Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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was ne of the latus os Moses that persons of this descriptionshould e ut o denti by toning so those, ho attribute tolli dea a nowledge of future evenis, hieli elong to Godalone, virtuali disclaime his allegianee, Lev. 20 26. The 0-brew oriis bove quote properi signis the spirit of the de , and are applied O ecromander by metonymy so the Arabio Ain

designate in the Hebre by the wOrds, pon hieli, have noWremarhed pretende that the were able by thei incantation to summon acti departe spirita rom thei abodes and lienee e find that the are coupte in the fame passage Deiat. 18 11, with

tions, hicli the pretende to receive ro the dead. The doled them ut syllabi by syllabie, Sometimes multering in ario tone, and somelimes peeping the a chichen. Henc the are denominato in Isaiah 'zzzara manu thos that multer an peep, Is 8 19. 29 4. The ventriloquisis, : N, mentione in s. 9 3, do no appea totave been essentiali different from these. III. Other oris of diviners ere, si those, ho re their auspices rom the lauri, denominate in Hebre et res , in retu 2 those, ho ounde thei predictions ori the condition of the interna part O animais, an are calle α' oz p; 3 those, hodre their mens rom serperiis, calle di rimu 4 the astrolo-gers, properi S called, ' ΞΑΣ, 'mei . The alter class ereat a late period, known to the Roman by the nam o Chaldeans.


514 3 403. CONCERNING DIVINATIΟΝS. The Hebre Words, o evor, hieli are soland not ni in the Book of Moses, ut in ali puris of the old Testamen Scriptures,are uel broade in signification, than the term sed by the Ro

Is the serpent appenedo bite, not illistanding the kill of the charmer, they aidae a deas, Ps. 58 4 5. Jer 8 17. Eccles l0:11. Pliny II18Τ. ΑΤ. XVIII. 4. XXVIII. 6. These persons, hoare very wellanown by the nam O PSYLLI, are ound at the presentday in the East. IV. mens and prodigies ere notice by ali nations, speciallyby the Romans heiace the are caresuli mentione by thei his

crOS Or quintingisyes, a ringin in the ars, Word spolien in negens and undet stood in another, the casual meetin o certain menand animais, sor instane a negro, a cat, an a hare. ut the were

non os them supposexto e attendρ with an injurious effect providei the were nolueen Valerius Max. I. 4-7. Suetonius ΙΝ ΑΕ-susT D92. Plin XXVIII. 5 7. Arrianus, EXPED ALEXANDRI, VII. 24. Jer. 10 2. There as also a sortis a divination or tot praelised among the inhabitant of the ast by means of arrow of disserent colors, toWhieli custom ne ab notice a reserenue in the signification o anumber of Arabic oriis, Hos 4 12. Egeh. I 21, 22. Compare

sidere in altilaeos, a possessing an minoia significaney, Judg. 7:13, 15. Deut 13 2, 3. Jer. 23 32. Macrobius DE SOMNI SCIPIONIS I 3. Valerius MaX. I. 7. V. Oracles ere consultei previolast to any transactions fgreat Oment, Speciali besore the commendement os arithe expeditioris, ut o Without ille presentation os gisis Croesus, bessere enga in in War illi Cyrus, interrogatet almost ali theoraules, ut received nothing ut ambiguous responSeS, Herindot. I. 46-55. 90, l. Isa 41 2l-24. 44:7. The raele fBeulgebub was in the cit of Accaron He who consultei the


