장음표시 사용
quantity of ΜΑΝΝΑ was alii iambeside the arti in a vase of old, mnnz, Exod 17 32, 36 also the rodis Aaron, Num. 17 10, an acopy of the Book of Moses, Deut 31 26. NoΤΕ. It is stated in the Episti to the Hebrews that thealtar of in ense a place in the interior partinent of the Tabernacle or Holies of ali, and that the rod of Aaron, and the vase Ο ΜΑΝΝΑ were deposite Uithin the arti of the covenant. The writer of this Epistie, even suppositi Paul Was notuli authoro it, gives sar o decide indications of his erudition to e mi uso Suppose, that he was ignorant of the state1nent in Exodus 16 33, 34. Num 17 10 und 1 ings 8 9. The assertiolas, theres ore, to hic me have res ei red, are to e considere the errorso the person, ho translate the Episti fro the Hebre into the Greeh. 334. ΕΑΡΕCΤ1Ν ΤΗΕ ΗΟLY ΑΝD. The Camps of the Hebreius participaled in Some degree, in that aeredness, hicli attacho itself to the tabernacle Deiat. 23:13 15 Lev. 13 46. his dea of consecration and holines became connected asterward with the counita of the Hebrem itself, hielilia sormerly been consecrato to the rue God by the patriarchs in the erection Os altars, and was no the residence of the ni true religion Exod 15 16 Mace. 1 T. The more recent ews assigne different degrees of holiness, etc. to different regions the ighest to the countries occupied by Moses and ostiua, and the eas to the regioris subdued by David. As to ait ther land an districis, the considere them profane, the very dustis hich Would contaminate arae , Matthew10 14. Acts 13 51 18 6. That place or town a considered peculiari holy the mos so os an other, in hiel the Tabernacle
The Tabernaole, during the eig os Saul, a removed to Nob, between Arimathe and JOppa, si an a quarte miles northis Jeru- Salem, and was uster ard conveyed o Gibeon, 1 Chron. 16 39-43. 2 Chron 1 2-6, 13. 1 ings 3 5-9. The r of the covenant was ahen, in the time o Eli, from the tabernacle, an currie into the army, a captured by the Philistines, an asterward sent achio the eit of Mirjathjearim, siluated on the boundar belween Judis and Benjamin, and in miles est Os Jerusalem 1 Sam. 6 20. 7 2. I remuine there tit it a carrie baeli, early evenuyears aster, o Mount Ziona David 2 Sam. 6 1-20. 1 Chron. 13:1-4. 15 1-16. It was a last remove by Solomon into the tem
9 24 by hiel last ille, it is mentioned on the coins of the Maccabea age; anxit is thus calle throughout the East, at the presentday by the Mohammedans. It was siluated on the solithurn boundar of the tribe os Benjamin, in hii 3l 50 , Josti. 15 8. 18 26-28. Judges 1 21. It is hiri
Tho hil os Moriati as siti ted to the Eust o Zion, and was separated rom it by a deos valle intervening. pon his hill the
the outh of the cit is the valle of the so os innom,
nesse there To the est, is the valle M GIHON, I ma, hicli istes dees', however, than that o Hinnom. Κing 1 33, 38 2 Chron. 33 14 32 30. The approach of an arm to the ity fromisither of these three Valleys, a dissiculi. It was, heres ore, commoni attache o the
Many of the gales of the cit are indeed mentioned, ut thesiluation o almos es of them is dissiculi to e recisel asce
336. MOUN MORΙΑH. MOUΝΤ MORIAH, o whicli, agreeabi to the Iast Wishos o LingDavid the Temple was erected abolit the ear 592 aster the depa ture of the Hebre sdrom Egypt wus an abrupi Scent, the Summitos hiet was o mali, that it id not exten base susscient so thecouris and appendage of the sacre edifice, Josephus, JewishWar, V. 5, 1. It was illi the vie to remed the evit, hich wasthus occasioned by ivin a reuter extent O this eminenee, that Solomon rnised a wal of quare tones, long the valleys, hichenei rete it, an fille u the interveniri space etween the walland the acclivit of the hil With arti, Josephus, Antiquities XV. 11, 2. Aster tho Captivity the Hebrem continue gradu allyrio increasetho Qxtent of this hil sor many ages the movet auel the wal onthe orth, and on the outh and est ais erected walis os immense
do the opis hora illis sin long quare. The malles altitude of the
walls was soli hundred uni iis ins et the greatest, vig. in the outhern direction si hundrod. Iosephus, Wh mahes thes Statemenis, is no alWays consistent
longe to the temple and some of hicli,ere occupied likewis by the priest an Levites, hile the were employed here, in the fulfil-ment of thei sacre duites 1 Chron. 9 26, 33. 23 28 28 12.2 Chron. 31 12. Jer. 35 2 4 36 10.
