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stricii ons, as are there in naentione land luchother privileges, PO Ver, and authori ty, as in thes iid actos the 18th of George the Second a re recited. 6th April, 1 oa. Or instrument, date l
tice of the Court of Common Pleas, reci ling, amongst other things, an adt of partia ment of the 19th of Henry the Seventh, Where by the acts and ordinantes of the Mallers, Wardens, and Fellowships of Crastis or Mysteries, and Rulers of Guildsor Fraternities, are to be examined and approve iby the Chancellor, and such other persons as aretherein nientioned ; and also reci ting part of thesaid letters patent of Κing Charies the First, in the folio ing words: And whereas his late Most Furities iees 41 6s EXCellent Majesty Κing Charies theletters patent of Cha. First, by his letters patent dated and made the 15th day of August, in the fifth year of his reigra, did, sor the causes and considerations therein contained, a non 'st otherthings grant uiato the said Masters or Go vernors of the said Mystery and Common alty of the Barb-ers and Surgeons of London, and their successors, ibat as Heli ali and every the then freemen of that Company, as fore igners, either native subjecis of
this reaim aliens, professing and exerci sing sortheir oKn private gain and profit the Aris or Mysteries of Barbers and Surgeons, or ei ther of them, with in the Cities of London and West minster, theliberties and suburbs thereos, and in the other towns, hanaleis, and places whais ever, With in the distance of seven miles of the said City of London, as welt with in the liberties as withoui, excepi such Physicians as are therein excepted mould be, fro intime to time thereas ter, subject and liable to the
tions, and to ali impositions, taXations, and collections whais ever, of the said Masters or Govern-Crs, and their succesors, and to ali and every the payments of money, charges, fines, amerciamenis, imprisontiaenis, patias and penalties Whais ever, by the said Masters or Governors from time to timefor the time heing inflicted or imposed ε, and thatali and every sicli persons proseiung or exercising
the said mysteries or aris, or ei ther of them, With in the said cities, suburbs, limits and precincts of severa miles aforesaid excepi as asore excepted)should be found and subject to the same laws, ordinances, oaths, imposiations, taxations, fines, imprison menis, distresses, penalties, Prescripis, and
constitutions, whereunto the Barbers and Surgeons
siali use or exercise the Aris and Sciences of Bar-hers and Surgeons, or either of them, within the
City of London or liberties of the fame, or Withinone mile compasi of the said City, shali at thesame time keep or use, or by any pretenCe or Colour, cause to be kepi, ser his use, prosit, or bene fit, directly or indirectis, any more than only onestop, within the limits aforesaid ; nor smali colour- ably, sor any such pui posses, covenant, by Way of partiaersa ip, With any other member or other personwho sinati keep a distinet stiop with in the sal l lirniis; and that every offender against this ordinance smallsori eit and lose, sor every monili that he niali actthe contrary he tanto, to the Masters or Governors of the said Mystery and Commonalty, to the use of the said Company, the sum of five pouniis oflawful moneycP Item, It is ordained, no freeman of the said Mystery and Commonalty, of What trade foeVer, siali talie any person into his service, as an altarentice or otherwise, to be instructed in his trade orari, for any lesier or morter time than seven years,nor keep more than three at One time.
Item, It is ordat ned, that no person, free of theseid Company, smali, at any time or times hereasser, instruct or cause to be instructed, in the art
mystery or trade he mali occupy, any person
teries or Arts of Barbers and Surgeons, or ei ther
of them, with in the said City of Lond n and liberties of the fame, or With in the compassi os onem ite of the said city, shali for e ver hereas ter besubject and liable to ali and every such po er,
foever, as far as they respective ly are subjected, Pu uant to the stature made in the thirty- second
Provide I al ays, and it is here by enadted and declared, that the severat bye-la s, Ordinances,rules and constitiations, made an destablissae 1 for the regulation and govern ment of the salii uni ted Company or Comporation. so far as the fame do not relate to orconcern the Ari or Science of Surgery, and which, On the said twenty third day of June, mali be sub Ialting anci in force, and shali not be res ealed annulled, or abrogated, by Virtve of this presentast, sin ali continue and be in force, and shail beexerci sed, observed, and e Xecuted by the sat s Com pany of Barbers, es abii med and incorpora ted by tnis adt, tantii such time and times respectively, asthe fame bye-laws, ordinanCes, rules, and Constitutions flaali respectively be repealed, annulled, and made void, by virtve and under the authori ty of this present aet.
