nil agis; bulsou illis ot succe ed.
20. Iniquo mentis 'discontente d.' M. Quis . . . canto who cari an e more graculatim and Hermogenes himself,ould enu In Singing.'28. Omnes composui Phau buriod thum all.)29. Sabella . . . urnd hicli a Sabine fortuno telle predict-od to me heri a boy the old womana avin Shalien her magicurn. Letters and word wore ut into an urn, hicli asthe wel shalium and the fortuno as inferrei fro the ar-rangement these assumed On hein throw out. 33. Quandocunque Separate di Tmesis one day.'35. Ad est Se templum. 36. ReSpondere vadat answor totis bail. Isto alludii sorsu ited the penalty of his recogniSance. 38. Stare: no stand,' o longo is necessar in a cour of justice. 43. Moecenas quomodo tecum in ha Dotin are o With Maecenas 3Τ44. Paucorum . . . anoe he has se intimates, an is very particular in his selectionis thum.)46. Secundas: Sc partes the e condilace. 47. Hunc . . . omnes Wis ou are illingo introduc me
54. Velis . . . eaepugnabis r bou have onlyrio isti it Withsuch merit o cannot ait of success.' 64. Lentissima : i. e. apparently ithout se eling.
69. Uin' sor igne. 70. Curtis Iudais oppedere to offend the circumcised Jows. Τ72. Hunccine solem tam n rum: i. e. diem tam infaustum. '
22 Rhodio quod Pitholeonti: ,hich could e done by the Rhodia Pitholeon.'24. Nota tho mari Ahowin tho in and the age of any
30. Bilinguis: the inhabitant of Canusium ere a miXture
of Groselis and Latins and spoli tho language of ne ither correctly butin argo made up f both. 36. Turgidus . . . caput: ,hils bombasti Alpinus murdera Memnon, anil render turbid the Eource of the Rhine, o mallestiis rivor-god illi a ea of mud Alpinus ad ritte atragody called Memnon fro the hero oscit. 38. Quoe . . . Tarpὰ ,hicli, ill noti recitod in th temple of Ap0llo for the palmis eXcellencerassore Tarpa a judge.' Augustus appotnte sive jud ges, of Who Metius Tarpa asone, to hea the ieces and distribute priges sor poetica excellenceri nil als to determine hat pie ces hould e spolien onthe lage. The recitat was commoni in the temple of Apollo, bullii Augustus, und urnisti ex ith a library. 40. Argutii . . . Fundanici the construction is, Tu, o Fundani, unus vivorum potes, comis garrire libellos, argut meretrice Davoque eludente senem Chremeta This alludes to a scene in Torunce' Andria; here an arisu courtesuu und DuvuS, flave, diape the miser Chreme S. 43. Pede ter percusso Q. e. in ambies called trimeter. 48. Inventore minor se Lucilio Horace achnowledged Lucilius to b the inventor os Satire, and in that species of writing
57. Illius: of his genius.' 63. Capsi . . . propriis Whom repor malis to have been burni illi his own book and papers. See Cluss. Dicti
66. Quam . . . auctor Q. Ennius 'than Ennius, the author
writer of a rude hin o postr unknown to the Greelis. Auctor cannot reser to the inventor of Satire, Lucilius, a Heindorsan others have suppoSed the paSSage aster the word sed ille oes no agro Nith his character. Auctor means Script0 pand the passage reser i Ennius. 72. Stylum vertas i. e. invert the stylus to erase ord Withtho flat en d so sor med for the purpos of erasing an SmOOth- in the wacon hicli the wrote. 76. Nam solis . . . diaeit 'it is suffcient formo is tho hings applaud, as Suid the bold Arbuscula, heniisse ortho stage, despising the rabbie. Sho was a celebrate comedian. 78. Cimeae disgusting.)82. Oestivius Ohis asin eminent poet an historian. Augustus h ad eas sed toto callod octavius. 84. Ambitione relegatὰ fre froni ali aris to gain avour.'92. Puer secretary' ad this satire t what have be- fore rittent this subjeci.