TH ALTAR in the interior eourtis the our of the priast Wasbuit of unhewn stones, sor Moses expressi sorbade an other toleused it a covered like that in the tabernacle, illi brass, althoughit was notauit With the fame dimensions itaeing tWent cubit longandiroad, and tenaigh, 2 Chron. 4 1, 10.
The vages, an Other utensiis, belongin to this altar, ere muchmore numerous, than in the tabernacle, I ings 7 40-47. The very large BRAZEN LAVER, calle the osten ea pΣα tra, as an hemiSphere, te cubita in diameter, sive deep, and thiri in circumser- ence It could contain three thousanxiaths, and was adorned
It was enriche with various ornamental figures, and reste o thebae of twelv oxen three Dein to the orth, and three to the East, and the other in the opposite directionS. There ere, in addition to the bragen ea ten madger braeterilaversici 'Σ, hicli ere ais set in it various ornamenta, sive o the orth, and sive o the ouili fide of the ouri Theyreste o bases and wheel o brass, ere each seu cubit in circum- serence, and held sori ballis. The est of the victims that were sacrificed, a Washed in these avers 1 ings 7 27-39. 2 Chron. 4:6.
The oor that pene into the SANCΤISSIMUM or Holy of holies, Whic Was a pentagon in potntis form, as adorne and enriched in the fame Way, illi that of the sanctuary 1,ings 6 31, 32. Bothdoors eremovered with a veil of linen wrought with embroidern 2 Chron. 3 14. Within the sanctuar Was the altari incense, vertat withiold, te tables also vertat with old, and ten olde candiestichs,fiv of ach o the orth, and sive o the out fide. O theset les Were place nolint twelv loaves, but also an hundred goiden cupS. The ther esset of the Sanctuar likeWise ere more numerous, than in the tabernacle, I ings 7 48-50 2 Chron. 4:19-22. The ark of the covenant was deposite in themoly of holies. Ita position a such that the laves by hicli it a carried, and whichwere OmeWhat long touched the veli; rom hieli circumstanc it ma be inferre that the door of this apariment stood open 1 ings8 8 2 Chron. 5 9. Near the rh, ere W cherubim, made of the ood of the wil olive, and overe With old. Each of whie was te cubiis Ugh, and eae extende onem ita ingsive the ark, to themiddie oscit, and the othe to the wali 1 Mngs 6 23 28 2 Chron. 3 1013.
430 ri 339. o TAE TEMPLE F ERUBBABEL. NOTE I. The description of the Temple of Solomon, hic isgive in tho Book of Κings and Chronicies, is silenti many potnis,
whieli, in the age in hiel thos books ere ritien, couldae earniwithout dissiculi fro Other murces. In Various places alSO the account appears t have Suffere from the caretessnes of transcribers. Hene the statemenis, in ruings vi.-vii and 2 Chron. iii. v. dono eve Where gree. I Wili, heres ore, be readii seen that it isno possibi to give, in ver respect a persee idea of this edifice. When lewed, a the work of very early times, an in resererice tolli notions hieli then prevalled, Solomon' temple mari considered magni ficent, but it ought noto be compare With more recent specimen Oi architecture.
to maintain the proportion, 120 or 180 cubiis But the old men,
To O great an extent, thei anticipations turned ut to e true, there is nothin stated Which ill nable us recisely to dete
terward sile the Temple 2 Chron. 7 1 3 1,ings 8, 10 12. Chron. 5 13 14 6 Q. The Maccabeari prinees bulli Hower, hicli the cal BARIS, O the orth id os his edifice. Hero rebulli, enlarged, and adorne it, and nam e it ΑΝΤΟΝΙΑ, in honor o Marti Antony, Antiq. XV. II, 4. Alexander Jannaeus separate the COUR of the Priestat a ooden rellis Dor the our of the Israelites, Antiq. XIII. 13 5. 340. Ο ΤΠ TEMPLE O HEROD. HEROD, by SucceSSivel reneWing the paris of tho Temple renderet it extremel magnifident Helegan the work in the 16thbearbesore Christ, nil finished i in a reat meastare, in the eighthbear; but additioris continued orae made to the Templo, ill the ea 64 ANNO DOMINI, Johri 2 20. Josephus, Antiquities XV. 11 1 5. 6. XX. 9, T. e visit War, I 21, 1. The Temple, as it appeare aster avin been subjeeted to the
Between the our of the Israelites, and that of the Gentiles. o the ast fide a the our of the e reis omen, bicli asseparate from the our of the Israelites by a Wali socioW, a to
The quadrangula AREA immediatet a round the altar and the Sanctuata, as calle the our of the Priesis it a surrounded by a low,aut elegant enetosure so that the eopte ad an opportunit os lo0hing in tocit, hile, at the Same time the were Ot Permitte to enter, Josephus, Antiquities XV. 11, 5. Jewishmar, V. 5,