장음표시 사용
it is igni. 239. The Infinitive is a Verbal Noun, an may be sed, illi or ithout it Subjec Accusative, Sthe ρι ecti objecti a Verb. Infinitive a SubjectThe Infinitive is frequently found a Subent With EAAE nn Variou Impersona Uerbs, specialty ithoportet, it is proser
COMPLEMENTAR LNFINITIVE 167Willi mos of these expressions the Infinitive has an Accusative Subjeci, XPreSSO O Under-stood. illi licet, the fenon to hom Ermissionis Liven is expressed is put in themative and the Accusative Subject of the Infinitive, is it ould refer to the Same person, is omitted. Similarly, with placet an lilaei, the faenon fleaSed is X- pressed is ut in themative and the Accusative Subjeci, is referring to the Same perSon, Simitted. petetiat ut Ailat iso cter liceret, eues Te to es alloweduo derari.
thougis it comes best to the mos eminent men ofthes states that the leuestra e sene
a mortem te uo iam Dr1ctem oportedat, seu
quioquam altius quo mihi lilaeat Soenctere, a
hi hor position to hich f Ah o limb. 240. Some of these verbs occasionali tali a Subjunctive, Often ithout ut, ut the Infinitive is
vis. Complementar Infinitive 241. The Infinitive ithout Subjec Accusativeis sed illi man verbs to complete thei meaning.
LATIN COMPOSITIONSome of the commoner Verbs hicli ake his Complementary Infinitive are determ H,
honoricteorum templ1 funesto ign1 inferre Conat sunt,
u hao attempte to bring ea GF re son thesumptes of the fori. Objec Infinitive it Subjec Accusative 242. 1. The Infinitive illi Subjec Accusativeis Sed, a the objec os a Verb, mos frequently in Indirect Discourse 44.)2. The Infinitive illi Subject Accusative is
EXERCISES 60 subject of the Infinitive is di orent fro that of the main verb. When the subjec is the Samo, Dis Sometimes repente a a RefleXive, ut more ostenthe Complementar Infinitive is sed.
244. Catiline IV. II 13. Though Cicero Seemedio se severe against these bitteris emies of the State,
Τenses of Participies 2G. 1. Participies are Verbal Adjectives, and agree illi Substanti Ves. The denote reSent, Past, o Future time, in referene to the time of the ver of the claus in hicli the stand and theirtenses are used With greater Xactnes than in Eng-listi. The Present articipie hould e sed ora lyto Xpres action tal in placerat the Same time asthat of the ver in iis clause. In Englisli, the Present articipi is osten sed here the Latin Perfeci is required.
a The Latin lacks the Perfeci Active artici ple The idea a be expressed by the Perfect
the Ablative Absolute * 36, 37).
Adjective se of Participies 246. The Present an Perfect Participies may be
itaque tantum vicitus moere potuit, an So es,
illuct signum Conlocanctum Consule lociaverunt, the