장음표시 사용
59. Aut erit, aut non ill coma to passi nor, a Phavo preniet d. 62. Iurenis AugUStus. 65. Soldum sor solidum se debitum. 74. .r te tamento . . . elum ac ordin to ero illisas soc arripit ut for buriat.' Si Copite obstipo illi ho ad in linod, in ii obsequious manner, as a sinu to listen to hi in Alser' command s. 92. Sparge subinde throw ut occasionali Some Such Σ-pression a this, Ergo Nunc, M. 98. Nurum . . . a dicere e this signi se to et sorinny littis eoin jus to ans Ner the luxv, hi h require tho formis a salisso moneyclo reniter a transfer valid.
48. Noster: c. Horatius. Uns: Mith Maecenas. 49. Omnes Se dicunt. 55. Si quidquam sc audiri. Triquetra in Sicily.'59 inisero . Se mihi.
The do signi the Saturnalia a to represent that equalityilia sexiste Damong manli init in the primitive ages, unde theroignis Saturn. ence during this celebration laves ero ullo et grea fre edom, anil uid, and could Willi impunity saywhut the pleased Horace in his satire, introduces his Quis Davus a tui in ad vanio ge of this se ason os licen sed qualityto tot hi in f his aulis Davus maintain that the wiSe auston is frue, hocis noti et in bondage by an vice or a laveto any aSSion. His CaSon in is So just, ani the truth spressed home O losely that Horace, nable to nes ver, o tob surrit an longor, topillim by throtiis. 4. Ut vitale putes so that ou noe no thini me hort-livud. There a a vulgar rejudice prevat ling, hieli continues even to the present ny that a person re eminent soro in and virtu es a no long 1b iliis liso Davus thought howas notis remur habiy goodis to give an apprehensionis his Lind.6 Et Gel propositum in L persovor in Iliei iche l
be sent, the inti flave, to or on in Sabine sarm. Horace had eight there ire ady.
Nasidisenus, an ostentatio us hiat mi Seri linight gaVe an En-tertain mento Maecenas, of hicli this satire contain uiu mourous account, relate by Fundanius orae of the uesis. 2. Nam . . . di for henes Sent equesting our company
15. Alcon se sequitur ferens. 20. Sumnis ego the table was in the sermis a semicircle. Around the circula partis it ore place three colaches. Onoach of hieli, ero placuit three persons On the first e re Fundanius, Viseus, and Variu S. On the secon or mi lille ne, Whieli,ns the place of honour, ore Maecenas and his t Osriend thati bi ought with him umbroe Vibidius and Balatro. O tho hird were Nomontanus, tho ii Ost Nasidienus ipse, und
coelo, Ni Non ullum aliud magis hoc. 50. Vitio: 0ing changelicio inegar. Uvam Or inum. 54. Autopaci tho curtain S, O Canopy Ver the inhie. 58. Rufus ohe urnam se of Nasidienus. 64. Suspendens omnia naso mali in a johe of the whole.'67. Liae: Sp. num P quum est ad dr6ssexto Nasidienus.
83. Fictis rerum on se igne d protone es, notrio offend thoir
Tnis episse is ad dresset to Maecenas ho it ould See had been urging our poetato re Sume his lyre, nil to producem ore odos . hi substando os his repi is that he lini bocomulo old to indulge an longe in thes trictes that tho stud o philosophy. struth, nil ortu ty. a more hec omin his earS,andaciter sui ted totis ast . II 0 likewis intimatus that huli ad ire ad gained soni reputation asin lyri poet, hiuli it a not orth his hilo to isti by an further Soris in iliis
Horace, havin in his retii emon re ad Homer illi unus uulcare and attention writes to his frien d Lollius ut Rome his rosections on this great poet He vatis himselsis the occasion, whil spe ali in of the morales containe in the poem, to et sortii the orth and importance of wis dom and virtve.
2. Declamas i. e. dicendi arte Terceris. 7. Barbarice. i. e. Ormelen, a foret gner. 31. .Ad strepitum . . . curam and by the ound of tho harpto lut thoi carecto te ep. Cessatum, O Whiel, there are various re ad ings, is u supinae cessatum ducere, to Ooth, O put to
In tho ostr o Rome 731 Tiberius a Sent,illi an arinyint Dalmatia. Julius Florus, io, horia his episti is addi essed, attendod him in his eXpedition Tiberius continuo regulatingi flairs in the East, tillio as ordered by Augustus into Armenia It was at this time that Horace rote this episti to lorus, pseribin the caute of Tiberius through Thrace, and 0- questin t be informe disii various Eubjects of public and pri
Tho se Tibullus, o hom his de a ad dreSSBd was a Roman knight os fortuno, inste, nil eleganeo. He SpouSed thu cause of liberi xvith Brutus, and ad sussore in his stato in conseque num us his and wero amon thos ConfiSented. Fon Loolis os elegi es pro ali lint remni of his ortis These foris Oet nos and pathos pro hardi surpassed by any thin intho langu age. 3. Cossi Parmensis Cassius of Parma. Ho nive lilmselfon th fertilit os hi gonius and rogarded the number os versostio could write in a givon time, rather than thoi excellence.
nnother ere iven, it ouldie considerei a gratuity, and tithe more grate suli received.
