장음표시 사용
phus, Antiquities XIII. 6, 9. XVIII. 1, 3. Jewis War, II. 8, 14. Acts 5 38, 39.
II. They aught that the ouis O men ere immortal, a div eli, aster the present lise in ome subterranea abode, SHEOL). Theyfurther aught that the spirit of the wiche were tormented illi evertastin punishmenis, and that the at times ad thei reappear-anee po the artho Vex men illi epilepsy, mental derangement,madness, and melancholy that the good, o the ther harid, received reWards, and a tengit, passe into other human odies, Antiquities,
XVIII. 1, 3. Jewishmar, II. 8, 14. III 8, 5. Mati. 14 2. 16 14. Joh 9 2, 34. It is noWhere remarhed by Josephus that they bolidve in theresurrection of the dea aut that they, nevertheless, heldo sue a belles, is clea from the e Testament. Consul Mati. 22 24 4. Mar 12 18 23. Luhe 20 27 36. Oh 11 24 2 Mae 7 9-11, 14, 23, 29, 36 12 40 45. m. h Pharisees belleved in and aurat the eXiStencem angeli, both good and bad. The anget, that hel the ighest an among
the alter elass, the belleve to have been unerealed. The nameos his anget, at leas ascit oecur in the more recentiaewish writings, is that o MITTATRON. The ighest in an among the ormer
struction, ait 4 3. Luhe 4 2. Joh 8 44. 14 30. Rev. 12 9. 20 2. Heb. 2 14. The belleved that angeis ere the minister Oragent of the divine Being on the arth, and that some ne of themmas asSigned notini t ever hingdom,aut O ver individual, andat times made his appearanee, Mati. 18 10 Luke 4 10. Heb. 2 5. Acts 12 15. 23 8 9. IV. The belleved furthermore, that God was unde obligation, an bound in justice, to esto favors pon the eW8, torende them partakers of the Lingdom of the Messiali, tociustisy,
dem an of them. The ground of justifcretion in the eas of the Jews, the allege to e the merit o Abraham, theanowledge of God hie existe amon them, circumcision, and the offering of sacrifices, Josephus, Antiquities XVII. 2, 4. JeWish War, II 8 4. Justin's Dialogue it Trypho Hrhe both, Rom. -xi. Heb. 10:
The pharisees prosesse to uim a the strictest morat integrit in thei conduci; ut the principies by hicli thei conduet was guidedi this respect, ere in a great degree both Ia an erroneous. Forinstanee,
I. The considere many things, hicli, in orde to prevent greater eviis, ha been admitte to old a place in the civi Law of Moses, to e so that reason, moralty right sor instanee, the law of retallation, JUS TALIONIS, and the divorce of a Ue, sor an cause Whatever, Mati. 5 31 et seq. 19 3 et seq. II. In om instances, the adhere to closely to the lettero tho Mosai Laws, an further perverte thei Spirit by accommodatin them to their own philosophy. Thus, accordin to the construction, hiel the put pon the La in respecto Di ingone's eighbor, the were boundo Iove their eighbor mereb, and considere themselves a liberi to exercise atre toWardstheir nemies, Mati. 5 43. Luke 10 33. The maintained that the oath, in hiel God a not Xpressi named, a notainding, or at ensi, Steeme it ut o litile consequence, Mati. 5 33. Ontho Sabbath, the sorbad the athering of a se ear o corn, heal in the sich, etc. Mati. 12 1 et seq. Luke 6 6 et seq. 14 1 et
III. The attaehed ut litile importane to thos natura LaWs teli Moses liadiso ensoreed by a penalty, and gave a decide preserene to the eremonia Luws, as is the alter ere great and weight commands, Mati. 5 19 22 34. 15 4.
They esteeme anger Without an adequale cause, and likeWiseth exercise Of impure Tections matters of ut ver litile moment,
Josephus, Antiquities XIII. 3. 4 5. The were o destrous os ainj0ry, and so impresse With the de of their Wn personat sanctity, that the littere thei prayers publiely, in the Sight os allien, Mati. 6 2, 5. Luke 18 11. The too a pride in ornamentin the tombs of the propheis Mati. 23 29.