D404 STATE GF IDOLATRY IN 'ΠE TIME GF CARIST. Ilo sacris es. In many templeS, Speciali thos o Esculapius, Isis, Osiris, and Horus, he leptin the si in of the victim through thenight, illi the expectation of obtaining sonae in formulio by adream respecting the mean an medicines by hieli his dissensemight e cured or Of hearin Some reSponSe ui portin to Ome froni the raele, ut produce in realit by the deeeitsul uehination O the riesis. Virgil, accordiragly use the folio in expressi Ons, 'llibus incubuit stratis, somnosque petivit V Aeneid, VII 59. comp. Plautus IN CURCUL Act. l. e. l. 2. l. The cures, that took laee, ere inscribe On tables sor that purpOSe,in preserve in the temple in orde that the riesis might produce them in confirmation an proo of the o ver of their dot deities, Diodorus Sic. 1. 25. Isa 65 4. Amos 2 8. 404. STATE OF DoLΛΤR IN TH TIM O CHRIST. In the time o Christ, many of the praetices, marhed sor heirenormity, and ther equali distinguished for solly, hieli ad prevalle in the worship of the Hathen deities, ad one inis generat desuetudo, although the were not holi abolished. That the cruel enormities, o hicho allude, ore O Whollydone aWay, is evident rom the saet, that a Rome a late solio timem Nero or Vespasian, a Greel , a Greeiun ady, and Someother of the nemies of the Romans, ere burie alive so the purp0Sem appeasing the ange of the Ods. The victims, osse e so this ui pose, ere culle καθαρματα, lira XXVIII. 3. Indeedis interas the seconi century, human eings ere Ometimes immolated in his metropolis of the wOrid EusebiuS, PRAEP. EVANG. IV. 16. The eathen raeles ad in a mensure, os thei authori , t no altogethser, and the old deeeption w0re stili praelised in the temples of Seulapius, Isis, Osiris, and Horus, Strabo, p. 801. Omen an prodigies ere uiso account ei of ess eight linia sor- mei ly but the stili continuet tot carefuit Observed, and are frequently mentione by Livy, Suetonius Tacitus, and Dion ussius.

Αbout these things, the Epicurean Het ured nothing the di Scipies of the Academ di no protendo timvm much ne amor the


other, hile thos of the Porcii explainod the whole o their system o Pantheism. The Philosopher indoed disputed illi muta Subitet respecting the architect of the universe, ut the kneWnothing abolit the CREATOR, the albwiae, an alimowersu Iu e f

The worshippei the od themselves, and thre no obst cles in the way of ther rendering them the fame orship butthe had understandiri enough at the fame time noli subjectoo condemn the vices, hicli ad been attribute to them, an togive them an allegorica interpretation. The stili est to themthe overriment of the wori and of men; ut the explodeditio de of the existerice of TARTARUS O the inferna Regions;

to substitute any thin belle in iis placo. The doctrine, hieti Some of them advaneed respecting the existerice of the oui asterdeath. the found themselves nable to maintain by Such arguments as Ouid e considerei proos and the overtooked ali gether the subject of the dissereno os allotmen to the good and evit, heia this lis is ver Cicero, TUSC. QUAES. LIB. I. 11. The good principies, hicli Ome advaneed, ere contrOVerte ani dente by thers, and the eopte no bella in a conditionto pas an Opinion On disputes of this nature sollowed the autho it of the priesis. Is indeed, an tenet of the philosopher obtainedcirculationismong the populaee, the were ni those of the orathi nil sueti a the simultano iis death of the oui and the ody and the dental o a divine Providendo, Pliny, HISΤ ΝΑΤ. Lib. II. 2. VII. 56. As respects ome of the morat uties, the philosophers may

but 0w desidient tho were aster ali, ill e Soen, hen it is remni ked that the made the honor, utilit anil propriet of γiton the tale of thei mora mori or demerit, and permitte thepraeli re os fornication the prostitution o boys, the expoSure fchildi und the uti sed os nomios Tho Stoles defendet thepractio os sui ei de in istud On the sternes a pathy, and joinui Withthe insonis in recommendita a contemplative lis . A Such nlisse id nol fuit illi ho delings nil praetice of the rea bullios man kind thes philosopher indulged ni in intercoui se ithone nother But even i the had been unanimous, in teuching a


