A translation of the charter from the latin, granted by King Henry VIII to the Company of Barbers of London; whereby they were made a corporation; also transcripts of the letters patent ... with acts of Parliament and bye-laws relative to the ... Com

발행: 1785년

분량: 137페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Also your opinion on the folio ing questions :Are ali, who have served a regular apprenti cessat pto the said Profestion, et ther aliens, foreigners, asweli as freemen of the Barbers Company, eXemptfrona serving ward or paristi ossices, bearing of 'arnas, serving on inquests and juries, as expressea in an adh in the nineleenth year of the rei gn os George the Second, by whicli the Barbers and Surgeons of London Vere made tKo separate anudistinct Corporations ξWhether persons are liable to fines or imprison ments who tali e up the Mystery or Professi cui ofBarbery, in any oi iis branches, without hau ing


S1R, I heparcet contains a Latin copy srom theletters patent ot Edward the Fourth, gi ven to the Barbers Company of London, with an Englissa translation ; also extraeis frona the other charters, letters patent, and acts of parti ament now in possession of the Barbers Company, with an adi os Henry the Eighth, uni ting the Barber-SurgeonSand Surgeons as one Company ; also an act of the fifteenth year of the rei gn of George the Second, distini ting the fame. These, Sir, I reser to your consideration, or to other adis relating thereunto,

The a I of the eighreentb os George the Secon Ghich disso ed rhe Corporalion os Barbens and Sur eoas, created by the an of the thiri ' second of Hen γ the Ethth, formed them isto imo distin I and . . independent communities, conferring upon the Surgeons


tute, charter, or letters patent; and conferring li


without subjectiet himself to the penalties of the


. Set eant's Inn, Jan. 28, 1785. When Mr. Eriuine gave his opinion on the above questions, he was not appriZed that Cutting, Polling, Dressing, or Adjusting the Hair, came tander the appellation os Barbery; but be ing informed that these particulars were proved to so, in a Courtos Iudicature, he replied, such precedent is equalto an Aet os Parii ament. This sentiment Was givenby Mr. Erscine to Mr. Smith and Mr. Ward, whoWere appotnted by the Committee to talae Counci s opinion on the above- stated casse and questions, sor the information of the Society.


lay in the monili, alternately ; that is to say, tomeet one monili in the City of London, and theother in the City of West minster, in order that the Committee may lay bes ore them the transactions of the Society the Preceding monili. II. That the Astaciation mali chuse their Committee every si x monilis, at a Generat Meeting ;which saali consist of Fisteen sor each of the Cities of ILondon and west minister, who shali chuse ea chtheir Chali man, subjecto to such regulations as the Society may thinii expedient: aster Whicli the byelaws for the go vertament of the Society, and articles between masters and journeymen, smali be read by the Secretary, and alio ora the nexi succeed ing meet-ing night; and each member sinali at ali times be atliberty to examine the books, whicli sinali lay open for their inspeci ion.

III. That ali meetings of ille Astaciation mallhe at the expence of the members present ε, andeach ne member to be subject, on his admission to the fame fine that hath been pald here tofore.


IV. That, for the better regulating the Society, a minute- book shali be kept by the S cretary ;wherein rules at ready made, or hereas ter to be re- sol Ved upon, shali be fairly ente red, and the current expences bi ought forward; whicli the Secretary shali read, together With ait the bustine sis transacted at the prece ling meeting. V. That the Committee held in the City of London, and that of welim inster, do unite as onebody, to correspond, hear, and determine ali matters relative to the AsBciation. VI. That ali motions be determined by a majority of the Generat Committee. VII. That no member mali be on his legs tost eali to any matteii a bove sve minutes at oneti me, without leave frona the Committee, uni essite litas something to offer in writing for the good of the Society. VIII. Thai, when the Chairman calis to order, there mali be a prosound silence in the room,

IX. That a Sub Committee be choseia frona out of the Generat Committee, consisting of Eight Members ; four for the City of London, and so ur


mali meet at each other's horis es the First Mon Jay in every monili, or ostener is the urgency of businesse requires it: Their duty is considered by the Association to be as solioris, vi T. First, To arrange the bus inesse passed in the Generat Committee. Secondiy, To talae into their consideration a nyother matter referre t to them frona the Generat Committee.

sinet S.

L X. That


Committee meeting.

XI. That an officer mali be appotnted to pre-Vent any irregulari ty or inconvenience in the or-dering of the Society's meetings; and that such officer mali bear the nam e of the Orderly Ser-jeant, Who mali be chosen out of the said Commit-ree On every mee ting-night, as soon as the Pres1- dent tal es the chair; and that each of them1hould take his turn to serve by rotation, as hisname stan is on the Committee-list, and mali beunder the controut of the folio ing rules :First, that the Serjeant mali attend, during the ho tars of bus iness, at the inside of the door of the Committee-roona, and keep it mut. Seconii, That the Set eant mali talie of eachperson admitted in to the Committee-roomone milling, and account to the President sor hat sum os money he may receive. Third, That the Set eant mali prevent thewa iter entering the roona abruptly; nor mallhe ever be admitted when any member of the Society is deli vering his sentiments on a question. Foui th, That is a ny member of the Association, or Visitor, de si res to be admitted on a Committee-night, stae si ali ait Without the doortili the Set eant shali enquire his name, and Present


present it to the President, Who siali senil anan wer Whether the person saali be admitted

XII. That when any member of the Astaciation, or person of the profession, be admitted by the President, at a Committee-meeting, the Ser-jeant Pall provide hirn or them with a seat in acommodiolis part of the room ; biit sicli per sons must not be admitted at the Committee table, norsinali they be allowed to give their opinion orvoice in any matter that may come before the Com

termine l.

XIII. That no member of the Committoe smali proposse any matter or thing contained in a motion relative to any regulation, alteration, Or annullingos any bye-laws or articles at ready made, Or pro- posse any bye-law or articie to be made, after theiath of October nexi ensuing, in the year of oti rLord i 83, unlesis sicli motion for altering Or an


that no member of the Committee appear thereinwithout his me lal on ; and also at ollier times, when any of the Committee are deputed to ast forthe Association, is the nature of the bus inesse requires it vhich shali be determined by the Committee then Present. XV. That no master of the Association os Hair-dressers and Perulae mallers, or any other branchos the trade, mali in future, that is to say, after the et th day of February nexi ensu in g, in the yearos our Lord 1785, instruet, or cause to be instrueled, by their journeymen or apprentices in theabove mentioned probestion, any country-master, or his dependents, who does not join the said Association, and subscribe to the support of the fundthereos; otherwi se such mallers in the Cities of London and west miniter so offending shali be excluded the Association, and ali benefit arisina there-

apprentice or apprentices, who may have abscondedfrona his or their master or masters, or any whohave the appearance of such, uni essi he or they staeo a proper dis charge frona their late master s. XVII. That, provided the Society's fund saouldhe reduced at any time so loN as to prevent theirsutting in force the rules, articles, or bye-la Vs, by them made and establis hed, an immediate subscription Iliould be entered into and raised accord-