indeed, a ther maintained, illi Moses himself. The no onlyplace these tradition o an equalit With the LaWs, hieli ereacknowledge to e divine but even esteeme themis stili igherimportanee, Mati. 15 2, 3, 6 Mar 7 3-13. ALMCD, Rosh Hash-chana p. 19, 1. Zebachim, p. 101 1. Josephus, Antiquities XIII. 10, 6. The practices, hic Were unde on tradition, at tengthmade thei appearane in a collecte sor in the almud, and in truth with many additions By the id of What is there taled, e stat endeavor to illustrate ome things, Whichiecur in the e Tes
Was eventuali made a religious sis o the ground that, i any one, though unconSelous of the circumstanc a the time had ovehe any thing, hateve it might e, hie was unelean, an remaine un-Washed, henae ate, he hereb communicate the contamination to
the ood also. The Pharisees judged the omissionis his ablutionto e a crime o equa magnitude illi fornication, and orthy of death. Consul the ALMUD o Babylon, Aboda, Zara, p. II, 1. Sota, p. 4, 2. Neractoth, p. 46, 2. Thaanith, p. 20, 2, compare With Mati. 15 1 et Seq. The taught that, i a person ad not departe from the house,
an Rabbini Lexicon, col. 1335. On the contra , those, holia departe&Dom the liouse, Washed in a balli, O at least, immersed thoi haniis in ater urith the finger distended. The eremonyin his casu, Mar 7 4, is denominate ἐαν ι βαπτιζονται, and by the Rabbin ,nu See Buxtors' Lexicon, col. 849. The water-pois, hicli are mentioned in Joh 2 6, appear o have been sed in ablutions of the Lind that have o been mentioned. romthes ablutions it is necessar to distinguisti the gymboli Washings, spolien o in Deut 21 6. s. 26 6, and Mati. 27 24. Indeed the Pharisees ere so scrupulousi cautious, that the deeme it necessar to strat the liquid the were to drinh from the ear that the might inadvertenti su allo Some unclea animalcule, Mati. 23:
The were so earsul faein contaminated that the would noteat with Gentiles, nor indeed illi thos persons, o hom it sellio diseharge the unpopula Ossice of tax-gatherer, and in the triae spirit of the philosopher of thei times, ere disposedo con
were distinguishe so thei mora integrity Mar 15 43. Luk0 2:25. 23 51. Joh 19 38 Acts 5 34. That such was in truth the case, a be inserre both romthe Jerusalem Talmud, Berachoth, p. 13, 2. Sota, p. 20, 3. and Do the almud o Babylon, Sota, p. 22, 2. Where it is taled,
O tw of these classes me hal bries mahe mention Viet. 1)the Pharisees, ho ere calle Sichemites, ne es in WhO D- tered into that seu meret for the purpOses O tempora emolument, Mati. 23:5, 14 and 2 those, ho ere anxious O place them- gelves under triet mora discipline, and were ready to performevery duty It was in referene to the last mentione persons, that the nam O Pharisee a given, hicli means One, hocis desi-
408 D322. ἘΕ8PECTIN IUD SADDUCEES. trine, and furthermore, require os ali proselytes that the shouldbe circumcised Consuli Josephus, Antiquities XVIII. 1, 6. Jewishmar, II. 17 7-9. VII. 8. 1-6. 9, 1, 2. I Was in reserene to this seci, that the captious question asproposed in Mati. 22 17 et seq. vig. shether it was laWsul to give tributerio Caesar The Galileans, hom Pilate te in the Temple, Luke 13 I, 2, appear o have been os this ecl. Simon, ne of the postles of Jesus, i calle κατανιτης, or
II. The rejecte the doctrine O sate, ori an verrutin Providerice, an maintained On the contrary that the evenis, hici, happened depende on the re an unconstratne actions of men.
The held that the traditioris, hicli,ere redolvsed by the Phari- sees, ere not inding, Josephus, Antiquities XIII. 5, 9. 10, 6. XVIII. 1, 4. Jewish War, II. 8, 14.