firmation os privi- that the Master, Govemors, and
the clause of the Barbers of London, hereby made, geons, the exemp- estabillhed, and incorporaled astions are particu' asores a id, and their succesibrs, and
xy'ςt QVx' persons vilio saal l be free of thesime Company or Corporation, mali and may, frona time to time, and at ali times for ever here- after, have, hold, and ei oy, ali and every suchand the fame liberties, privileges, franchises, powers and authorities, as the faid united Company or Corporation, Witti respect to every thingbut Surgery, and the members of the said uni ted Company occupying the seat or crast of Barberyor Shaving, could or might respectively have, had, held and enjoyed, by Virtve of the faid recited adt of union or incorporation, and letters
patent of his late Majesty Κing Charies the First ,
and other the royal granis, charters, and patenis therein respectively mentioned and referred to,so far as the sanae do not concern or relate to the Art and Science of Surgery ; and that in as fuit ample, and beneficiat manner, to ali intenis and pur posses, as is the sanae had been expressi ly repeated, set down, and enacted, in and by this present act.
those descriptions, within the City of London, sub-
urbs thereos, and seven miles round , who are notfreemen of the said Company, nor have served any apprenti cessii p, and as Weli Englishmen as aliens ;and who, for smali premiums, ta ke persons for amori time to instructo in the said Mystery ; and such persons so exercising the said Mystery claim the Privileges and exemptions expressed in the severat charters and acts of parti ament above abstracted : The trade, theresore, for their satisfaction in these particulars, are destrous of your opinion on the sol lodii g
as expressed in the severat charters, and acts of partiament, above abstracted, include therein aBarber, Tonsure, Hair-poller, Hair-culter, Hair-dresser, Peruke- maher, Tete-malier, and Tooth- draWer, Or any, Or either, and whicli of them ξ
II. Are suci, persons as have served a regularapprenti cessi ip to the said Mystery, and as Heli Englishmen, as aliens resident Within the City of London, subturbs thereos, and se ven miles round , exempt frona serving ward and paristi ostices, bearing of arnas, and serving on inquests and juries, under the above charters and acts of partia ment; or are. sicli privileges and exemptions only confinedio the freemen of tne said Company, resident asaforesaid pq e privileges granted by the charters and salute balever the ' MD beo belong to ibo se onb bona the Company ac frowledre, or are boundio ac no Ddge, as iis members ; tibich seem tome to be the freemen onb. III. Can any person, being a freem an of thesaid Company, or not, talae any one to be instruc-
the severat branches bes ore- mentioned, with in thenaeaning of the statute of 5th Elia. as to service of an apprenticem ip for seven years t Arid does theservice of an apprenti cessii p, pursu ant to that statute, intille perlons not free ot the salii Companyto cari y on the Mystery of Barbery or Shaving, in ali iis branches, with in the City of London, sub- Urbs illareos, and seven miles round ; or withinany and what part of that district 8 And a re per- sons Who carry on the said Mystery with in the said distri st, or any part thereos, as weli freemen of the said Company, as those Who have serve lan apprentices hi p. pursuant to the said statu te os Eli Zabeth, and others who have not so done, subject to the controut anil punishments as weli of the Rulers of the Barbers Company, under the severat charters, acts, and bye-laws above state J, as tothe penalties of the faid act of 5th Elig. and ho and in what manner 8
seri ion 31. exten is onb lo ibose trades that mere in existence at the time of that salute i. e. in I 562 , in ali the procee lings ihat I have niet ith upon this clause, the Couris have inclined lo
heca se some of them are os a more modern date ;c id apon this potnt much ould depend on theeoidence of usage. The generat trade of a Barber is, Githout d ubi, w ibin the meaning of the salute. Service of an apprentices , sursuant to that salute, mill not enabis persons, not free of the