Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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IV. The Baal of Iezebet; i. e. the Baal, liom Jugebet, the wiseos Lingoliab and aughteris Ethbaal hing of the Sidonians intro- due0d in to the hingilum fessi uel and lothed illi S great authoi ity, and whom their nughtor Athaliat, the wis of Jehoram, intro lueedio so great auth0rito in the kingdom fraudati, that se ad both at

Sumni in and Jerusalem, temples, ullars, and priesis. his deit Was

os lint nurne, Cicero κ AT DEOR. III. 16. Was Orshippei chiosya Tyre in a very ancient temple, a Tartessus in Spatia. It was in honor of this od that the Carthaginians, O a long time, annuallysent thes tentii os thei income o Tyre, Arrian DE EXPED ALEXΑΝ-DRI II. 16. Herodotus II 44 com p. 2 Mace 4 18 20. He is aidio uvo been the son fraupiter an Asteria The account of the

Baul os egebet an Athaliati agrees illi that of this Hercules; sine the representation os Scripture I ing 19 18, is th samewith that of Diodorus Siculus XX. 14. viz. that human Sacrifices were notissere to him, and with that of Cicero IN VERRΕΜ Lib. IV. 43, vi g. that the Tyrian Hercules as Orshipped by hissing Thismode os adoration, hoWever, a no withheld romither deities, Hos.

temple, erecte to this o in Babylon. I resemble in iis con

visitation to t. In the lower tory there a a Ver large mage, also a tubi unx throne o gold the weight of hicli, a the priesis informed Herodotus, as eight hundred talents. In the opera CO URT, there a an altar os gold, pon hieli milhonly as Offered, und another pon hiuli rant incens an Sheepwere offered Herodotus as informed that Xerxes too aWay romthis temple a olde statue twelve cubit high. The temple a stillstandi nil in the time os Strabo.



with Baalim, the conclusion is a Ver clear ne, that grOves ereconsecrate to this OddeSs an She is aecordingly, denominated

mean ear are ut so the objecti seari reVererice, viZ the Dei . The worship of this goddess, as ei as of the go Baal, a common in Palest in bes ore iis occupatio by Moses Hene the command o cui down theat oves, Exod 34 13 Deut. 7 5. The Greuks and Roman were acquuinte With the oddes inquestion unde the nam Of Astarte, uni Sometimes ad her, in thsei representations the fame illi uno, uni ut ther times, the sanae illi Diana o Venus; ut Lucian, o WhOever roteth book concerning the Syrian oddess, considere heroo e themoon, uni SVS illa a Ver celebrate temple was erected sortier orshi in Phenicia. Perhaps there ere many Astartes, us


S 410. OF ΤΑΜMUZ AND ADONIS. 525 there ere an Baias. The temple hiel Herodotus I. 105.)seundo Ashulon, and whieliae rechon among the sanes of Venus. Was undoubtedly a temple of Astarte or Ashtaroth, 1 Sam 30 10 The saetis grove bella mentione in connectiori illi the goddes is in iis fis a circumstance, callulatet to excite a suspicion, that he wOrshi Was impure an in Nings 23 6, 7, e hau a very clear intimatio indeed that Such was the case. Comparemos 4 13 14. Isa.

was the ead os an ox ith horns probabi in resemblance of the crescent This statem erit throws Some light O the expressions ita Ashtaroth of horas, Gen. 14 5. Deut 1 4. The Syriuias also called Venus v Uz, hieli is meret a Wor altered

