장음표시 사용
ς 391 F THE SACRED MIL. 493 increaSe there a another ahen calle the frat, obit 1 7. Thelalter elonge to God, a the uter of the state, and was assigned by Him as a sor os Salary to the Levites, o thei services both sacre an civit, Leu 27 30. Num. 18 20-24. Deut 14 22, 23. Neh. 3 5, 12. The tythe of the fruits of the eurth could eredeeme in eas arasti par of the estimated value a addet to the whole amount in s much a the redeemer a therebo si eod romthe Xpense Os transportation. ut his libert was not iven in respectat the Uthe of heep, goais, and catile, Lev. 27 3 l. The tentii of the fruit anil grain was easti estimated. Inregard O animais, the eremon Was his. The passedisne by one bes re a Servant ii numbere them, an designated ver tenthone by a rod, hici he hel in his and Is anothe was ster-ward substitute in place of the orae then designated the both
set to the Levites, Leviticus 27 32, 33. comp. Jer. 33 13. Egeh. 20 37, 38.
of the myrrh and cassia, and two hundred and fift of the cinnamon an calamus. his iniment, hic could o be applied in nyothe way than hos mentione at the ea of this section under penalty os excision rom the eopte conferre an honor On the person and thing anointed With it. Exod 30 20 33.
The person, ho confirme his assertiori by a voluntar oath, pronounce the sanie With his right an elevated. Sometimesthe wearer omitte the imprecation, as f he were fruid, and shuddere to ulter it, although it a from ther Ources, Suff
It is to e recollected that the remurtis hicli ave o been made, appl to the person, ho ut tere themath himself of his own accord When an ath Was eaea ted Whethori a judge or another, the person, Wh exacte it pia themath in Orm and the person, toWhom it a piat, responde by saying, iure, ure, o et se e orgave his response in ther expressioris of like impori, uel as ob
to the poliat inquire os, umber 5 22. Mati. 26 63. I should
A the oath was an appen to God, Lev. 19 12. Dout 6 13,3 the tali in os, salsemath was deemed a uinous crime, and per jury, necordingly, a sorbidden in thos 'Oriis, thou hait no tali the numeos the Lord thyiod in clis i. e. hul not ait God o Witnes in pretende confirmationis a salse hood, Exod. 20 6. It was a common thin in gypt in the time o Joseph, toswea by the life of the Ling, Gen. 42 15 and this practice pre-
The Jews, in the time o Christ, ere in the habiti sWHaring by the altar, b Ierusalem, by heaven by the arra by thenaselves bythtii heari, by the sold of the Temple by sacrisces, etc. Because thenam o God was no mentioned in these allis, the considered them,as imposing ut mali is any obligation, Martialis, EPIGRA ΜΑΤ. XI. 95. And we, uecordingly, sind that the Saviour ahes occasion to in veigh in decide terms, against suci, aris of deception, Mati. 5 33 37. 23 16-22. It is againstiaths of this ind, and these alone, not against an ath utiere in Sincerity that he expresses his dis- pleas ure, an prohibit them This is olear, sine he himself consentexto ake ponaim the solemnit os an ath, Mati. 26 63 and sine Paul himself, in more than ne instance, ulter an adjuration. Compare Rom. 9 1. 2 Cor. 1 23. In the primitive period of thei history the HebreWs religio asty observe an ath, Josti. 9 14, 15. but e find that in later times, the were osten accused by the prophet os per jury. Aster the Captivi ty the Jewsaeeam again celebrate so thei scrupulous observ- ance of What the had swOrn to but corruption OOn increased among them the revived the old sorins the word Without the meaning ;and acquired amon ad nations the reputationis per jurers.
crate Omething o God, orri do omethin in his service an to his honor, hicli, without uel promises, the dii no seel themselves bound o do. The design of these Vows as in Ome aSES, O eX-pres the thankfulnes of those, ho made them, o God in thera, to obtain favor and mere frommim. The earlies vow of hieli, have any aedount in the Scriptures, is that of Jacob, mentioned in Genesis, 28 22 an sine it was observed by his posterily, it as sis litile se in preservin the rue knowledge of God Other vows it may et be supposed cherishedand increased pious seelings. Moses, sor religious purposes, confirme the vows, hichaad been made in ancient times, and whieli hau in been observe in subsequent ages, had acquiret a Sor os rescriptive tithoi ity. ut themul in o ne voWsa individuals h does no appear O have en- couraged although e insiste on a scrupulous sulfilment of themwhen made, Deut 23 23, 24. I should e observed however, thath permitted in certa in cases the redemptionis a voW, Lev. 27:125, and conserre the oKerin the ather and the hvsband of -- nulling the vow of a daughter, ori Wise, Num 30 2-17. VOws ere ultered audit,ly, and as appears, si om Num 30 3, 11, 14, ere confirmed by an ath. Compare Deut 24 23. Judg. 11:35, 36. s. 66 14. Muti. 15 5. Vows ero etther I a Jrmative, stricti so called by whicli properi os various Liniis, and men thenaseives might e consecratedio God and whieli, re ea pabie os redemption, With the exceptionos hat was devoted by the voW, callei in Hebre Σῖ and of animal prope sor aerisces; or 2 negative, by hieli abstinence aspromised rom certa in hings in thenaseives a sui, and whicli eredὐ nominat Od z re, a resti aint ori the appetite. The principalamong the last classis vows was that of the agarites.