ῆ 405 F IMAGE, MADE FOR ACRED PURPOSES 517system os morais, hicli might e considerei perseet, there ould have been a an Os Ometh in stili there ould avo been a Want of motrues, o incitem enis, O insuence them and thei discipies, o ut it into practice. Whene Cicero complains, that thedoctrines of these philosopher Uere ruther the ostentation os Iearning than the prompter an la of thei conduci, TUSCUL.

thos of ehovali and thos os salse deities; hieli speciali in the histor of theatrigdona o Israel, 2,ing 10 29. 13 2, 11. 14:24, are caresuli distinguished rom eaeli ther. Both were interdicto to the Hebrews, o the were considere a bein indange of attributing Om inherent meac to thos os ehovah, as ei as of tho ther uities, Exod 32 4 Deut 13 2 3. 4 12

The mage of Jehovali,ere, I. Theia , mentione in Exod 32 4 5 and the wo calves erected by eroboam in the cities of Dan and Bethel. Theywere made in imitation of the wo celebrate livin bulis in Egypt viet Apis a Memphis an Mnevis at Heliopolis Thesecalves are sal to e old in the fame sense, that the able and Alta are sal toae o, i. e. overed With old. II. The Ephod Umideon. his certainly a no the Sace dotat arment, calle an Ephod sor uehis arment eould nothave been ad os old, hieli is represente to avo been thecas With the Ephod in question, Judg. 6 25 33 8 24-27. RWa a plece of ood, sculpture in the lihenes of an Ephod, and vered illi old. In confirmatio of this ien', it a be o served that the wor mi is sed, Isa. 30 22, sor a covering or Superficies of old. III. The mage of Ioah in motant Ephraim; hicli is expreM-lymaid tot an image of Juliovali, Judg 17 3 13 18 3, 6, 15-31. Noli, properi so called, ceu unde disserent ames, hi chRre Sometimes intere iunge with ach ther. The words mando an mage or em are genera terms, hicli are applied to idol an emgies sor aere piar se of an hind the orci


easit rolled with a contemptuous allusion, at the Sume time, O the round an volubio excrements of eertain brute animais. ealso sinit ther contemptuous ames sor idols, viz. Te an boni nation and 'bre, an appellatio appliedo idols, ori account of their eal nes8. Jehovah, on the contra , is termed i z the

tWeen Seconi and origina causes, Orohat a be termed the permission os God in liis Provid0ne an his immedint agen , hichi common amon Oriental rit ors, the star are sat in Deut 4:19, to e distributed mong the nations as Objects of their o


go is sor, o eve frequently the Singular in may be thus used, it is certain that the plurat, Vig. 'rina, is neve employed in reserene to the Stai S. Nor is nother rendering whicli is ome- times iven, Vig the Od O armies, a correet One. It is true, thul, ut a Ver ancient period the Hebrews were denominated

houses, and orshippe bim illi libations and with the burning of incense, Strabo, p. 784. Comp. Jer. 19 13. Zeph. 1 5. esia that a cil Was consecrate to the uia in gypt in the timeos oseph, and that men os distinguishu ranti ere et par tollis serviee Gen. I 45 50 46 20. The cit to hieli e allude, vi g. Heliopolis, in Hebre v v and 79, was a place of Ole, sodale a the time os eremiali, se cha p. 43 13, in con Sequence


520 D407. O THE SUN AND TUR GOD BAAL. that luminary one os these obelistis is stili remaining pon ita base the ther are prostratei and rohen, Niebulli 's Traveis I. 98, 99. Strabo, p. 805. Abdollatis in Jatin's Arabic Chrestomathy, p. 13 et Seq. It is hos monuments of superstition, obeti sies, although per-haps malle in sige, hicli are meant by the wordis Nam, and

whicli although the were interdicted by Moses, Lev. 26 30,)Were, Ot illistanding, at a subsequent perio erected by his count men Isa. 17 8. 27 9. EZ0k. 6 4 6 2 Chron. 14 5. V learia froni 2 Chron. 34 4-7, that these obelislis ereerected on the altar o Baal; the were os course consecratedio the uia, sine Baal, especiali When it is read in connectionwith Astarte or Ashtaroth, i. e. the oon, means the sun sor instane in udg. 2 13. 10 6. 1 Sam 7 4. 12 10 also in Iings 23 5, here the expression eri es , In the sun Baal, remota plexi gether. Baal ad 3 In moreover, hicli is mentioned, osti. 11:17. 12 7 13 5, is evidently the fame illi the se of the sun, whiel sormeri existe in Syria, and was calle by the Greelis