The Arabians, es ore the time o Mohammed orshippe theplanet Venus, o the morialia an eveniri star so called. his accounts for thei mali in Venus' da o Frida a sestival althoughthere is no command respectiniit in themoran. ut the oon like-WiSe was Orshippe by them, an made a separate object of their adoration, as a very wellae inserred froin thei propensit to maeimage of the oon, hicli is mentioned Judg. 8 21 26. Theseimage Were crescents hian upon themech of the camelS. Compare Selden DE DIIS SYRIS SYNTAGMA II. p. 291. 410. O TAMMU AN ADONIS. In progress of time, various abies ere invented relative to the Sun an Moon in thei charaeter of deities, one os hic Was thestor of Adonis. The nam o Adonis, m i. e. flord, is in itfelsa intimation that the uncis implied unde it Theratorie concern- in him, though not tways consistent illi themselveS, agre in this that he was an object of love to Venus, Astarte, o the Moon, that he was aster ard flain by a boar, and that it Was a teragili permitte him, to pend his time alternatet and at equa intervalS, a Ruhade, in the reatuis os Proserpine, and in his origina sorin, onthe e th. Compare the large German edition of this ork, P. III.


The Egyptiansaad a sable that their god Osiris as hiatis in abo by Typhon, and thrown in to the Nile, as ound by Isis at Byhlos in Syria, as sinalty lain by Typhon, his body ut o pieces

an his limbs eattere in very direction Isis, hOWever, collected his limbs together aridaurie them These tomes, respectiniostris and Adonis, although quit dissimilar, ere a last connecte together. For in Syria the omen pent the anniversar of Adonis' death in much gries, hile the Egyptian omen pent that of Osiris in thesam manner, and in both cases the period of mourning was sollowed

by a sestiva of oy in Syria sor Adonis returne to lise, an in Egypt so the limbs of the dismembere Osiris collecte an buried.

The Egyptians ere in the habitin his occasionis riting an epi8lle, enetosiniit in a boco the Papyrus, and throwiniit into the ea. The account, ericiose therein, hieli as sal toae asted by aterio Byblos, concerne the discovery an buriul of the limbs of Osiris, but the inhabitant of Byblos interprete it of the restoration os Adonis to lisse. In Syria his sestivat was et in the monili AMMU o Iub, at whieli time the torrent of Adonis havin contracted a re color fromthe eurth, a thought to e tinge with the lood of Adonis, anda that time the rie of the omen egan. When his color in

the water a n longe perceivable the retur of Adonis to lise asan Ounced, and Orro Was converte into joy. The omen henthe mourne sor Adonis ere expecte to have thei hetas insuitur of hicli the were bound to prostitute theniselves O Ome Stranger, and pay the priue to the temple of Venus. Thicis the sestiva whieli is spoken o in gehiel 8 14 sor Adonis in Syriae is

O these planeta Saturn more than an OtherS, RS ad m


EVANG. IV. e. 16.

This monster os a deit Was represented by a statue o brass, witharm extended, but declining oward the e th. The children to beossere to the go Were place upor his aruas, and a thei declination a considerable the victim readit rollet os fr0 them in t a fumnae place below, and glori in With sire, Diodorus Sic. XX. 14. The offering up os ehildren in his manner a very early sorbiddenis Moses, but the were aeris ced aster his time, notwithstandingliis injunctions ori the subjecta Alia and by Manasseh.

33 6. These ord a re noto be considered, a meaning in these instanees liternit totas through, and that alone. The are ather Synonymo us illi nito burn, and ml to immolate illi hiel theyare interclianged, as may be seen by an examinationi Jer. 7 31.


acter of Saturn us a star in heaven an a monarch n earth may


word in question houldae rendere in the wayae proposes, stili ita identit with eraphim is omething, hicli is ymo mean evidentio the contrary, it is evident, I. That in the distrie of Mendusium in Egypt both he-gonis and he-goat were considere Saered, and that a certain species of the limgoat was orshipped illi divine honors Herodot. II. 46. Strabo, p. 802. comp. Jablonsti PANTHEON EGYPTI, p. 279. II. In Leviticus 17 3 it is no salii that the HebreWs sacrificedghe-gouis to the ' Ies, a Michaelis seem to imagine nor is thia passage tot compare necessarii With IT: T, Where there is nothing


meant here, Sine the Hebre u has no separate termination in his instanee so the seminine. Dagon was also of the feminine geniter, and Herodotus, hosayS, he was Worshippe Dat Asealon, comptires her o Venus I. 105.