In his episti Horace invites Torquatus to sup with him ori Caesar's birth My. He promise a homel entertaininent, ut sthearly elCOme. 1 Archiacis . . . lectis e there Was ne Archias, wellano Musthe manufacturer of the chea per init of heds. The were aliorte than the more Posti hindes. 9. Moschi ' Moschus as an oratoris Pergamus, hos de lance Torquatus had underiali en against a charge of polsoning
25. liminet: sor vulget, es fiat. 28. Umbris e uia invite diuestes.'
29. Olidae . . . caprae i. e. ta Strong Scent.
61. Crudi tumidique illi stomaelis fui and ovortoadcd.' 62 o rite serti the inhabitant os Gere, avin been ud millud o nil the privilogos o Roman citigens, sorseited thurni, a re volt. The asterward submitted an received theright Ofiitigonship excopi tho right o votin g, of hicli thoywere deprivsed. When any one fierward sor ito his righto voting, he was sal to se place in the register of thse
on retirin into the country, Horace had promiscit his patronthat he would return in v days. ut ster spundin thowhole morith of August. he writes this episti e to Maecenas, hyWay os apolog sor renti in his en ga gement. The naturaland eas manne in bioli Horae sexeus es himsulf to his illustrious si te nil, ho A that it is possibi to et o thu favour of thogreat without sacrificing one' independerice, o deseendin toservili ty. 2. Sextilem: the Romans egan their est in Marcii thesixti monili rom hiel, a callei Sertilis. Asterwurd itiooh the nn me of Augustus, mensis Augustus a that hesoruit diu ors alius Caesar, mensis Iulis. Designatorem the perSon hora ad the caro or urshal-ling funera proe essioris a callei designator, the under-
12. Confractus: Anu in his et prim ni he wil indulgo in
re ad ing Thero a re Various glosse On hi PasSage. l4. Calaber i. o. an rusti host. Horace Was himspli a Calabrian, and this circumstanc incroases the humo ur of this sello Nino dialogue. 2I. Hinc seges i. e. this prosus liberality.
tion lupins eremo done prus to resemble coins, and used insis nil of them.
25. Reddes fors ἶ sua: i. o. ou ill restore my cut sulvig ur, thualach luch tbiit Alia dedi s hori 6r0head G c. 34. Satur altilium h n urso it 2d ita destities.' 52. Unde domo: i. e. omanus Gn hospes; quanam e familii. 56. Et properare . i. e. no in both hen to has pn, and when to relax ohen to gain, and when to et o the fruit os his indu Sty. 64. Vilia scrutat hos Cord me uri old Clothos, id iron, undan trasti of this hind.
This opisse is ad dresso Dio Colsus Albinovanus, tho Secret&r os iborius, hocis mention od Book I. p. III. 15. Horace describes himself s labour in unde hypochondri ac Tections inconstant, contradicto , and n renSonribi C. I. Celso . . . Neronis: tho construetion is, o Musa rogam,
refer Celso tibi novano comiti scribaeque Neronis, gauder et ge-
This is a letter of introductio und commendation to Tiberius Claudius oro in bellati of Septimius, the poet' particular Diend. The grunt doliunc necessar on Such an o casion is manifesti sulti Horace, ito te ad the importunit os his hien d a an e Xeus for hat he does, illi modest an se m-
It is notanown who Bullatius as to horn his letter asaddressed Butae is supposed to have reti rei to Asia hentherias quarret was breahing ut strue en Augustus an Antony that he might not agnin belloid the horror os a civit War. When it was ended, our poet invites imo return to Rome and give sucii Xcellent maxim a might be Selal to a personto much incline to desponden cy. Sanadon. 1. Quid . . . Lesbos ho does Chios appea to ou, and
lamed Lesbos, o Bullatius 3 5. Attalicis una: one of the cities ruted by Attalus.'
This opisve is addrussed to the fame person to hommorace ad drossud the XXIVth d of the Ιst Book. e thure allios Iccius illi soni humoliri turning Sol dier, an Laban doni nitiis literar an philosophica pursuits Ho oK ridicules his lovo of money, blende with philosophica pursu iis. 7. In medio positorum in the idst os abundance pre ad