Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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the fame puniSliment.


punishment of an Lind Prov. 10 13 17 26. Jer. 37 15-20. s. 89 32. Scourginiis ver frequently practise at the present da in the

East, as it Was anciently With his disserenue however, that thestripes ere formeri inflictedin the bach butio on the soles of the eet. The instrument, commoni used to instet the punishment, Was a d. Scorpioris, 'I τ, i. e. thong set illi har iron Oint ornatis, called by the Roman HORRIBILIA, ere applied RS a means O torturing onl by those, holadio relentings of heari; speciallyby cruei masters in the punishment of thei flaves 1 ing 12 11. The application o sueti an instrument in punishing a no Sanctioned by the law of Moses.

in fors, ere appliedipon his bach in the presene of the judge, Deut 25 2, 3.

The more recent ews, si Om their great ear, est, rom any circumstanee, the tripes might Xceed the number rescribed, ixed

three lashes, o as to instet a triple ound with ne low. Thi ieen lows, theres ore, nile ut the thii ty-nine tripes, 2 Cor. 11 24. That extremo nil cruei eourging, known among the Romans, in hiel there a no limitation of the number of theblows, is no to e cons unded illi that of Whieli e re speAing. ecordiri to the Porcian Law, uel a Seourgin could O be inflicted on a person, ho as a Roman citigen. Consul Cicero

pro Rabirio, ad Famil. X. 32. in Verrem, . 53 an Acts 16 22, 25 30, 37.


ceived. The persons ho expoliride the la to this fleet, do notappear o have recollected iis triae character, as a civi Or penallaw, Whieli originate fro the circumstances of the times, and Seem Oto have remembered that the litera retaliatio could nottahe laee, tanti after the decision o a judg on a suit, rought by the perSon injured, and then was neve to Xeeed the Originalii ury. Furthermore, it was by no means necessa , that hi retal


and a, dis TariSOm. The law of retallation a common amon ali ancient nations and was in truth the mos efficacioia means O protectingi person Dominjuries. ut in progress O time, hen seelings an mannersatangsume a milde tone, causes, hieli Originate from ne person's receivinibodit injuries rom another, ere brough in to the commoncivi eouris, On the ootin of ther causes, and the punishment ob insteted on the aggressor, o the Satisfactio in any the wayriobe rendered to the injurediar , a les entiret to the person. Whosat a judge. The arguments, hich have been employed against the expediene an propriet O the JUS TALIONIS, are o no great weight. For instance, it has been aid that this system o retallation increased the number of injure an mutilate person in the community When O the contrar it probabi diminishq it, as a person Ouid naturali be cautious, o he inflicted ound onthe od of another, he he was fuit aware of What might belli consequences to inise . nother objection is that it ouldbe Ver dissiculi, or altogether impossibie, to equite pon the origina aggreSSO jus as uel an no more, than ad been suffered by the injure person Ilut the answer is, is fro an circum- Stanee, he hould suffer more, at he has to do is to attribute it is himself an to conside it, a What he might ver naturali have


truth, there occur no indubitabie instances of it in the timo of thoearly Hebre hings, it is clea that omething, hieli ear much relationship to it ma be ound in Such passages a the ollowina viz. 2 Sam 4 8. 20 2I, 22 2Iing 10 6 8 It appears in the late period of the Jewisti history that Hero an his descendanis,m a number of instances, Ordere decapitation, Mati. 14 8 12 Acts 2 2. It ecomes us to observe hoWever IeSt these remarhSshould carr an erroneola impression that eheadin Was no sanctione by the law of Moses The Mosai punishment the mos cor respondent to it, a that of the word; ith hicli the criminat was Stain 1 any Way, hieli appeare most convenienti agreHable to the executioner That this talement in respectato the liberi exercised by the executione is correct mafindeedi inferred from the phrase

The probabilit is, o ever, that the executioner, generassy thrust the wor into the bowel of the criminat. Lapidationis Stoning. In addition to the se of the word, toning another modeos effecting the punishment of eath, authoriz0d by the Jaws f Moses tomus a praelised likeWise among many the ancient

'b0 maintain that strangulation is the punishment, meant in the pastinge referre t in Leviticus, is notu be admitted.


