장음표시 사용
The perseverance of the HebreW after the captivity in thei religion to hieli, have Hready alluded was the resul clites of the lalfilment of the prophecies, respecting the overthrow of theatrigdomso Israel, Judali, Assyria, and Chaldea, and respecting the return from captivity ascis clea fro Zech. 1 2-6. Egra 9 7 15. Neh. 9 32 7 13 17, 18. The punishment of a long exile, Whicli the oreigngods, the Worshipped, could not avert, and thei return, hicli as effected by the Providence of God alone, ithout any cooperation Onthe par of the eople, excite thei minds Hready sos tened by the
concurrence of O many afflictions to renewed resectioni these, and Onither evenis, quali Strihin and more ancient, especiali on the mercies of God.
In orde to keemthe memor of the past resti and livin in theirminds, the bulli synagogues, in hic the Lamo Moses a read
Sehoias also ere establislied in hiel tho rising generation ere instruete more caresuli in the trullis of religion than the couldae by thei parentS. The similitude hieli existe between the system O MOSeS, and that o Zoroaster, hicli prevalled in Persi and Media, may be Summe u in a single article viet that the both disco tenance the
firme the Hebrews in the worshi of ehovah, it Was quailylihely, o the ther and to induce themo adore the Stars, and Spiriis, hicli occupiedis conspicuous a place in the system of thesenations also the orses an chario of the sun whiel the ancestor of hin Josiali, influenced by the example of the Meliestani,had introduce a Jerusalem, an perhaps, o praetis that species of Magian Orship Witnesse by gehiel in the temple of eru
III. The Jews, is the had been excited by the example alone of
thei conque I S, O perseverane in their religion, Wouldio certainlyhave continuod thei adherone incit aster the overthrow of the Perstans, hen the were unde the dominio of the idolatrous Greelis;
period in hicli, though exposed to the hostilit of Antiochus EpiphaneS, the gave ample proossis thei integrity. The assertion, that the Jeu's adhere in the religioni thei ances- tors, beetius the had earn the nowledge of the rue God Domphilosophi ea principies, is OPPOSed, I. y the representations of the books, whieli remat of that period For it is evident si om Haggai, Zechariali, Egra, Nehemiali, and Malachi, also rom the apocrypha book of isdom and Ecclesiasticus, that the prevalent belles a s unde on ancient histor' speciali On ancient miraeles, and the sulfilment of tho
have inrisen froni in philosophical speculations bout the eing
Notin single philosopher had an ideam a God of sue an exalted character, as O be the agent in the constructio of the Universe, ill ΛXAGORAS, the disciple o Hermotimus. his philosopher eamet Athens in the ear 456 es ore Christ, and first taught that theworid was organigedis construeled by Ome IN O mental eing, out o matter, hieli his philosopher suppoSed had alWays existed. Socrates, Plato, and ther adopted illustraled, and adorne this opinion. Aristolle, O the contra , supposed the wOH to have existed in iis organized form ternalty, and that the SUPREME BEING, Wh was coexistent, meret putrit in motion. The Epicureans belleve a soriuitous concurrenue O atom t have been the originis ali hings. Many ere atheisty many ere cepties, wh doubte an assailed ver system Os opinions. Those, ho maintaine the existene O a frame or architecto the worid, sor no ne belleve in a creator of it, hel also tom animatis principi in alter, hiuli originate froin the supreme architect, and whieli animaled, and regulate the material
ETERNA ARCHITECT rom the doctrine of the Perstans respectingHagaruam O the endles succession os time, and Ormug. HOWeverthis mayae, e Observe on this topic,
I. That the Hebrews remaine firmo thei religion more theiraequaintance illi Greeia philosophy, although many receded Domit, after formin sueti an aequaintanee.
