Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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where in great numberS: Ome circumcised, and Ome uncircum-eised The Ormer ere called a justis righteous proselytes the lalter Iarri a proselytes of the gate. In the e Testament we in a number os epitheis applied to the lalter classis proselytes, a sollows, υλαβεω, ευσεβεις, σεβομενοι τὸν θεον, g οβ0υμενοι τον θεὸν the pseus, the devovi, me reverentiat, etc. Acts 2 5 10 2, 22.13 16 18 7 com p. ming 5: T-l9. The ancient enites also the Rechabites, wh were the posterit o Hobab the ather-in-law of Moses, are tot rectioned Withthis clas of proselytes for the worshippei the ne rue Gog whil a the fame time, the altOgether refuse to observe theLaw of Moses, Num 10 29. Judges 1 16 4 11. 1 Sam. 15 6.

Jer. XXXV.

It is a sab in among the Jews that these proselyte observed those precepis, hicli ere calle the precept of Noah vig.

The frequented the Synagogues in company illi the eWs, and although the were a liberint offer sacrifices to God in nyplace, here the cliose, the preserre visitin the Temple of Jerusalem, and offere sacrifices through the priesis. The ther clas of PROSELYTEA, calle the righteous, Iut a, were uni ted illi the reat od of the Jewish eopte no onlyb circumcision, ut, after the were restore from the wOund, that was inflicte in consequerice of that rite, by baptis also.


The Jews assert, that the baptis o proselytes, hieli has noWbeen spolien os, is mentioned in EXOd. 9 10 14. 24 8, and Gen. 35 2. The notini maintain that it i a necesSar ceremony, ut assert, it is o emeaeious, that it ut an entire en to the connectionos the proselyte illi his in ire accordin to the est, so uel sothut hecis a liberty, is e chooses, omni r hi OWn Other. Comp. Cor. 5 1 et Seq.

another, and with the Israelites. Who ere test there, and sol med onepeople. The were calle SAMARITANS rom heir principat ity,


At si res these eopte Orshippe the respective od of theirown nullo ras. ut ein harassed by tons. Whieli ad inere edin number On account of the colant ru's aula been desolute, theyattribui sed hei sussering si om thia mure in the circumflan es of


D326 CONCERNING ΤΠD ALMARIT NS . 415mal, a the embodied sor of the Deity so that theseopte ore led in his a to orshi idol and ehovuli a the fame time, 2 ingsI7 26 34. comp. 2 Chron. 30 1-10. The Hebrems, after thei retur from exile, commenced uitilingilio Temple. The Samaritans Obtrude themselves pon them, Scompanion in the undertaking. The JeWs, who a that theymeret fought a partiei pation in the benest conc0ded by Cyrus, that the would o leave their idols, an cared ut litile bout thetriae religion repelle thei proposais sor an union This a thesource of an implaeable atre in the ind of the Samaritans against the JeW8. The impeded, a much a possibie thurauit lingo tho Temple an surreptiliousi obtained rom the salse merdis a decree colanternetin thati Cyrus. The Jews, on the ther and were in turn greatly embittered, and omewhat intimidated Egra 4 4-24. Henee, While the were pursuin thei labor in the eigri os Darius Hystaspes, the were osten exhorte by the prophet Haggai and Zechariali, tote O good courage mile Nehemiah was erigage in restoring the walis of Jerusalem, the Samaritans trie every arto frighten him fro his labors, but in vain, Neh. 6 1-14. These hings increased the hatred of the Jews. When Nehemiali, about the ear 408 es ore Christ,too the resolutionis removing rom the eopte thei soreign ivessor ear of thei belli te astra by them, Manasses, the Son of thehigh pries Joiada, a ianwillingrio part illi his This Oman was the daughter of Satiballat, the uter of the Samaritans, and Record- ingly. Manasses, heriuSband went ove to them, Neh. 13 28. Sanballat obtaine leave o Darius Nothus, andauit a Temple onMount Geregim, an place theraeW, his son-in-law, ver the sacredobservandes. While e sulfille thes osse of high pries among them, the Samaritans appeares have dismissed their idols. Aster his, ver many of the Jews, hei the had transgresse thelaws, sed to the Samaritans that the might escupe punishment, and thus heiatred was increased on both fides. In the ear I 67 ei ore Christ, heri Antiochus Epiphanes as hing the Samaritan conSecrate thei Temple to Jupiter, 1 Maec 3 10. Antiq. m. b, b, butthe returne asterWard to the religionis Moses. In the ear 129 esore Christ, olin Hyrcanus ostroyed their Temple, JOSephus, Antiquities XIII. 9, 1. Orithemther and the SamaritanS, he neve the could harasse an injure theraeWs,


I. The Samaritans di no receive, as os divine authority, at the Book of the old Testament, but ni the Pentateuch, hiel theyhad received froin the Jewish priest, ii ha been sent to them DomAssyria They, nevertheless, expecte the advent O a MK8sIAH, Johia 4 25 et seq.; roundin thei expectation on this potui prob bl o Gen. 12 3. 18 18 22 18. 26 4 28 14. II. The Samaritans contended that the proper place of Worshipwas no Jerusalem, but Moutit Gerezim, Joh 4 20. Josephus Antu quities XIII 3, 4.

For Ome remarhs, respecting the errore, hi 'li Josephus has committe in his account o Manasses, mentione in his section,

etc. Se the original German editionis this ork, P. II vol. II. D63. p. 27 280.



327. O SACRE PLACES IN GENERAL. D in earlies ages, God as Orshipped, ithout an distinction. at an time an at an place, heneVer und hereVer, the prompt-ings o devotion move in the hearis of hi creatures more specialty however, unde the had O imbo ei in trees, ori ilis, and mountains, and in places, here the had experierace some manifestations of his favor. The earliest ΑLΤΛR, of Whieli, have any account, is that o Mah, Gen. 8 20. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob erecte a number of ALTAR in theland of unaan, particulari in places, here the had been favored with communications rom God Gen. 12 7 13 4 18. 26 25 33:20 35 1 3 7. Moses, and the author of the Book of Jostiua both spua os idols,

Was no in a condition to erectine, hile marchin through Arabia, and constructe in iis stea the Tabernacle, hich could asilybe transferre fro placeo place This, as e ma inser from Amos 5 26, a no the frs of iis ind, and it is furthermore Worthmo notice, that the Carthaginians are sal to have ornemith the likewise, at eas in their arithe expeditions a Sacred


With respeet to the Temple, hich Was subsequently erected


dred dubiis, libout an hundred an sisty seet, long an sist cubiis,

fabout seventy-sive feet, bimad. It was surrounde ora ali fides, to the eight o sive cubiis, with curtain i , made of linen They ere suspende si omrod of silver, hicii reached si Om ne column to nother, and reste on them. The columnsi raro in the agi and est, ereten, o the Orth and Outh, tu ent in number, and were, Wilhout doubi, ad of the ACACIA, shittim ood. The columns in Orderio prevent thei bella injured by the moisture os the Parth. ere supporte on bases of bras N. Near the Op os ille columns, were silPer hooti, D, in hicli the rod that sustuinei the curtainswere inserte t.