HELIOPOLIS here at this da amid iis ruitis, hieli no bear thenam os Baalbeli are Ound the remain os a mos magnificent


Baal Samen, a deit of the Phenistians, ulogige in the fragments of Saneoninthon, is no thor than ret: τ the Lor of heaven, i. e. the uia. It is stated by Macrobius, Saturnal. I. 23.)that the uia in his character os deit Was represented in thecitius amet Heliopolis both in Syria and gypt by the mage of an uiabeni ded ovili. His rightiand like thuti a charioteor, asin an elevate postiare, and sustainexa hip his est an graspeditio hunderboli. his idolatrous effig was overe throughout with gold. Tho hieroglyphica characters, hieli an e traee o the


ῆ 08. O OTHER BAAL OR BAALIM. 52land ex to the Amsubaspands, the reates of ut the divinities indeo the supposed hi in orae theiod or rosidtine of one of thoni Zen Avesta, P. II p. 23 l. The describe the chariotis the wu, a bella of a hii color, and wreathed garland of 0w0rs. The saere horses ere hi te also, of the Nisean bre0d, and oti in number. The tongue os the chariot, o hiel the were sustened, ascovere With old Xenophon, CYROPAED. VIII 3, 6. Zend vesta. P. II p. 264. Amon an Manasses, the predecessors of hin Josiali, who lived belween 699-642 es ore Christ, an consequently besore the timeo Zoroaster, place a hario of this in besore tho gat of the Temple a Jerusalem 'hieli asturn by the orde of Josiali, their successor 2 ing 23 11. Such was the religiolis veneration of the Meliestant so the sun that the dii no pra Without turning theirsae toward him. The salute his risin beam With song of praise, bolding in thei hands, at the fame time, a BARSOM, i. e. a un- die of branches, alien si Om the omegranate me, the tamarish, and the palm. Comp. Egeh. 8 16 17. 408. O OTHER BAAL OR BAALIM. The or Barit, beta, properi signisse a m ter Iord, o hu8band It omelime occurred, in the popular mode Of speech, sordehovali himself, Hos 2 16. ut it is in genera the nam os the sun a appeare in the precedin Section, Or of the salse dei-tieso and we aecordingi sta it in the plural Orm, viz. Baalim, bra Judg. 2 11. 3 7 8 33. 10 6, 10. I Sum 7 4. 12 10, etc. Comp. 1 Cor. 8 5. Man cities ere distinguished by bearing thenam os ome do deity that was thus called sor instance, Baa Phraetim no sar rom erusalem; Baa Hagor in the tribe of Ephraim Thamar in that o Benjaminu Baa Hermon beyond


Heroopolis, here Typhon is sal to have been strue dea withlighining This Baal then a Typhon As respect the thera, although the are involvet in obscuri , ema perhap come to the

I. Baa Peor, c d zz. his as a god of the Moabites. The me bound thei temples illi gariand in his honor aridit as a the stirine of this corrupi deity that th Moabitisti momen, in orde to do him reverenco, parte with their virtve, Number 25:

III. Baa Zebub Iria beta This od ad a Templo os omenote in the cit os tiron 2 ing 1 2. He was the tutelary deity, thut protected the eopte Dor the infestations os gnats. The inhabitant of Olympia an Elis ad in ille manner, heir ως πο- ος The Trojans thei Apollo ηχίνθιος, o called froni his having destroye mice; the inhabitant of Mount et their Hercules

vi κ. of the uiri visibi firmament, os homo have spolien in

another Place.