장음표시 사용
Expression o Purpose 249. The sive Ways of XpreSSin PurpΟSe, Sillustrated in 97, re a followS: I. Ut illi the Subjunctive. 2. v with the Subjunctive. 3. Genitive Gerundis Gerundive illi causa. 4. Act illi Accusative Gerundis Gerundive. 5. Supino. Where the ver has a tura ob ci, there is si xtti possibility the enitive Gerund with a Pluralobject This occurs bout as osten in Caesar Sit equivalent, the enitive Plural Gerundive, ut both are raret found and shouldie avoided. Donotis the Genitive Gerund with a Singular objeci.
In Caesar' Gallic a V an Civit War' there are ninelysi Genitive Singula Gerundives, eight Genitive Plura Gerundives, seven Genitive Gerund with Plura Objecis, an no the instance of a Gerund with an Objeci.
thes ling, decides it male arin the S thianS. But for the ak of emphasis, his orde is ostenabandoned, and the emphatic or o phras is place at the eginning of the Sentence, o leSSfrequently at the end.
TEX Germanorum, ing of the Germans. b The Vocative hould neve come rs in Sentence, XCept for Specia emphasis.
conscript athen, Dol ut for FourSEDES.Μ. Tulli, qui agi 2 Marcus Tullius, et at arae
178 LATIN COMPOSITION par ont of the noui the modisy In such ause the Adjective regulari precede the Noun.
d Adverbs regulari come just efore theword the modify. his always old true fornon, hen it modifie a Single ord. o The forins os sum are generali Unim portant words, an come in the naiddie of the sentence, as in Englisti.
J A reposition regulari precedes it Noun; but hen there is a modiiyin Adjective, it osten
A Relative regulari stand firs in iis
clause, Xcept a Relative Substantive after a reposition. urti in qua 1vit, the citin in hichrae livos. This ut applies also to a Demonstrative hichrefers to Some par of the recedin Sentence. et Autem, moresPEr enim, Ur, Vero, but, quoquΘ, also regulari stan in the scondilace in the sentence, Iometimes in thoe Mirae igitur, thermore,
The adjective Romanus regulari follows iis
noun. The ablatiVe causa, and the rare gratia, fortis Sales, always follo thei Genitives. populus Romanua, the Roman Eoste. pacis ausa, for the Sale of seace.
Agreement of Adjectives an Pronouns
cove these ities of Ontus an Cappadocia lateron. 6. In ordo that ou nil a se that tho ar