II. The philosophic doctrine respecting the architect of the orid, reste O argument O so subtile a Lind that the couldio have been estimate by the eWisti populace, an could o have been applied by them, to confirm their ind in religious truth. For, ae- cordinito Cieero D NAT DEORUM, LIB. I. 6, Such Wa the contention even among the learned in respectu the doctrine of the ori, that those ho ad the mos strength and confidenee o thei fide Were compelle to Gubt. The book of Cicero, DE NATURA DEORUM are Tali means to
314. O THE CONDITION O MAN AFΤΕ DEATH. That the ancient Hebrows that the Patriaretis thenaseives ad some idea os a future ise, although e must aeknowledge their insormation on the subjecto have been limite an obscure, is
evident, Ι. Frona the distinetion, hieli is made et veen the subterranean residene d nominat sed SHEOL, 'N' and - , and the yria Dei place
Thoasilies of the ancient Hebre res, theres ore, O thi Sulaeet, RS, that the spirit of the dea Kere received into ΠΕΟL, whieli is represented a R large Subterranea abode Gen. 37 35. Omp. Num. 16 30-33. Deut 32 22. Into his abode, e re old, that the wichemare drive suddenly thei day bein cut hori, butth good descend into it in tranquillity, and in the ulnes of their
the DEPARTE SPIRIT rejoice in that rest, o much destred by thoorientals Job 3 13 and there the laving hoperio se one more their beloved ancestor and children Gen. 37 35. comp. Gen. 25e 10 35:28. 49 29. Num 20 24-26 1 Κings 2:10, 11, etc. and there algoth servant is a longi freed rom his master, and enjoy a cessation om his labors, Job 3 13 19. That the ancient Hebrews belloved that there a a disser- ence, in thei Siluatio in HEOL, etween the good and th bad,
although it micti indeo b inferre Dom heir deas of the justice an benignit o God, Mati. 22 32 cannot e prove bydirect testimony. The probability, hoWever, that this a thecase, Seem t be nereased, hen it is remembered that the author of the book of Ecclesiastes, ho, in hapte 3 18 SpeahSsomeWhat scepticali of the immortalit of the oul says in hapter 12 7 that the spirit hali return o Gog ho gave and, although he nowhere in expres term holds up the doctrine offuture reWard and punishments insorin us in hap. 12 14, O Some-
were the motives, hieli ere presente to their ind in orderto influene them to ursu a right Ourse of conduci, is expressi asserte in Isa. 26 9, 10; and may be earn also romthe imprecations, hicli are et illi, in an paris of the old
The ΕΗΕSΠΤANI, Who ere discipies of Zoroaster belleve in the immortalit of the oui, in reWard an punishment aster death, and in the resurrection of the Ody at the time of hicli resurrection, at the ad Would e purge byrare, an associaled illi thegood Zend vesta, P. I. p. 107, 108 P. II p. 211. 227. 29. 124, 125 173. 245 246. comp. EZeh. 37 1-I4. There is ome uncertaint respecting the passages in Daniel 12 2, 3 13 ut it is possibi at an rate, that the may be a confirmation of the doctrine of the resurrection of the ead, andit is ver clear, that Haggai 2 23 spealis of ome state ofglor after the termination of this present lisse. Compare Zech. 3 7. These sentiments of the later propheis, hicli are persectly in unison illi ha is sal of the justice and clemene o God, in other paris of the old Testament, ere a tengili adopted by the JeWs generally, illi the exception of the adducees against homthe are defende in the ollowin passage of the Apocrypha Bootis, vig. 2 Mac 7 9, 11, 14, 23, 29, 36 12 40-45, and Wisd 3 1 11.4 7-16. Thus the JeWs ero graduali prepare to receive that roaderand fuller light whieli Jesus hedipo them, 2 Tim. 1 10. 315. RESPECTIN THE PROPAGATION F JUDAISM. The Jews, during the our centuries precedin the destruclion Os Jerusalem' ore ver extensivel dispersed, and the didnot ait o mulie roselyte to Iudaism in nil ille places here trin their ortuno in Oside. The persecutions of Antiochus Epitali nnes promote the cause os proselytism; sor hos persecutions,
ili Jowish aith, and underWent the initiator rite o circumcision The in os aman or emen, a di8trie of count in Arabia Felix, ecam a JeW, more than a undred ear bes re Christ, and his successors both defende an propagate the Jewishreligion. Tli Jows in Asia Minor, in reece, and in the progres O time,
a Rome also, ere the means of draWin number Within the paleo their country' religion In Rome in particular, the eventuallybeeam S numerou S, RS t havera m Orit ut eleetions and beeausethe were resties an turbulent, they ere ordered by Tiberius, todepar si om Italy, and by Claudius, from Rome These Orders, hoWever in respeet to them, ere no fuit piat in execution, Tacitus,
Annal. II. 85. Suetonius in Tiberio, g 36, et in Claudio, g 25. Dio
Cassius 4 60 p. 669. Ample privileges ore in genera given to the Jews by the R0mRBS, and the obstacles ere mostly removed, hieli might have hada tendene to prevent the inereas O thei numbers by the accessiono proselytes. In his state of things, proselytes, speciali fromines male eX, ho eremo subjecte to the inconveniences of circumci- Sion, Were perpetuali multiplied, and areis te mentioned in the eWTestament. See Acts 2 11. 6 5. 3 43 16 14 17 4. 18 7, 13. 19 29. 13 50. Josephus, Jewish War, II. 20, an Antiquities, XVIII 3, 5. About tho time of Christ, IgΑΤΕ the in o Adiabene having
been instrueled by Ome emales Was circumcised, and introduce the
Jewisti religio into his Lingdom. Se the Antiquities of Josephu8, XX. 2, 1-5. Providen e thus prepare the wayio the propagationo the Christia religion into ali paris of the worid sor the Apo8lles. hereVer the travelled, ound those, ho ad embraee the JeWisti religion, and the not ni had the liberint preaeli in their
separate an distant, stili maintained a connection illi ach other, bymeans of the Temple at Jerusalem. For ever individua was in theliabit os senilingo it early a half shehel in money those, howere ubi to visited i in person, in Orde to attend the grea festivais, and those, WhO eremo in a condition to O this transmitte gisis, either so the Temple, oro b emptore in the sacrifices by theliand of inherS.
