장음표시 사용
The object of the erectionis the Synagogues a the instructiono the eopte in mora an religio us rutiis, hieli evidenti eould nothave been See ured. ad O the Service been parti ut eas in thedialeet underStood by the eopte generui ly. There is no doub theres ore thnt the relections in Hebre Nere rendered by an interpreter into the vernacula longue and his is the statement of the Talnaudis the SubjeCt. In the Synagogues of the Hellenisis, the Alexandrine Versio Wasread, a Tertullian, Apol. 8, testi fies Hene ver many of the Tulmudi sis mali mention Os his version in very honorabie termS. The more restent of them hori e Ter, Observing that he Christians, in thei attaeks On the eWs, re thei mos efficient ea n fromthis version, beeam hostile to it, and strove to exclude it rom the Synagogues, ut thei attempis in hi respeet ere deseated by theem peror JuStinian. The doxologies an prayem ere alSO, O the re On a vetven, recite in the language, hiel prevalle among the e
i common se at the present da in Christia chiarches, and whie oecur ales in the e Testament. The dialeet in popular se in hiel the services of the e isti Synagogues ereperi Ormed a the ramean instanees, se Mur 15 3
I Was by ministering in synagogues that the apostle gathere thefirat churches. The retatne algo essentiali the fame mode of Or-shi Wit that of the Synagogues, excepting that the Lord' Supper
The si si service a meret a salutation Orilessing vig the Lord beeto Dyou, or ea erae it you. Then solio e the doxologies and prelections the Same a in the Synagogues. The post te thenaddi esse the eople on the Subject of religion, and urged ponthem that purit of life hi licit required. Pr er Succee leti, hichwas sollowed by the commemoration of the aviciar' death in thebreal ing an distribution Osiread. The meeting Was ended by takinga collection sor the Oor, Speciali thos a Jerusalem, 2 Cor. 9 115. comp. Justini APOLOG. l. Those, ho et some Te in the Chureli, ere the regularly quulissed instructor in these religioli meetings and ye laymen had liberint ad tres thei brethren on these ecastoris, the fame a in the Synagogues also to in hymn8, an to pray, hicli, in truth, many of them id, speciali thoseolio ere Supernaturali gifled,
supernatura insuenue, ere sorbidden by the Apost te Paulo mae
400. O IDO DEITIES. A tho nowledge of the existence and character of ω, as augiit in the Bible, as derive from divine Revelation, may, independently of ther considerations, e reasonabi inferre si omthis, vig. that men, est to themselves do no appear o have been te, at the time hen the early part O the Scriptures ere ritton to sorm sucti an de of the Supreme eing, ascis therein Ommunieated. In truth, the histor of mankin enabies iis to assertwith considenee, that o nation hateve of tself ver attaine to sueti a sublime dea. Even the Gree philosophers, after avin Wandere in themage of error sor more than tW hundred ears, achnowledgedhim indeed, a the frame or architect of the worid the eing, that aveo it ita formand symmetry, ut id not acknowledgehim, Scit cremor, much ess widen the ange of thei thought in the conception O Him, a the cremor and ovem is the n verse Furthermore the do nota appeam et, haves has an true
506 ς 400. GF IDOL DEITIES. notion o Him, a tho uter and judge of men, and were th victims of sueti a mental lindriess, a notat se the vanit and nothingnesso allisther deities. But is these iste an serutini ging men, Who Oseel unde Stood O many things, pertaining to tho natura sciences, di notn knowledge God, a the Creator nn Governor of the universe, and the hadge of the human neo, ho is represente as uel in the mos ancient paris of the Bible, ho the wil say that Abraham, Noah, Enoch, and Adum, o i it lease, Samuel, David, Λsaph, and Nathan, o uel inferior to these philosophers, in potnt O scientificano v ledge, could without the intervention V evelarion, have possessed that fuli nil pure ideam a God, hieli elino the di posses. Is h linowledg o Godaud been a mn, ter o ver obvious and asy certa in ly the HebreWs, at Vast sterili time o David, ould no hau sallexto ho themselves his con- Stant Orshippers ut Haest the mos literar of the J0ws in the timeo Antioelius Epiphanes, ould o have luid a plano introduceidolato again among thei eountrymen. Compare einer' HISTO
ledge. ut his position is resuted by ali history, speciali that os
relapse or descent of this in happenei previsust to tho
Mari nations belleved that there ere cruei and malignant deities. The gyptians ad their Typho, and the Meh0stani their
Ahrimanus an innumerable ther demons of a like character, that were subjecto bim, hicli, howeVer, ein taught y Zoroaster, me dii not orshis', ut resisted. The good deities also eres requently nraged, DO So uel indeed ii account of the in and the corruption of men, a through a fallure in the worshi theyexpected, and through mere petulance, an accordingi perseeuted
In consormit With these sentiments Cicero, in his oration sor Flaccus 28, exclainis, in respecto tho conquest os the Jewisti nation, Quam cara diis immortalibus esset, docuit, quod est victa, quod elocata, quod servata.' An hunc in the Bible dehovali is o osten repre- Sented as all-powersul Their deities, in the estimation of the e then, could e compellexto regar the prayers of thei supplicanis by certain incantations the were thought, Oreover, O leep t reS an to approauli to the sacrifices offere to them, a tot anquet, Iliades, 423, 24, 609 - 611 LUCIA DE SACRIFICII 8, 1,ing 18:27, 28. These deities erem both sexes, live in matrimony, Ommitted adultery, and even pollutu themselves illi intercourse illi
in salse deities, of whieli, have spolien in the preceding
I. Altara, Deut. 7 5 12 2. The Mehesiani alone ad nothingbut re-hoartiis, sine the offeret to the Superior powers, hichthe Worshipped, ni the lis o spirit of the animal, an consumed the od themsolves. The Greelis erected to thei celestia godsultarc βωμοι ua, o twent cubit in height. To the arth, the Sea, and to Vesta, tho erected altar of ess altitude an tolli heroes, whoui the had canoniged inose, hicli ere stilllowor. The sacrificet to the inserna deities, and to Nymplis,
in caves uni Various Subterranean recesses. See Otter' Greeli
Antiquities, Part. I. p. 467 - 472.)
