장음표시 사용
This satire contain a dialogiae belwee Horae an Trebatius, an eminent counSello und a distinguisliud scholar. Thopout astis the ad vice of Trebatius, lao counseis him to give up the writin os satires, a calculatexto render imidiotas andio celebrate the achieve ments of AuguStus Horace refusos Osollo his advice, saying that he was no qualisiud sor Eolligi, a subjeci; ut that he must write omething, an res helthed satire, and a no one had any right toto displea sud illi him so satiri gin vices, fi live correcti himself, he houldg on writin in thi Way. 4. Deduci posse could e puniui. 7. Ter . . . Tiberim havin an in ted themsolves, tot homswim thrice adros the Tiber.' his prescription is ver properi gi ven in the imperative mode. 16. Scribere describe and pruisse.'17. Scipiadam . . . Lucilius as discreet Lucilius ruised Scipio sor these virtves' i. e. Scipio Africanus. 20. Cui . . . tutus: ,hom is o cares ians hillsully, o re-sent ii and is holi inaccessibis. A metaphor ahen Domspirite di orses, tricli are leased tot caressed by a skilllathan d but,ince an hic lici flanillud clumsily. 24. Saltat . . . lucernis: Milonius falis tota ancing as Oon ashis heud et heate With wine, and the lamps appea to him double.)26. Oro prognatus eodem Pollux. 29. Nost tam melioris utroque: ,ho an do more thanabili opus, in his hi nil of writing. 33. Veluti deseripta as is ain ted. Event in persona' lives ere Osten ainted, and consecrate Di a temple to Somegod uel a luce a calle votiva tabella. 34. Sequor hunc: by a satirica imitation o Lucilius, hoosten digresse into remariis bout himself, Horace here gives
an account of his OK e Xtraction. 39. Sed hic . . . animantem ut m pen Shali never anton-
62. Frigore te feriat may chillo ou to de ath by a looh. 65. Qui r Scipio Africanus. 67 Ingenio ostens offended by the satirie a vein, os Lucilius 3 Metullus and Lupus were satiriged by Lucilius.
69. Tributimis i. e. per singula tribus. Doer. 70. Uni requus virtuti sparin virtve Only.'71. Quin . . . soliti and et his brave Scipio, and thismii and wise Laelius, heia the retire in privato rom thouulgar and the cene os public lise, ere Ontrio unberid, and sport with Lucilius, hile thoi dirine of herbes a cooking.
77. Illidere dentem fasten his ieeth alludin to tholabi of the viper and the sile. 79. Dis indere: refute. 83. Si quis mala: the turm mala in tho a jus cite by
The advantage of temperate living, in iis semcts both o thobody and the mirid, re et sortii in his satir withiuch truthan simplicity. They are represented a comin fro an un- lettere pensant, ho deliver them ithout affectation, a theresult of his OKn Xperiene and ObServation.
put thos remariis into the mouth f sellus, a countryman os Sound sense and practical WiSdom. 3. AEnormis . . . Minerva a philosopher unshackled byrules, and with an uncultivate genius.'
melle dilu tum. 20. Pulmenturi delictous auces.
with discaSe. 22. Scarus . . . lagois the forme was assisti, and the lalter, a foroign bird, notanown no G ach of great delicacy. 25. Manis: sc imaginibus by uin appe arane e S.'29. Carne . . . illa: the conStructio is, quamvis tamen illa caro gallinae nihil magis distat huc carne pavonis.
31. Unde datum sentis: ho can o distinguisti by thetasto Θ)32. Niet: sor sit; as expressing the voracit of this sisti. 37. His i. e. to the mulleis.
65. In neutram . . . miser i. e. Deither in avarice nor in
prodigality. 66. Dum munia didit Rhilsti assigris thseir uties.'
102. Indignus no deservin to Suffer privation. 113. Ietato this sarm formerly the propert of Tollus Was among the confiscate estates, and ad been meas tiro dout to tho voteran soldier of AugustuS, in the Same manne a stliose of Virgil, Propertius, Tibullus, and thers.
115. Temer Mithout good rea Son.' 121. Duplice intellige ficus bifidas ficus enim in duas partes divisae Siccabantur, et tunc aridae in menSa Secunda apponebantur. V Doer. 122. Cunci . . . magistr& i. e. to drini asae pleased, ithout restra int. The Roman commoni had a rinhin master, or in of the east, ho rescribe the rules by hicli theywere to drinli. Here the ine-casti, a the ni master, andit gave tomach what he leased to drinli There are various rea ling culpti and cupsi. 127. Nituistis have o sared.)-Novus incola r Umbre-
This satiro, ritte by Way of dialogus, is intende to horuthat ullianhin are either admen or Ools. Horace ad re- tirod into lis connir during the Saturnalia. Damasippus, a stoic philosopher, may him a viSit, and in conversation blames him sor not writin and publis hin Eomethin nuru, instead os remaining ille, o retouch in his former OrkS. The discOurse, by an eas transition turn upo Damasippus an his modo oflife This tu ad to an explanation of the doctrines of the stoics, an a justificatio of thoi dogmas. The various paSSions, hicli tyrannige ver the humanae uri are polartrayed with in imitabloskill The whole conversation is interspersed with morat reflections an disse fui instruction. 2. Reterens retouehing) correcting.)5. Saturnalibus the east os Saturn commoncedis the 15th, and continuextili the 21st os December during hicli periodihere a an entire ceSSation fromiuSiness. 7. Immeritusque . . . poetis und the nossendin mali su fers, bor unde the maledictionis od and poets. When the verses id not comerio fuit the poet, he would after a while gelout o patience, and vent his vexatio by trili in the wall, orby seratchin his huad. See BookH. Sat. X. 71. 9. Vultus: Se tuus. Minantis promising ' threatening
principali transacted was calle medius unus and lowor part imus Ianus Doer. The meaniniis, aster that my busi-
21. V er ille . . . Sisyphus e Damasippus Says e a sor- meri a great virtuoso, and could se archis ut curious Specimens of ari, and assign thei value to them Sisyphus a celebrated
