A translation of the charter from the latin, granted by King Henry VIII to the Company of Barbers of London; whereby they were made a corporation; also transcripts of the letters patent ... with acts of Parliament and bye-laws relative to the ... Com

발행: 1785년

분량: 137페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ties, franchises, immunities, custonas, and Dreheminences, with in the City of London, the suburbs and liberi s thereos, and certa in villages and places neret O a lacent, as weli on account of the faidari os parti ament as by virtve and on account of divers charters and letters patent made and granted

themby grant, ratisy, and confirm uiato the faid Masters and Governors of the Mystery and Commonalty afores alii, and their succes re, ali and sin- custonas, liberties, franchises, immunities, iurisiadimons and hereditaments whais ever, as Gellwit in the City of London, the liberties and sub urbs thereos, as Within the liberties and precinetsi herein after mentioned, whicli the men of the aioresaid Societies of Barbers and Surgeons, Orhelii, sed aridimoyed, by reason of any letters patent of any for- mer Κings and Queens of England , or by colo ros any la fui prescription, use, or custom, Or by any other lawsul means, right, or titte thereto had ed, or accustomed; and his sa id late Majest νCompany and Corporation to malle bye-laws sor

in luch manner, and under such restrictions, as aretherein


therein mentioned ; and to malae annital elections of the faid Masters or Governors of the Com

And it is hereby further enafled, that the said Company of Surgeons, made, establis hed, an lincorporaled by this adt, and their successi s, andali persons who mali be freemen of the fame Com-Pany or Corporation, saali and may frona time totime, and at ali times for e ver herea ster, have, hold, and e oy ali and every such and the fame liberties, privileges, hanchises, po ers and aut ho-rities, as the members of the faid united Companyor Corporation, heing freemen of the said Com-Pany, and admitted and approved Surgeons, with in the rules of the said Company and Corporation, could or might have respectively had, held and ei oyed by virtve of the 1aid recited ael os unionor incorporation, and the said letters patent of his

satis late Majesty King Charies the First respectively,

and other the royal granis, charters and patenis therein mentione d and referred to, so far as thesame relate to the Ari or Science of Surgery only, and not otherisisse ε, and that in as stili, ample and beneficiat manner, to ali intenis and Purpoles, as is the fame had in this present adt been expressty re Peated and re-en ad ted. 'This section pla in ly siaews, that the sanae immunities, privileges, rights Or exemptions &c. that Erit be longed to the Barbers Or Barber-Surgeony, Mere continued to them by the Surgeons whojoined them, securing the sanae immianities, &c.

by their incorporation Cith the Barbers in the sat lact


et icti os Henry the Eighth. We farther inseri theiollo ing sections, Page , to Prove other privi- leges of the Barbers Company, Vi Z. And it is hereby sui ther enacted, by the authoinrity aioresaid, that such of the members of thesaid uni ted Company or Corporation, Who ares reemen of the fata Company, and are not admittedor approved Surgeons, and their successors, mali, from and after diae 2 th das of June, 17 5, be, and they are here by made and constitu ted, a bo lycorporate, and Common alty perpetuat, inhicli atali times hereaster mali be called by the na me of the Master, Governors and Common alty of the Mystery of Barbers of London ; and by the samename mali plead and be impleaded before alim anner of justices, in ali colaris, and in ali man-ner of actions and suits ; and also purchase, ei oy, and take to them and their successors, any laniis'

tenemenis, or hereditamenis, not exceed in theyearly rent of tino hundred pouniis in the whole, thout incurring any of the penalties or soria itures of the statutes of Mori main. V


The sollowing section confirms and e stablimes the

fornas and bye-laws, and gives an authori ty to the Company to alter, annui, or malae new bye awS,as they find convenient, provided such a re eXecuted according to the statutes of the reaim:

and sor the said Master and Governors, and COUrtos Assistants, so aflembled, or the major part of them, to malae, Constitit te, Ordaitari es ablim, rati- fy, and confirm ali or any such bye-la s, ordi-ΓanCeS, rhales, and constitutions, as to them smaliseem requisite, Pro Per, Or conVenient, sor the regulation, LOVertament, pro fit, or ad vantage of the

said Company or Corporation of the harbers of

London, and the members thereos, and the fame, frona time to time, to alter Or repeat; so as thebye-la s, Ordinances, rules, and constitutions, so

declared, that the severat bye-laws, Ordinan Ces,

st the timeos the servey, made by William the Conqueror, ofati the land in En and , the whole was solind to be 6or Is Κnighis sees, o ut of whicli the church was then possessed ofa 8o13 ; to whicli additions were stili mal ing, tili the time ofΚing Edinard the Fircti, who being apprehensive the estate of the church might prow too great, in the sevenit, year of his rei gn procured the statu te of Mortavain to be made, by whichit is enacted, that no estates stiali be gi ven to the church without the leave of the King ; and , by a supplemental provision, this adt was, in the fiftecnth year of King Richard ille First, made to reach ali lay fraternities and corporationi.