The more receni JeWisti interpreters have underst d, by EXCISIO from the eople, excommunication and have accordingi madethree species of it. I. EXCOMMUNICΑΤΙΟΝ in the Stightest degree, mi Was Separation rom the synagogiae, and the suspensio os intercourse illi allJews Whatever even illi one' Wis and domesties. A person, hohad exposed himself to excommunication O thi Sori, a not alloWed O approach unother, earer than a distance of our cubita.

This separation a continue sor hirty days and in case the X- communicate person did not repent, the time might e doubled ortripled even hen the transgression by means of hicli it was incurred, as of mali consequence, Buxtorsit LeX Chald Tata Rabb. col. 1304 et seq. II. The secon degre os excommunication is denominaledta V the curae, nd a more severe in iis effecis, tha that justmentioned. It was pronounce Willi imprecations in the presenceo ten men, and o thoroughi exclude the uili person romisscommunion hatever illi hi countrymen that the were O H-lowed to et hi anything, even the necessaries of lis e Buxtorsit Lex Chali uim Rabbin col. 827. comp. Joli 16 1, 2. 1 Cor 5:

III. The thiri degre os excommunication, hicli a more Severe incit consequences than ither of the preceding, as denombunt sed, ad It was a solemn and absolute exclusion rom ali inter OurSQ uni communion illi nny the individual of the nation;


ments but o punishments of Sue a nature, as hal have a tendene to communicate a perpetua infam to the person ho Suffers them This remar applies to the living. It was Sometimes the case, that a lastin infamy by means o posthumous insulis, as eapedupo the dead. The posthumous insulis to hicli, reser, ere a sollOWS. I. The od of the criminal, ho ad been toned, a burni. Burning a a mar O infamy, appears o have been an ancientcUStom, hieli RS, consequently no originaled although it Wasretaine by Moses, Gen. 38 24. Lev. 20 14. 21 9. Josh. 7 15 25. The Jewish Rabbin suppose, that the BURNING, Whielim mentione in the Seriptures, is the operation o potirin melle leaddown the throat of the livin criminal Certaini suta a Suppositionis a dream.

II. nother mar of insarn was the suspensio of the eadbod On a re or gallows. his a customary in Egypt Gen. 40:17-19. Num 25 4 5. Deut 21 22, 23. The person SuSpendedWas considere a a curae, an abomination in the si iis God, andas receiving this oken o infam fro his hand Theiody, neve theless, a to eoahen down, an burie o the fame day. Thehanging, mentione in Sam. 21 6, a the work of the Gibeonites, and not of the Israelites. Posthumous suspensio of this hilid, A the purpos o conserring ignominy, is a very different thinis romthe CRUCIFIXION, that was praelised by the Romans, notWithstandingstat the JeW8 gave sueti an extent to the la in Deut 21 22, 23, asto include the ast amed punishment, Joh 19 31 et seq. Galat. 3:13.


III. Heap O Stones ere aised, ither directi upo the eadbody Ormpo the place here it Was buried Josti. 7 25, 26 2 Sam. 18 17. The pile of stones that was athere in his V, a in- creased by the contributions of eaeli passing traveller, ho added onet theaea in testimon of his aversion to the crime. Examine in connection it this the two hundred and nini Sec

There are ther punishment mentione in the Bible, in addition to those of Whicli, have given ome account; ut Whic Were introduce among the Hebrews at a perio later, than the V os

