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Qeons who are Forei ners and not Freemen of thesaid City, and who dat ly resert to the sa id City, and are not sufficiently stilled, Where by Very many and almolt infinite eviis have hitherio has pened tomany of our liegemen, in their Wound S, huris, bruises, and other infirmities, by such Barbers and Surgeons, on account of their deseet in laealing and curing ; from whicli cause sonae of our said liegemen have gone the way of ali flesia, and others, throughthe sanae cause, have been by eVery one given OVeras incurabie and past relies ; and as it is to bedreaded, that similar or greater eviis may in futurearisse on this head, Unlesse proper remedy is by usspeedily provided for the sanae : We, there fore, affectionately weighing and conssidering that siclicviis do happen to our liegemen, for Want of theeXamination, corrections, and punishmenis, by adue Superior of sicli Barbers and Surgeons as arein sussiciently si illed and instructed in the fa id Mysteries or Aris as aforesaid, have, at the hvmblerequest os our beloved honest and free me in of thesaid Mystery oi Barbers in Our said City, grante dio them, that the said Mysteries, and ali men of
the said Mystery, of the City afores a id, mali be infuct and name ONE BoDY, and ONE PERPETUALCOMMUNI TY , and that two Principals of thes id Community shall, with the consent of twelve persons, or at least eight, of the said Communi ty, ullo are best in illed in the mysteries of Surgeons, eVery year eleel and malle out of the sata Community two Masters or Rulers of the iatmost shili, totis Periate nil, rute, and noverit the Mystery and
stery, and of the businesses of the sanae, sor ever. And that the said Masters or Rulers, and Community, mali have a perpetuat succession and commonseat to serve for the affairs of the said Communi tyfor ever; and that they and their succestars for evermali be able and capabie in lain to acquire and possessi, in fee and perpetuity, laniis, tenementS, renis, and other possessions whais ever, to the value offive martis per annum ; besides ali re pristes and that they, by the nam es of Masters or Go vernors of
the Mystery of Barbers of London stiali be able toplead and implead besore ali Jud ges in ali couris and in ali actions; and that the said Master orRulers, and Communi ty, and th eir succesors, maylawfully and discreetly ashmble themselves, and malae statutes and ordinances for the wholes megovertament, superintendance, and correction of thesaid Mysteries, accor ling to the exige cr of the neces)ty, as osten and wheneuer it may be requisiate, lawfully and unpunishably, without leave or hin- drance of Us, our heirs, or succesUrs, Justices, Collectorf, Sheristis, Coronem, or any other Balli fisor Ministers of us, our laeirs, or successsors ; provi- ded that sicli statutes and ordinances are not in any ways contrary to the laws and customs of our Ling-dom of Englarad. We further Will and grant, forus and our heiri and succetars, as far as in us lies, that the Masters or Rulers of the asores alii Community, for the time being, and their succesibrs forever, mali have the superintendance, examination,
correction, and goverament of ali and singular the
and the punishment of theria, as weli freemen asstrangers, for their offences in not persectly folloWing, practi sing, and exercising the said Mystery ;and also the superintendance and inspection os alli in is of instruments, plaisters, and other medicines, and their recipes, by such said Barbers and Surge-ons given, applied, and used, sor our liege men, for curing and healing their Wounds, bruises, huris, and such kind of infirmities, when and as osten asstali be requisite for the convenience and utili ty of
the said liege men; so that punishment of such Barbers exercising the said Mystery of Surgeons, and sucii foreigia Surgeons, so offending in the
premisses, be executed b, fines, amerciamenis, and imprison ments of their bodies, and by other rea- sonable and sultable means ε, and that no Barberexercising the said Mystery of Surgeons in the satu City and suburbs thereos, or any other foreigia Surgeon Whais ever, mali in future be admitted tofollow, practice, and exercise me said Mystery of Surgeons, in any Wisie, Within the said City or the suburbs thereos, uniessi he be first approved by thesaid Magistrates or Rulers, or their successbrs, for this Purpose, able and sussicient as skilled in the said Mystery and sor his plenary approbation in thisbelialf, by the said Magistrates or Rulers, presenten
Barbers, nor their succesors, nor any of them, siali hereaster in any wise be summoned or appotnted within our said City and the suburbs thereos, nor any one of them be summoned or appotnted on any assietes, juries, inquests, inquisitiosas, attainders, Orother recogniZances, with in the sa id City and sub-
Urbs thereos, for the time to come, before theMayor or Sheriiss or Coroners of our said City fortite time being, by any summoning ossicer or ossi-Cers, or by his or their servanis, although the faid juries, inquisitions, or recogniZances silould be
Communi ty, of the faid Mystery, and their succes- sors, and every of them, siaali frona hence sortii for
e very of their officers and servants, by the se pre- senis. Anii further, We, in consideration of the premisses, do, of our speciat grace, for Us and our succesBrs, grant to the satis Masters or Rulers, and Communi ty, of the said Mystery of Barbers, and their successors, this liberty, to Wit, that they, in ali future times, may admit and receive peribias aptanu sussiciently s illed and inso med ita the said Mystery of Surgeons, and by the Masters or Rulers for the time being of the said Mystery in mania eras oresaid approved, and presented to the Mayor of the