The Jew of Egypt who inhabite Leontopolis in the distrieto Heliopolis, s rom the ear 14 bes ore Christrio ANNO DOMIN 73,lia a temple of their own though the Stili heptis a connectionwith the eius at Jerusalem. No was his generat harmon in the leas interrupted by the existence of the three prominent secis, whie influenced by thei philosophica systems, dissere so much in thei interpretatio of the Scriptures. When e spea of their interpretation, and conSequently belles eiu influenco by their philosophy, the meanin is obvious sor Josephus, Antiquities XV. 10 4. insorin us that the Pharisees approximate very nea to the Stoics, the adducee to the Epicureans, and the Essene to the
The Phariseos cultivate a very friendi intercourse illi eaeliother, and a the were the favorites of the eople, an generassysecure t thei part the insuerace of semales of high rank, they
and wor in truth sormidabie to the high priesis, an to the Lingsthem Solves, osophus, Antiquities XIII. 10, 5, 6. XVII. 2, 4.
D317. THE ANTIQUITY OF THESE SECT8. 40lthei fortune to Sustes an public Omees the soland themselves unde the necessit os conformin to the sentiment of the Pharisees,sor. therWise, the Would o haVe been tolerate by the eople, JOSEPHUS, Antiquities XIII. 10, 6. XVIII. I, 3, 4. The ESSenes ere a Sect WhO ere Ver closely linhed together, and constitute What may be termed an orderis montis. The member of this sectiso oni live in gypt an in ther Ountries; but nearly sola thousand of them reside in Palestine iself, particulari on the western hore of the Dead ea Consuli Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews XVIII. 1, 5, and lings Natura History Bh.
V. h. 17. 317. O THOANTIQUIT O THESE SECTS.It is remarhed by Josephus, Antiquities XIII. 10, 5, 6, that
stat the Pharisees, adducees, and Essenes Xisted a Separate Secis, at the time hen Jonathan a prince, i. e. etween 159
and 144 besor Christ that the were solarighin at that period,
true, the are not mentione in the book of Maccabees, ut it iselea from the passage in Josephus jus referre to that theyexisted in the time of thos prinues. Ome hoWeVer, SuppoSe, that the Pharisees are meant to e designate by the Ord σι δαιοις, Σ Uri, the pious, hicli occurs inomace 2 42 7 13 also in Maec. 14 6, and that this sed are there calle the pious, Domthe circumstance of their ein destrous o do more, than the LaWrequired; hil O the contrary, ther persons, among Whom aret be rechone the ad oees, whooere illing to e satisfied with adhering to the letter of the Lam, and with oin as uehan no more, than it demanded, ere denominate t p A the just. That thes secis the adducees an Pharisees, ere early Simultaneous in their origin there is ardi room ubi but the
predis time of thei origin is tot inserred, at an rate, O a periorianterior to the days of the Maccabees. It is surtheroo e added that the σιδαι0t, SsideanS, mentione in 1 Maec. 2 42, are aido have been thOSe, κουσια- μ ενοι τρο νolic 'i' , Irri: V 2, who voluntarii fought forthei religion and furthermore the JeWisti soldier in generat, in Maec. 14 6, are denominate ασιδαιot. Josephus likewise Antiquities XII. 10, 3. does no cal the σι δαιοι Pharisees, ut αΖαθους και Gι0υς του θνους the good aniplous of the peoph. The circumstance, hieli is state in PIRK AB OTH viet that Zadod an Baithos, discipies of Antigonus Sochaeus, ere thes under of the sectis the adducees, is noti s much,eight inas uel a nothing of the hin is mentioned in Josephus I seems toto the saet, nevertheless, that both adducees und Pharisees ad their origin about the time o Antigonus Sochaeus, ho a thedisciplei Simon the Just, i. e. about the eginningi middie of thethir centur bes ore Christ. In respecto the ESSENES, it appear both rom hei mode oflise, and fro the reat numbers, ho resided in that count , that