23. Milii centum S: estertium.
side orae ad passing into the stomach.'30. Quumst. . . urget: ,hen heiecomes stantic, and beata his physician.)31. Dum . . . libet 'doliat auoi this example i. e. do not
61. Quum Ilionam . . . clamantibus: ,hen e represented Iliona sleu ping, and sieptin though twelve hundred spectatorsoried ut Nother he* me. In the play of Pacuvius, calle tho Iliona Polymnestor, hin os Thrace, holad marrie Priam seldest aughter Iliona murder Polydorus, Priam's yOungestaon, and leaves him unburied. The ghostis Polydorus appearato Iliona in her Eleep, infornis her of hat ad appened, and intreat heroo bur his Ody. Fusius, ho oo the partis Iliona, hould have wOhe and prun DOm his couch, hen Catienus, in the character o Polydorus' ghost, calle out in the wordes later, te appello. ut ein intoxicaled, e lepti good eurnest an ne i ther Catienus, nor the whole audience of twelve hundred persons could rous him by oining in thocry, Mater, te appello. O account of her age, and the relation in hicli Iliona stood o Polydorus as an adopte child, he iastyle mother Some thin that Pacuvius sollowe another
71. Proteus: Sc Damasippus the parties are erillius thelander of tho money, Nerius his banker, and Damasippus the
M. Summam incidere sepulcro inscribe Upon his monument in sum the received. Staberius ined his pontis heirs, and as a penalty for a fallure in this the were condemne dis entertain the eoplo illi a Ahow of two hundred gladiators. 86. Arbitrio Arri: Arrius as appoin te by Staberius his ex
87. Sive ego Staberius is suppose to a this. very an has a right tota res h pleases illi hi own property.
The physician is supposed to a this.
162. Negahit se Craterus, medicu3. JH6. Burathro: to the gulf Os ambition or Xtravagance. 2. Et ludere and lose a play.'75. Nomentanum: he was a Spendthrist.- Cicutam he was
189. Imperil I command.)-Inullos Mith impunity.' 195. Inhumato : Se Ajace. 205. Adverso littore r i. o. the portis Aulis, here the Greian fleet was delained by a contrar Wind. 208. Qui species . . . habebitur the constructio is, Qui cαὶ iet species alias alienas a eris, permirtasque tumultu celeris,
s habebitur commotiis sectandam mentem.
237. Deciem se centena milli sestertium.
238. Filius Asopi the son o aeso tho actor, dissolve apeari in vinegar, orth a million sesterces, and drank it Thisgaue the de to Cleopatra of doing the fame illi a pestri os
253. Polemon this as a thoughiles ratio, ho happenedone day, ache came stom his cenem revelry, to pas by the school of Xenocrates, and went in 1 rom curiosity. The philos0-
272. Gaudes . . . forte bourare delighted is by chance youhit the place oti ai med at in the oom.'273. Ferim a metaphor rom a musica instrument to triste
275. Ignem gladio scrutare to stir therare illi a sword ;
276. Hellade percussi. lavin murdere his mistres Hel-277. Cerritus se Cereritus struch withiadness by Ceres.
308. Bipedalis: by humourousty saying that he though ut
two secti igh, was imitatin tali mula, Damasippus ould impi that Horuce ought notato imitate his superiour in his modeos living.-Et idem . . . incessum and ut ou augh at the fiere enes und majesti ai of Turbo in arms, a to tost for his siete. Turbo was a gladiator of very mali Stature. 323. Teneas . . . tuis te Damasippus, do heepa0urself ο
This satir consist o an musin dialogiae belween the po-ot and one Catius, Iulio preten d tora a great phil0Sopher, and nis tot proso undi verged in the science of cookery. ut hobeconius ridiculous by attachin So much importa nee o hat iso litile conseque nee and more particulurly by exposin his ultor ignorance of the subject ia hic hie discoursus Thowhol is a keon Satire pota that clas of men ho place their supreme happiness in the leasures of the table This e con-Eider an abuse of picureanism, in the refine sorms of whichhe was himself a belliquer. 1. Aventi . . . praeceptis: MiShingo impress on m mindsom ne preceptes, whiel, Phave usi leariae d. 3. Pythagoran Anyti reum Socrates, ho was accused by
Catius, are in generat false an absurd. 13. Ut magis alma a more Ourishing. 14. Ponere: i. e. apponere tibi. 26. Mulsou Mulsum is Strong in mixed withaoney. 27. Si dura . . . alvus: Dyo are costive.)
that clarifies ine. 61. Flagitat: c. olor.-In morsus resci: i. e. to e re
73. Hanc ego . . . halee i. e. I rs introduce tho se os
This satiro contain a dialogue etwest Ulysses an Tirosias, a famous lin prophet. Homer represent Ulysses adsescondin to the inserna region to consul Tiresia o the event of his Gyage. On his return to Ithaca, lysse findathattenuiope' sultor had piundere and wasted his property. A the prodictions o Tiresias had Eo far provextrue, lyssesi here represente as havin raised his spiritato consul him further, as to the manne os repatrinitiis ortune. his satiro
Eerved Ue manifestum . . . te that two Obviou obSequiOUS-nes tomachetor may not eXpOS FOU.'53. Sic tamen . . . versu: the constructior is, Tamen sic ut rapias imis oculis quid prima cera secundo Mer8u. Prima cera
was the nam os the testator and in the Se cond, Secundo v SV,
was that of the principes heir, hich was sollowed by the ames