baeli on Potter' Antiquities, Par I p. 463. In the progres of time, it ecam the practice to expen much labor an ari pon mages, Ome of hieli ere ad os colossat stature. At si St the were made Of Ood, ut afterWard of stone and vory, and finali os metal. ut hos made of Ood undisione were either overe Wit laminae of Silve and gold, or ere elothed
tian nubis, hiel liud the head of a dog the siris, hieli ad the ea of a bird, and the Dagon of the Philistines, hicli, with ahuman Orm bove terminate bel0w, in the hape of arasti Theimages O Statues, O Which e have no Spohen, ere belleve tobe, i no the god themselves, at eas the abolles, into hicli theycould e soreed by certain religious eremontes an incantations; and liene it came tot belleved that the were subjecto the O
dinar passioris os meri, Curtius IV. 11 Diodor Siculus XVII. 46. Plin. Natura Histo , XXXVIII. III. Ido images ere originali protecte against the injuries
nament, ere S arranged, and increaSed in number, a to sori acloister o covere Walli round the main uil ling. The Temples mere dividet into tW apariments the anetuar and the Stirine, and Were surrounde With a large ope CoURT, in hieli a the altar, an in hiel the eopte assembled, StieglitZ, Archaeol de Bau- hunst II. 1 - 14. ab. Temples ere ad the repositorie of treasiares, an Someos them in oriental countries ere protecte in ancient times by tower, udg. 9 4 46. Altars ere ometimes erected ithout reserene to an Temple, and the ames of the deities, o hich
l4. Diogenes Laertius I. 10, 3. Paul Acts 17 23 has iveri his inseription in the singular
different aceordin to the different deities; the were to e reesrom ali defeci, and mens ere guthere from them by an inspection of the interna paris, speciali the liver Not ni animais. but humanaeings also ere immolate by almos ali the nations otheir gods, Eusebius, PRAEP. EVANG. L. V. c. 16 p. 155 161. Pli ny H18Τ. ΑΤ. XXVIII. 3. Diodor Siculus V. 32. By the Canaanites specialty the mos promising of thei ostmspring ere aerificed Lev. 18 21 20 1 9. Deut 18 9 14. Libatioris of Wine ere potared ut etWeen the horris of the victim, vid, METAMORPHOS ES, VII 59 3 aut hen no victims eresiain the were potared pon the arth. II. rvers. The orshippers, in the intervat o time be-
edo emplo themselves in hissing or embraeing the and and knees of the idols. Great care as ahen, in respeet to the so mularies o supplication, that nothing might be omitte or improperi ultered, and that no ille of 0nor bould e passed by forinnything of this in rendere the prayers, o hiel the persuasive pO ver a attributed inemeaeious, liny, HISΤ. ΑΤ. XXVIII. 3. Valerius Maximus XIII. 1. 5. In consequene of thes seelingso the Subjeci, thei prayers ere utiere syllable sor syllabie, and both syllabies and word were osten repeated a praetice, hieli is condemned by Our aviOur, ait 6 7. When the prayed theyosten ounde their odies, or hou ted an leaped round the altar, t ing 18 26-29. Strabo. p. 801. Lucia D SALΤ. Athenaeus SYMPOS LIB. II. 1.
III. Festinati ere celebrate by the eathen in honor of
thei salse deities ori Whieli occasioris sacrifices ere offered, seuSt Were held, there ei e various sporis and Xercises an Solem proceSSions in representation os thei mythologica history,
512 D403. CONCERNING DIVINATIONS, ETC. those, ho ere initialed an stili it oes no appear, that any more correct religious notioris ero augh in them, than on other Oeensioris. On the contrury, Cicero, DE ΑΤ. ΕΟRUM LIB. I. 42, remarks that they ere oecupiet rathe with an explicationof the natur of things, than of the science of his ods; ut hemal es a sui ther remui k, oKever, in his Tuscula Que8tions Bh. II. 1 that the doctrine prevalle in them, that the Od Were sor-
p. 340 342 343-378 P. III p. 209-220. V. A par of the worshis in question consiste in the prostitutionis semulus an boys and in gypt bestialis likewiso made apar of it Herodot. l. 3. 182. 199. Valerius Maximus III. 6, 15. Athenaeus SYΜPos XIII. Strabo, p. 272. In the temple of Venus
a Corinth, there sere more than a thousan prostitutes, Strabo, 378. comp. 1 Cor. 5 9-11. 6 9, 13 18. 2 Cor. 12 21. 403. CoNOERNIN DIVINATIONS, ETC. In the early ages os antiquit numerous divinations and leight sos and were praelised, and the imposiorS, Wh understoo them,
Wore holit in distinguished honor. I. As ari a the time of Joseph, there appeared in gypt persons of this deseription calle radi ri, in the gyptiari dia
τεις, or hos si ille in the interpretation of hieroglyphica characters. o nil that in the history of the patriarch jus alluded