I Decapitation. Somethingias been aid in respectu this modeo punishment in the two hundred and isty-seventi section. It was properi a foretgn puniSliment, and was frequently praelised among

the Perstans, Greelis, Romans, and Other nationS. II. Strangulation to hieli an allusion is made in 1 ings 20:31. The more recentiaeWs attribute the origi of this punishmentio Moses,aut Without cause They suppos Strangulation is meant, when the phrase, hali Te the dea h' is sed A that phrase, in thei estimation is meant to expres the eastes deathi Whic aper8on an die, the suppos the mode of death intended is no thertha that os strangulation. A person illae surprised a their notions Os an eas death, hen e understand the method in hieli it was effected in have been a sollows. The criminat, a the punishment, accordin to thei account, as inflicted was thrust up to his middie in niud. Λ handherchie was then led round his nech, hicli Wasdra n by the two end in opposite directions by two lictors and while the proces of strangulation a going on in thi Way, melitaleat was potared down his throni, anhedr. 10. I. III. Bum ing. Person utere burn alive in a furnace Which, as has bestia observed, resembled in iis forma ell, Dan. iii comp. Clium lin's V age, Vol. IV. p. 276. his mode os punishment aspraeli sed rem g the Chalde s Jer. 29 22. IV. The Lion's Den This mode of punishment is stili customa in e and Moroceo Se accounts of e and MorOcco by Hoest,

c. 2. p. 77 Dan. i.


VI. Beatin to deam, τυμπανισμός. Thi Wa a punishment inus among the Greelis, and a designe sor laves. The criminal Was suspended to a Stahe, and beaten illi rods, tili e ted 2 Mae.

6 10 19, 28, 30. Heb. 11 35.

Dialogue illi Trypho David inflicted his mode o punishmentupo the conquered inhabitant of Rabbath Ammon. Comp. 1 Chron. 20:3. VIII. Tho Romans, sor the gratification O the eople, compelled thei criminals an algo their nemie taen captive in War, to figlit,ith ild east in the amphitheatre. The likewis compelle them to contend with one another in the manneri gladiators, tili heir life a terminate in his Way, 2 Tim. 4 17. comp. 1 Cor.

15 32.

IX. The Perstans, in ome instances, nclose a place illi ira malis, and siled it,ith ashes A iece of timber a maderio projective the ashes, and criminals of high an were placedipon it. The were liberali supplied it meat an drink, tili, bein ove come illi fleep the seli ver into the deceitsul eap an die aneas death. The Macedonians in Syria imitate this punishment, Mae. 13 4.

X. It was the practio among the Greelis an Roman to precipitate Some of thei criminals, speciali the sacrilegious, into the ea Or a TiVer. The persons, ho ere thus putuo death, ere placed in Sach, and were thrown in it a tone bout thei neeh. Comp.

Mati. 18 6 Mar 9 42. XI. Crucifrion. his as a common mode os puniShmentamong the er8ians, Carthaginians, an Romans. The mode fcrucifixion, adopted by the Maccabea princes, as that of the


this punishment, a deprive of ad his lothes, excepting Omething round the olas. In his state os nudity, he a beaten, Sometimes illi Ods, ut more generali With hips. Suchoas the severit of this flagellation, that number die unde it. Jesus a crowne With horns and ad the subject o mockery, but nothing of this in could e legali done or in ther Ordri insulis of this Lindisere notismong the ordinar attendant O crucifixion The were Wing, in his case, meret to the petulant spirit of the Roman soldiers, Mat 27 29. Mar 15 17. Joh 19:2, 5. The criminal, havin been beaten, as subjecte to the further sustering of in oblige to caro the cros himself to the place of

punishment, hiet was commoni a hill nea the publie Way, and Outo the eity. The place of crucifixion a Jerusalem aso hil to thenOrth-wes of the ci . The crOSS, σταυρος, a post OtherWis calle the unpropitious ori amous tree consiSte O a plece of Ood erected perpendicularly. an interfecte by another at right ungies ea the Op SO M Oresemblo the letter T. The crime, sor hicli the person ussered, was inscribe o the transverse pieceraea the topi the perpendicu

lar One.

There is no mention ad in ancient riters of anything, Onwhicli the ee of the person crucifie rested Near the iddie, hoWever of the perpendi lar eum, there projecte a plece of Wood On hicli e sat, and whiel answered a in supporto the