tona of the iatd City ; and no other per sons WhOm-sOeVer, nor in any Other manner any mandate Ori equisition of us, our heirs or successors, by writtentetters or other i se how:bever made or to be made, to the contrary notwithstanding. Arad althoughthe faid Masters or Rulers, and Community, and their successisrs, should contumaciotis ly use this liberty in future, against any mandate or reqUisitionos his, our heirs, or successors, or any Cthers whom-s ever to be made in forna aforesaid, net ther theynor any one of them thali in any wi se in cur any fine, contempt, Or losse, to arils us, oui 'heirs orsucces Urs, or any dam age or punissament in theirgoods or bodies, or to Narcis any other persons who OeVer, ora that account; and this Without fine or fee, for the sealing of these presenis to bedone, Pald, or Otherwise rendered Unto Us; any statu te, Ordinance, Or any act to the contrary, be- fore this time publis hed, made, ordat ned, or Pro Vided, not illi standing. In testimony Whereos we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witnesis myself at Cest minister, the twenty-fourth lay of F ruary, in the firist year of Our rei gn. And we hol ling the aforesaid letters, and ali and every thing there in contained, Valid and agreeabie, do, sor us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, accepi and approve the same , and to our belove i
Masters or Rulers of the seid Mystery of Barbersand Surgeons in Our said City, and to their succesibrs, do by these presenis rati ij and confirm, in manner as the said letters do re asonably manifest. In testimony Whereos, We have caused these Otirletters to be made patent. Witness myself at Wesim inster, the fifth day of December, in the fifteenth year of our reign. We also, holding thelaid letters, and ali and every thing therein contained, valid and agreeabie, do, for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, accepi and approve them, and to our beloved liege men, Iolin Ρeerson, William Κyrkeby, Thomas Gybson, and Thomas Martin, the present Masters or Rulers of the Mystery of Barbers and Surgeons in Our said City, and to their successbrs, do by these presenis ratisy and confirm, in manner as the said letters do rea- sonably manifest. In testimony Whereos, we have caused these our letters to made patent. Wit-nesis myself at Westminster, the twelsth day of Marcii, in the third year of Our reign.
and Surgeons in Lon- by the ad vice of the Lords
oh. c. sisti,' spiritual and Temporal, and the m mons, in this presentPartiamentassembled, and by the authority of the sanae, byali their common assenis, duly pondering, amongother things necessary for the common wealth of this reaim, that it is very expedient and need fui toprovide for men expert in the science of Physic and Surgery, for the health of man's body, when infirmities and sicknelis smali happen, for the due exercise and main te nance whereos, good and necesiaryadis be at ready made and provided ; sa) yet never-thel esse, forasmuch as with in the City of London, where men of great experience, as weli in speculation as in praetice of the science and faculty os Surgery, be abi ling and inhabiting, and have more common ly the datly exercise and experie iace of the fame science of Surgery, than is had or used illi in any paris of this realm ; and by occasionthereos many expert persons be brought up under them as their servanis, apprentichs, and otheta, who by the exercise and diligent information oftheir sa id masters, as weli noW as hereaster, mall-ercise the said science with in divers other paris Ofthisieaim, to the great reli , coria fori, and siccouros much people, and to the sure faseguard of their
Chatti me Barbeis of corporaled to sue and be sued by
ors of the Mystery or Commonalty of the Barbers of London, by Virtue and authori ty of the letters patenis under the great seat of the late Ling of famotas memory, King Edward thes urth, dated ut West mi inster the si,ur and twentieth day of Februar y in the fir st year of his rei gn, whicli after ard, as well by our most di ead Sove- rei gn Lord, as by the right nobie and virtuosas Prince Κing Henry the seventii, fallier tanto the Ling's Most Excellent Highness now being, were and be confirmed, as by standry letters patenis thereos made, amongst other things in the fame Contained, more at large may appear; 5 and
sery to be united, and made onei ny- body corporate, to the intent that, by their union and osten asiembly together, thegood and due order, exerci se, and knowledge in
weli in speculation as in practice, both to tbem
them, and by tlaeir learning, and diligent and ripe informations, more Perse et, s eedy, and effectu alre me ly ilaould be, than it liath been, or sit id bd 'is the sal l two Companies of Barbers and Surgeons sto uid continue severed afunder, and nst joinedtogether, as they be fore this time have been, annus ed them selves, not me id ling together; 7)wheres ore, in consideration of the premisses, be itenacted by the Κing our Sovere igia Lord, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and by the Commons, in this present Parti ament assem bled, and by the autbori ty of the sanae, That the sa id
The B, bes, aha tWO severat anil distinet Compantea Surgeons of London Os Surgeons, that is to say both thetae hebit ' Barbers and the Surgeons, and every person of them, being a freeman ofelther of the said Companies, after the custom of the sa id City of London, and their successors, froinhencei orth immediately be uni ted, and made oneentire and whole body corporate, and one commonalty perpetuat, whicli at ali times hereat ter mali be called by the nanae of Masters or Govern-ors of the Mystery and Common alty of Barbers and Surgeons of London, for evermore, and by no otherna me 8 and by the fame name to implead annbe implea ted bd fore ali manner of Justices, in ali Cotiris, in ali manner of adctions and suits ; 9 and also to purchase, enjor, and take to them,
and to their successors, ali manner of laniis, tenemenis, renis, and other possessions, whais ever
Possess, and ei Gy to them, and to their sciccessors for ever, ali sicli lan is and tenemenis, and other hereditaments Whais ever, whicli the said Cornpanyor Common alty of Barbers have and ei ob , to the
granis, liberties, privileges, franchises, and free Custonas, and also ali manner of other things at a nytime gi ven Or granted uiato the said Companies offarbes s or Surgeons, by whais ever nam e Or nam eSthey or any of them Were called, and whicli theyor any of them no have, or any of their predecessors have had, by acts of partia ment, letters patents of the Κing's Hi liness, or other his most Oble progenitors, or otherWise by any la fulmeans have had at any time afore this present adt, in as large and ample manner, and forna,