This ido is lik0wise ullod Derkoto, Athara, an Atargatis, Strabo, Pp. 748 785. Ludian DE DE SYRA. That the num Dei l et is Syriae, the termination to is itself an indieation. Indeo Diodorus Siculus I. 4, expressi says, hut the goddes Worshippedit Ascalon was called by the Syrians Derheto.



D415. GR OTHER DEITIES. 531 that ho ater of the deluge had scapud through that apertur in the eurth, ut ready pol en os, ver hicli the Templo was uilla Somethin in corroboration of this te of the subjec mu bein sei rei froni the representation ora the coin os the cit of Ascalon, whiel exhibit on ne id a gure fieri elo, an on the ther, a stiis With Seven, eight, or in meri. O that the mytholo of the odiltis in queStion, hicli is Sumeiently ondei sui, n9pears o have been 1 unde parti On the traditionar accounts of the Deluge, an parti on the opinions hieli ere revulentamong the ancient reSpecting ither the mei inuid, o thut animalo the ocean denominated by Linnaeus TRICHECUS MANATUS, sea- colo). Compare Donat in Scheuchzer' PHYSICA SACRA P. II. p. 281. 415. v ΤHER DEITIES. The charaeter of some of the eathen deities mentione in the Bible, sor instane Apollo, Diana, Castor an Pollux, may be earnis rom the reeord of profane antiquity; ut in regar to that of someothers, ve are test in great ignoranum for instanee, L HEDIIT, 'U Deut 32:17. s. 106:37. I appears that children ere sacrifice to the deities thus amed that the were consideret to e O an angr nature, and inimica to the humanrae and that the object of the omage rendere to them, asto avert calamities. The nam Σ ma signis either lor ormaster, o any thing that is lach it ein derive from an Arabie Ain a verb, vig. be labia, o to e master. Is i ha been derive froni it ould have been potiate di a ori T. The Meliestani namedisne of th evi spirites ΠΕm; ut it a ut longilichange into light y Ormug, i. e. made a good Spirit, and wa con-sned to the planet Venus, Zend vesta, P. III. Bun-Dehes p. 66. I might e said is annone hos to tali that round that the per-SonS, Wh introduce the present system os punctuation in to the Hebre texi potnte the word, in reserenue to the ΠΕ of the Meliestani, et es instead of Σ' or in I; or that the Meliestani in the recent book of Bun-Dehesh, liud borrowed the nam frona the Hebre N. The Syriac ordis' i appear toae adopte si om the


Chald uias properi s euiled the nam os hieli is ound in the irgivllubie of the prope Chaldai Word AS 2 2 NEBUCHADNEZZAR. Perhaps the term may be expla inedi a comparisor of the lavonianword EB heavem since the lust syllabie of the word x szar, is Atili ound in the Russian langunae. III. 1 and MENI, ' and ': Isa. 65 11. The Hebrews et tables in honor of the deities, and urnished them illi ood and everage. Jeronae, in his remarks On the paSSage here quoted observeS,stut it a the custom so laterus his time in ali cities, speciali in Egypt to et abies, an surritSh them illi variolis luxurious articles of ood, and with goblet containing a miXtur of ne Wine, O thelas da of the monti and of the ear und that the eopte re omens rom them in respecto the fruitsulnes of the ear but in honor of what o thes things ere done, he does no state. Perhaps cis tho goddes o fortune, o this Ord in the Syriac dialeet means fortune, an 'ura is fate, si Om met, O number, o de fine, O perhaps theido known unde the Arabie or o, hicli a formet ly O

crated in Elymais, 2 Macu. 1 13, 14 compare 1 Maec. 6 1, 2. The worShip rendered by the Meliestani t this gOddes Was the prostitutiori os virgins so that he eum to have agreed in character very mutili illi tho Babylonisii desit MYLiΤΤΑ, b, in hos honor every Ornan os Babylon a bound Onc durinther ise, to commitprostitution, Herodot. I. 199, corni'. Strabo, p. 512, 532, 533, 539.