A translation of the charter from the latin, granted by King Henry VIII to the Company of Barbers of London; whereby they were made a corporation; also transcripts of the letters patent ... with acts of Parliament and bye-laws relative to the ... Com

발행: 1785년

분량: 137페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


to us by a deputation frona the Committee of the Association os Peruke- mallers and Hair- tremers, held at the K ing's Head Taveria in thel otiitry, and at the Free Masons Taveria, Great Queen street, for our concurrerace and suppori ofa set of articles or bye-laws for the better regulationos the journeymen of the salil profession, and other matters therein contained, whicli it is thought by the Association at their generat meetings wili beconducive to a revival of that subordination sonecessary to the more effectual conducting of their trade, Vid. WE hereby do promise to give our COUntenance anci suppori, so far as relates to the encouragino theafores id articles or bye-laws; and further, dopromise not to sen d any journeymen or artici edservanis to any of the masters of the said proses son frona and aster the 25th day of December neYtensu ing the date hereos εἶ and will likewise orderour servanis to give sicli printeii directions as the Conaria sit e of the said Association may leave ato irrespective abodes for the journeymen that shall


a. Speight.


T Was resolve J at a Committee, that such personaas offer thenaseives Candidatis to fili the ossi resto be es abii med by the Amociation, for the bet terregulation of their Journeymen, should be men ofgood characters; and the Committe e, in Order toinsure to thenaseives as much as lays in their power, that no imposition stiali be practi sed, do request ofiliose that mean to stand sortii for Ossice heepers, asexpressed in the third Articie, Will observe the under- mentioned Rules, as notae will be allo ed competent but men ans ering such description. First, That when a Candidate oTers himself, heshali do it by a letter sealed and ad tressed to the Secretary, stating the place of his abo te, and themimber of years he has been a Master in the Prosellion. Secondi , That he shali be recommended by t Noreputable House laeepers, Publicans excepted)stat ing the time they have lino vin him. g irri , That no Candidate be admitted into theemploy of kee ping a Society Ossice, who deals in


Auribb; That he must malae his application at Ieast fourteen days before. the ballot talaes place, inorder that the Committee may malae en quiry intosais qualification. Loil , That when a Candidate is cho sen Ossice-keeper, he mali Leep an Open Shop as a Barber,

Peruke-m alter, or Hair dresier; the pui posse of the ossice mali be wrote Over his door, and the Ar-ticles relative to Masters and Journeymen put UPin a frame, in the most conspicuous part of theossice.


ments of the Bath Association os Peruke-makersand Hair dressers to the Astaciation of the Prosessession in London and west minster, that in conseque iace of their having taken in to their most serious consideration the Resolutions entered into by the said Prosesinon in London, they jointly and unanimoustyapprove of the Resolutions formed, and Meas urestat en; and they fui ther pledge thenaseives to unite vitii them, and support ali stach. means as may hereas ter be found necessary to put the charteredrights of the Company in force. I beg leave to subscribe myself theirand your most humble Servant,

N a The


and Hai; -d reflers of London and P est min. ster have desii ed me to malae linown to you, it is with the greatest satisfaction they receive this earlymarii os attention to their proceedbngs frona the Asssociation at Bath. It gives them ne in confidei Cein the justice and necessity of their mea sui es and the dependetace of any other communi ty on theires oris not only en COUrages, but en ages them toprosectate their purpo ses stea lily. It is frona unanimi ty alone the propos ed res orna cata be est ected ;they seel thantis, theres ore, particularly due to thos vilio are the fir st to counte nance the Re sol titions adopted by the Meetings of London and west miniaster by a public addi essi. Frona the authori ty offuch opinion they wili Venture to conclude, the trade throughout England entertain sentimentsequatly favo arabie to their design ; CUery COnCur rent testimo ny of this nature Will be a spur to their exertiolas, their aim being the generat good. I am, Sir, With ali re pedi, Your most obedient humbie seivant,


most serious consideration the Resolutions en- tered into by the said Profestion in London and Bath, I am moli respecti ut ly ordei ed to informitiem, that the Peruke- mallers and Hair-dressers of Velis agreed inani mous ly to abide by such rules asthe London and Bath Asociations have or may forna, for the better regulating the s id bus1ness. I am destred to hint the necessit y of eXtirpatingForeigners frona having the least encoharagement by the Masters of the salii bus inesse; it is humbly coi ceived that they are a great injury to the trade. Ι have the honorar to be, Their and your very humbie servant,

JOHN COLLINS, Sec. Melis, Somerset, Sept. 3, 178ψ, o the Secreta of the Associalion os


would have any sent, and is they should, what number PI am, Sir, most respecti ut ly, Their and your most obedient servant,

Addressed, Mr. Collins, Secretardi tothe melis Association. qu


fession in LoNDON and WEST MINSTER. 3Υ j0int consent and approbation os Perul e mallers, and DIair drefers, a embled at Plymouth and Plymouth dock, they insorin the Association of that Profession in London and west miniaster, that they hearii ly concur With them in agenerat reform in the trade, and hight y approveos their meas ures atready taken for that pui posse.


With the greatest satisfaction they recci se this mar of attention to their procee lings in so spiri ted an ad 4ress as that of the Cities of Bath and welis, anuothers of the communiti. it gives ne v confidenCein the justice and necem ty of tbeir mensures, whicli not only encoharages, but en ages them to prosectate their purpus es stea lily. It is frona unity alone that the purposed rei orna cata be effected; than ks, theres ore, are particularly due to thos e who give public testimony to the resolutions adopted by the Proseission in London and West miniter ; froin theauthori ty of such sentimenis, they will venture toconclude, that the Trade throughout the Lingdomenteriain an opinion equalty favolarabie to their design. Every concurrent testimony of this nature will be an incitement to their exertions, their Pur-

With ali respeet, Your most obedient humbie servant,