Company or Corporation, se far as the same donot relate to or concern the Ari or Science of Sur-

repealed, annulled, or abrogated, by virtve of this present adt, mali continue and be in force, and saallbe eXerci sed, observed, and executed, by the saidCompany of Barbers establimed and incorpora ted by this adt. The last section, relative to the distinion of the Barbers Company With the Surgeons, page 447,

iis contenis in the margin signisse, that the privi- leges and eXemptions ever possessed by the Surge-ons stili remat ned ianviolate i to the Barbers Company, is we may belleve the mallers of the adi, bytheir own interpretation, Whicli stantis thus: Company of Barbers to ei oy the sanae privi-

leges as besore, excepi in Surgery. - e willhowever recite the section at large, that the reader

thori ty aforesaid, that the Master, Governors, and Common alty of the Mystery of Barbers of London, hereby made, es ablished, and incorporaled as asoresaid, and their successors, and ali perlons vilio mallbe free of the sanae Company or Corporation, malland may, frona time to time, and at ali times for everherea ster, have, hold, and ei oy ali and every suchand the sanae liberties, privileges, franchises, PO -ers, and aut horities, as the fatu uni ted Company or Corporation, With res pedi to every thing but Sur- gery, and the members of the said united Com-


pany occupying the seat or crast os Barbery, or Shaving, could or might have respectively had, hel 1 and ei oyed, by virtve of the said recited actos union or incorporation, and letters patent of

his late M est y Κing Charies I, and other theroyal granis, charters, and patenis, therein respectively mentioned and reseri ed to, so far as the sanaedo not concern or relate to the Ari or Science of

SUrgery, and that in as fuit, ample and beneficialmanner, to ali intenis and purposses, as is the fame had been expressty repeated and set down andenaeied in and by this present adt. The matter besore recited seems to the Editor to be the most stri hing paris in the adi os dis union of the Barbers and Surgeons, relative to the rightSand privileges of the Barbers Company, & c. M r. Foster, Barber. of Seething lane, disputed serv ng constabie in To er street ward, about fifteen years ago, and plea ted in excuse the eXemptions granted by Charies Ι and other Κings and Qtieens, to the Barbers Company, and was ho- noui ab ly discli arged frona serving that ossice.

M r. Proctor, about severa years ago, was Cast,


singular benestis, granis, liberties, Privileges, franchises, and free custonas, and also ali manner of Other things at any time gi ven or granted uiato thesaid Companies of Barbers and Surgeons, by What-

called, and whicli they or any of them no have, Cr any of their predecesibrs have had, by acts of Parii ament; letters patent of the Κing's Highnessor other his most nobie progenitors, or other i se by any lawsul means have had at any time asore this present aet, in as large and ample manner and forna as they, or any of them, have, had, mightor smould enjoy the sanae, this union or conjunctionos the Companies together not illistanding ; andas largely to have and ei oy the premisses, as is thesime were and had been specialty and particularly expressed and declared. And that ali persons of the fa id Company, now incorporate by this presentadi , and their successors, that s laal l be la stilly ad mitted and approved to occupy SUrgery, after thesorm of the statute in that case ordat ned and provide i, sirali be exempt istoria bearing of armour,or to be put in any watches or inque sis; and thatthey and their successors sa ali have the search, oves


figlit, punissiment and correction, as Weli os freemen as Os fore igia, sor such offences as they or any of them smali commit or do against the good orderos Barbery, or Surgery, as afore this time among the said Mystery and Company of Barbers of London hath been used and accustomed, accordis gio the good and politic rules and ordinances by them made, and approVed by the Lord Chancellor, Treas urer, and two Clites Justices of ei ther Bench, or any three of them, after the forna of the statute in that case after ordained and provide l. Sect. 4 enacts, That no manner os person, after the said Feast of St. Michael the Archanget nexi coming, presume to keep any sinop of Barberyor Shaving within the City of London, excepi hebe a freem an of the sanae Corporation and Com-

and correct offences. time G has been here tofore accus

tomed, there staal l be chosen four Masters or Go- vernors of the sanae Corporation or Company ; of the sotir, two of them stati be expert in Surgery, and the other two in Barbery; whicli four Masters and every of them strali have fuit power and authori ty, frona time to time, during their said ossice, to haυe

and correctiora os ali such defatilis and inconveniences as mali be solandamong the said Company using

ter of Edis. IV. as recited in charter of

Henry VIII.


of London, and the circulis asoresa id, , after their. Subu b, 6s ihε discretion. An i ii any person

fend in any of these articles afore

Charies, as appears by such recitat, granted, rati- sed and confirmed uiato the Masters or Governors of the said Mystery and Commonasty asoresaid, and their successsors, amongit Other things, ali and singular custonas, liberties, hanchises, immunities, jurisdictions, and hereditaments What foever, as wellwithin the City of London, the liberties and sub- Urbs thereos, as with in the liberties and precineis therein after mentioned, whicli the iDen of theas resaid Societies of Barbers and Surgeons, Oreither of them, then lawfully had, held, used, and ei oyed, by reason of any letters patent, or bycolour of any lawful prescription, hi se, or custom, or by any other lawful means, right, Or ride, theretosore had, used, or accustomed and did