Tho hel other sentiments it is triae, peculiar O them RS a Sect, y3ut theymetther disseminate them illi much geat, nor cultivaled aelos intercoiars an union illi acti ther I cannot be inserred,
a Some suppose, from ha i remarhed by Josephus, Antiquities, XIII. 10, 6, that the meret received the Pentateuch, and rejectedat themther book of the old Testament, orae does not in the pM- Sage in question, Oppos the Laeto to the ther Books, buto thoseunwriliten traditioris, hieli it Was ne O thei principies O rejeci. Accordirigly 0 1id in the disputes of the almud that the Sudducees are notini attached from themther book of the old Testament, besides the Pentateuch, but also dra arguments from them in theirown des ence Sanhedris, p. 90, 2. Cholis, p. 87, 1. NΟΤΕ. The addueees, in progressi time, appear o have admi, te the existene of angeis, and ais to have embraee the belles of the immortalit of the oul, an in the eighth century, ere diStinguiShed, S a Seet, meret by rejecting the authorit of traditions. Whene the were a tengili calle Caraites.
ever, contend8, Analectae III. Stuo S. 163-l76. that the Scribe, mentione in Mar 12 28 et seo. a Curaite.
senes live chie' in Palestine, the Therapeutae in gypt Tho
Therapeurae ere more rigid than the ESsenes sine the atter, although the made it a praetice to Loepit a distanc froni largo cities, lived, nevertheless, in town an villages, an praelised griculture ani the aris, illi the exception of thos aris, hieli,erem ad more directi subservient to the ui poses of war. The Therapeutae, O the contrary, sed rom ali inhabite pluees, weltin elit an deseris uni gardens, and gave themSelves urit contemplation.
Both the Essenes, and the Therapeutae held thei properi incommon, and thos things, hich the stood in nee o for thesupporton the conisoris os life were distributo to them romthe common Stoeli. The cundidates sor admission among the Essene gave thei properi to the Society but those, ho ere deS- tinei sor a membership ith the Therapeutae, est their to their friends and both, uster a number of ear O probation, made profession, hiuli bound them to the exercise of the trietest p
in their Synagogues, hic hisus attended illi an allegorical e planation the also reui books by themsolves in privat o that
I. The belleved that God was the author os ali good, ut notos evit; or, in ther Ords, cooperate in Ood actions but o inevit. II. The belloved that the oui Was immortui, that the good asterdeath reeeived reward beyon the fland of the ea, and that thewiche suffere punishment unde the arth. III. The objecte to sacrisces rom Stain animais, and ReeOrd-
ingly, id not visit the Temple, Josephus, Antiquities XV. 10, 5. XVII. 13, 3. XVIII. 1, 5. 10, 5. JewiSh War, II 8 2-12.
The Thurapeutae agreed, in Ost things, With the Essenes, but the ol lived urimari ted. The received semules into thei Seet, but sueti remat ne virgins and solio ved the fame mode of lis Withthe nien On the Subballis only both sexes sat at the fame table, the nien On the right, and the emales on the est id of it thtiirmeat consiste os rea an sal alone, Ometimes illi an additionos hyssop. The Therupeutae hept vigil on the night of the Sabbath and in imitatior of the Israelites aster thei passage throughthe Red ea sung hymns, and te sacre dunces, Philo de vita contemplativa. 324. CONCERNIN THE HELLENISTS. Hellenis is tho name, hicli is iven to the Jews, ho rementione in Aet 6 I. 9 29. 11 20, and who, nolint in Egypt, Asia Minor, and Greeee, ut in ali places, Spohe the Greeli, astheir vernacula longiae. The do no appea to e the Same With aliose 'ho rure mention6 in Joh 7 35. Games 1 1 and
Onias, o of Onias III, as has atready been mentioned, erecteda Temple in Leontopolis in gypt so the accommodation of the Hellenisis ho residet there, abolit the ear 149 es ore Christ; in hiel priesis of the Ouse of Aaron, an Levites adminis
In his Templo the interna arrangemenis ere the Same, as in that of Jerusalem, excepi that the olde eandlestiet , insteado bella placet on a base, a suspende by means os a gold chain Josephus, Antiquities XIII 3, 1-3. Onias, in engagingin his underial ing, a supported as e SuppOSed by the expression in Isa. 19 18 et Seq.; ut the representatioris, hichare there iven re noto be so litorali interpreted. his Temple, heres ore, as rected ithou any susscient authorit si om the Jewisti Seriptures, and was no frequented by an other e s hanthe gyptian and Cyrenian who, nomisistandin iis eroelio in the mi is of them, requently untra the Temple of Jerusalem, Acts
6 9. ΑΙ MCD of Jerusalem megina, p. 73, 4. The gyptian Templo a stitit up in the ea 73 of the Christian era, by the
command of the em peror Vespasian on necount O SOme tumulis
thes Ourno throuo Arabia, aud uster variis in the histor os thereimsis Solam in uni David. Persis of this description are de-