Animais, hicli ere fit sor sacrifices, and whic Were devotedio God by this vom, ere to e sacrisced, ut those, hicli ere excluded rom the altar, ere tot sol accordin to the valvationes a priest the couldae redeemed hoWever, by the additionat payment of a sisti par of the valvation. The meri ho ere thus devoted beeam Servant in the Tabernaclem Temple urales they
Money, ands, and Ouges, hicli ad been ad the subjects of this Ow, ecum the propert of the Tabernacle or the Temple; excepting that the land might be redeemedies ore the year of Jubdee, Lev. 27 1-24. Og the noto cade Cherem. The voW, called Iri, i. e. the accursed hing, was no introduced by Moses de novo, but was an ancient custom hicha thought properto retain, in orde thut e might no deprive imself of the good, whiel a times might be expecte to aris from ivin an exampleos sormidabie severity, Exod 17 14. Num 21 2. Deut 2 32, 34. 3 1-8. 13 14, 15 comp. Judg. 20 47, 48. I the vo o Cherem Were utiere in respecto an nemy, it implied the wides destruction, and it a sacrilege so the conquering arm to appropriate isitself any of the lunder, osti. 6 17 19 7 1, 26. In a seWinStaneeS, it appears that the ocks and ome ther os the spolis Meremo destroyed Deut 2 32, 34. 3 1-8. Josti. 8 2. y the vo
o Cherem, therwis calle the irrevocabie curse Sometime seldS, animais, an individual of the human species ere devoted. It MdeSigned in iis operation pon men to bearini upon the iched, Who ere thereb made an example to thers. Compare 1 Sam.
parent bound the hild by the o of a Nagarite, even es ore ita birth. his a the case in respectu Samson and Joh the Baptis Judg. 13 2-5, 12-23. Line 1 13 15. his o sonaetimesiasted through lisse,aut so the mos part was limite in iis operationto a definite period. The custom relative to the Nugarite pre- valle besore the daysis Moses, hocin Leu 25 25, borro ed expression from them, bes ore the publicationi his laWin the subject in
Is the Nagarite, hether male or emale, ra, sor
Pray0rs in the hildhood of the human race, ere nothin more stan the mere unspolieri emotioris, hicli,ere naturali inspired by reverene toWard God by ear, o by gratitude. It was not, illis subsequent period that the were embodie in language, and that wpplications ere adde to the Xercise of these imple emotioris,
Gen. 12 8 21 33 24 26 48. 26 25 32 9 12. Moses est the subjee of praye to the eelings of ever individual,
and ad n arrangement in regardo it further than to rescribeth benediction tot pronounced by the priest, Num 6 24, 2, anda formulary, aecordin to hicli the HebreWs, in thei presentationo therars fruits, ere to return thanks to God so the possession ofili land of Canaan Deut 26 3 10 13-15. Our ord' prayer, Mati. 6 9-13, is a selectio of the ostdevotiona an appropriate sentiment fro the JeWisi formularies, extant in his time. Compare ΕΤSTENII Nov. est a Mati. 6 9 13. T. I. p. 23 326. The pious HebreWs, heia the offeredihel sacrifices, returne thanks to God in the word gi ven them byMoses, and thereb hept alive in thei bosom the delings of pietyand devotion. Hymn Were Sun On particular occasion8, accompante With Saered danees an instruments of music Exod. V. Judg. V. Oth
Wo do not in mention ad os public orshil in tho Syn gogues, Xcept On the Sabbath, Mati. 12 10. Mur 1 2 l. 3 1. 6 2. Luli 4 16, 32, 33 6 6. 3 10. et 13 14. 15 21. 16:13 25 17 2 18 4. What is suid of aut chiring the school ofone Tyrannus at Ephesus and teachin in t atly is a peculiar in
mere rendered by an interpreter into the vernacular Ongue, and therende or Some ther ne then addresse the eopte Luke 4 16.
The customs, hieli prevat at the present day, and whicli Vitringahas realed os, DE SYNAGOGA ΕΤ ERI, p. 946-1050. Wer no all
he was to recite the passages, hereve he mightae, standirigisither in the street O the public quare. It was the praetice mong the Pharisees in the time o Christat visit the corners of the Streeis, at the liour When these supplications ere ultered, o that it might beseen si Om more than ne direction, illi ho much devotion theyrecited the passages in question, Mati. 6 5. Vitringa DE SYNAGOGA,
It was an Observatio among the Jews that the recitatio of these passages and of the doxologies excite o produce in their indsilie kingsim fio tor of heaveri. See etstein's New Testamentat Mult. 6 5. T. I. p. 256. The meaning of this remarh, as is evident si omin alton live considerationis the facts that a bearought in reserenue t it, is noth in more than his that these exercise ex
are ometimes sed in the e Testament so the ospe dispensation, o the eigia of the Messiali, ecutas it was expected that religious seelings, tractice, and joys Mould ae consummateil in