A translation of the charter from the latin, granted by King Henry VIII to the Company of Barbers of London; whereby they were made a corporation; also transcripts of the letters patent ... with acts of Parliament and bye-laws relative to the ... Com

발행: 1785년

분량: 137페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ingis, throughout the Associaled Trade, to put in force the falci rhales, articles, and bye-laws. Anymember of the Astaciation refusing to subscribe tothe sanae saal l be excluded frona any bene fit aristingtherei rona 8, not illistanding he or they may have paid a sum or sums of money heretos ore to thesaid Society's fund ; nor mali sicli member ormembers have any right to assi, sue, or claim, in Ja or equi ty, any such money or montes sio paiditato the said funis, On any account Whais oeuer, itheing hereby confiscaled, for the use of the Association Only. XVIII. That the Ataciation mali not be dissolved, whilst One Hundred members rem ain United, and agree to maintain a fund for the support of the sanae.


dach Master mali be allowed, at his personat en-trance of an ossice, to malle choice of any Johariae' man, Whose nanae stan is on the Books ; or by

That Journeymen mali have their choice of the different offices, to subscribe their names sorem ploy ; and the ossice Lee pers mali be providet with and deliver to them Ticheis, impressed Willithe Arms of the Barbers Company; and when Journeymen are provided with places, their licheis Uith a certificate of their characters, mali be deli-

and certificate every Master mali heep in his posses soli tili such Journeyman leaves his service, henhe mali re turn the faid lichei, with another certificate of the said Journeyman's character, who mali deposit the same in the hands of sicli Ossice Leeperas they mali nexi chuse to apply to. VIII. That when any Journeyman os the proses Ilion engages himself to a Master, he mali imme-


cluded frona ali bene fit of the Society's Ossice, and prosecuted accordirigio the Letters Patent, Charters, or Bye laws of the Barbers Company. XIV. That no Journeyman saal l work with Masters who do not subscribe to the society's su nil,

uith a gross mis demeano ur against his Master, hicli comes under the authori ty of the Legislature, and is within the district of London, West minster, and the adjacent villages, not to exceed seven miles frona the metropolis such Masters shali give immediate information to the then Chairmata, vilio mali Jay the charge besore the Committee and is frona circumstances it saould appear well-g ounded, an action stiali be commenced against sicli Journeymanin the nanae of the said i ured Master, at the expence of the AsBciation ; and is sicli Journeymanssiould abscond, his age, name, and person, mali bedescribed by circular letters to the Associations throughout the hingdom.

Masters, members of the Asociation, who didnot go regularly through the Society's Ossices, at the time of their es ablis liment, Who may there fierbe guit ty of any de fauit that is actionabie, the Association ei gages to suppori sicli Master or Masters, in a prosecution of such these Iourneyman or Jour,


neymen, se ostending, who have in like mannergone through the said Olfices. XVII. That the stated hours of employ sor

gi ven him by his sa id Master ; otheriui se he sthali becYcluded the benest os application to the ossices.

give Johirneymen a fair and justcharacter, but in defauit thereos notice may bestiven by such injured Journeyman to the then sit-ting Committee; and is it should appear that sicli application is xvell-s unded, sicli Master mali bellabie to a prosecution in the nanae of sicli aggrieved Journey man, at the eXPence of the Association

saali talie a Journeyman into his service, Whose charaeter is not eligit, te, but sh. ill be liable to a fine, whicli mali be determined by the Committee.


XXV. That no Master Peruke-maker or Hair-d rester, &c. a Member of this Society, mali em Ploy any Journeyman who is not Called frona their Ossices, frona the date of the Astigia ment of these Articles, under such fine as the Committee thensatting may jud ge proper to imposse, Whicli, is any On Convictiora refuse to pay, he or they mali beexcluded frona the privileges of the Society, and expelled therei rom.


XXVI. That the ossice Lee pers mali attend the Committee of Association, or send their bookssor inspection, Once a monili, or be fined sive stillings for each omission ; and is they neglect the fame sor tvvo monilis successively, they mali beexcluded frona hol ling their ossice.


S c. in Conseque iace of the injuries they have susta ined in variotis instances for many years past in the trade, particularly by suffering unlawful personsto praelise in the profession, who have not serveda regular apprenticesiai p, &c. It was resolved by the Committee, and inanimousty approVed, at a generat monthly meeting of the Asibciation, that the folio ing en gagenaeni or testimony should bepresented and ensor ed to the trade at large, andentered into as follows :WE and each of us, whose nam es are hereUnto subscribed, Join in a solemn renunciation, That isto say, we Wil not teach oui selves, or cause to betaught by Our journeymen, or Our apprenti Ces,any person Ur persons any branch of the professionos Barbery, sicli as Hair dreTng, Peruke-mal ing, Cr any Other branch or branches of the said trade,

s Ome One or more branches of the salii bus nesse: And we do further pledge oui se lues, that we Willuse our ut most en deavotars in the vicini ty we live into obta in every necessary information sor putting info: ce those salutary lavis granted to the worstri; fulCompany of Barbers, in London, by the te is a- ture, Whicli stand uia repealed to this Jay, againstitiose delinquenta, Who, in direct violation of theletters


pori the said Osfices, according to the la s and articles establisaed by the Association. Where ore me do ple e ourselves to abide by this renunciation, as witnesis our hands, this 25th day of December, in the year of Our Lord, one thous and seven hundred and eighty-four, in the twenty-fifth year of the rei gn of our Sovereign Lord, George the Third, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland Κing, Defender of the Falth, and so fortii.