A translation of the charter from the latin, granted by King Henry VIII to the Company of Barbers of London; whereby they were made a corporation; also transcripts of the letters patent ... with acts of Parliament and bye-laws relative to the ... Com

발행: 1785년

분량: 137페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


purposes ; si ο) and that ali persons of the nid

ordained and provide J, shali be exempt frona bearing of armor, Or to be Put in any wa ches or inquests; si 5ὶ and that they and ille ir si accessors mali have the search, oversi glit, punissament, and correction, as Keil of sree men as of sore igia, sorsu cli offences as they or any of them smali commitor do against the good order oi Barbery or Sur- gery, as asore this time among the laid Mytteryὸ and Ompany of darbers of London' hath hedia used and accustomed, according to the good and politic rules and ordinances by them made, and approved by the Lord Chancellor. Treas arer, and two Clites Justices ofelther nench, or any three of them, after the formof the statu te in that case after ordained and Provide l.

Surgeons of London, and their soccessors yearly for ever, after the r said discretions, at their si ee The Surgeon, mi, libertV and Pleas ure, in ali and may


heirs, or successors, for the s. me; a) and tona alie incision of the sanae clead bodies, 0r other-wis e to order the fame aster their said Oiscretions, at their pleas res, for their further and better knowledge, instruction, insight, learn in g, and e perien cein the said science or faculty of Surgery ; 3 sming unto ali persons, their heirs and successors, ali such right, tille, interest, and demanii, whichthey or any of them might lauet utly claim to have

in or to any of the lancis and tenemenis, mitti theappUrtenances belonging unto ille said Company of Barbers and Surgeons, Or any of them, at a nytime after the ma ing of this adt, in as amplemanner and forna as they or any of them had orought to have heretolore any thing in this presentast compri sed to the contrary her of in any Wisenot illi standi g. 'III. Aiad forasmuch as sicli persons using the mystery or faculty of Surgery, ostentimes med ille and talae in to their cure and hous es such sicli and diseased persons as have been infected with the

Pestilence, great poX, and such other contagious infirmities, do u se or exercise Barbery, as Was ingor maving, or other fenis thereunto be longing,

London, suburbs of the fame, and One mile com-


London, suburbs, or one mile circuit of the fame City of London, he nor they, nor non e other sorthem, to his or their Use, saali occupy any Sur-

or Crasse of Sur ery with in the circuit asoresald, as long as he thali fortune to use the suid Mystery or Crast of Surgery, smali in no Wi e occupy nor exercise the seat or crast Os Barbery or Shaving, net ther by himself, nor by non e other for hina, tollis or their use And moreoVer, that ali man-ner of persons using Surgery for the time being, asweli freemen as foret gners, aliens, and strangers, with in the said City of London, bet ore the seast of Sti Michael the Archanget nexi coming, shali have

Barber in London, by the aut horitv afores aici, That nothat Compans. manner Os Person, alter the Did


RuthQΠW- customed, there mali be chosen by the sanae Company sour Masters or Governors Ofthe fame Corporation or Company ; of the whichfour, two of them mali be expert in Surgery, and the other two in Barbery ; a) Whicli four Masters, and every of them, saali have fult po Ner and authority, frona time to time, during their satu ostice, to have the oversagiit, search, punistiment, and correction os ali sicli defatalis and inconveniencesas mali be found among the said Company using Barbery or Surgery, as Weli os freemen as foretgners, aliens or strangers, Within the City of Londonand the circuits aforesaid, after their said discretiosas: s) And is a ny person or peribras using any Barbery or Surgery, at any time hereaster offendi 11 any of thele articles asores id, then, sor everymonili the said persons so offending, shali lose sor-

Lord, and the other molet y to the p r bia that , illor smali sue therei or by action os debi, bill, pla intor information, in any of the King's Couris, Wherein no wager Os la V, esilai n or protection, stali be admitteti or allowed in the sanae. VI. Provided that the said Barbers and Surgeons, and every of them, strati bear and pay tot and scol, and such other charges as they and their predeces sors have been accusto med to pay Within the said


Surgeonas his serv-


come, We, the Right Honou rabie William Lord Cowper, Baron of Wingliam, Lord Hi hChancellor os Great-Britain ; Sir John Holt, Κnight. Lord Clites Justice of the Pleas to belloiden before our Sovereigia Lady the Queen, and Sir Thomas Trevor, Κnight, Lord Clites Justice of the Court of Common Pleas at West miniter, sesad greeting, in Our Lord God Evertasting : hereas, in and by a certain a st os partiament, enacted and made at West miniter, the sive and twentieth day of January, in the nineleenth year of the reigia of our late Soverctgia Lord King Henrythe


them bet ore that time made, in disinheritance ordiminution of the Κing's prerogative, nor of othernor against the common profit of the people, butthat the sanae adis or ordinances be examined an dapproved by the Chancellor, Treasurer of England , or Clites Justices of ei ther benches, or three of them, or besore both the Justices of the Allige in

their circuits or progressi in that mire where suchadis or ordinances be made, ut on patia os forseit-

Ure of sorty potands for every time they mali do the contrary, as by the fame adi os partiament dothappear. And whereas also, by a certain other aetos parti ament, enacted and made in the thirty- second year of the reigia of Κing Henry the Eighth, it Was, among other things, enaesed, That is to say, both the Barbers and the Surgeonsos London, and e very person of them, being afreem an os either of the fame companies, after thecusto in of the City of London, and their successors, frona theraces orth immediately mali beunt ted and made one entire and whole body corporate, and one commonalty perpetuat, by the nameos Masters or Governors of the Mistery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London, foreVer thereas ter, and by no other nam e ; and shali

liis peaceably and quietiy have and e oy ali and F singular


singular benestis, granis, liberties, privileges, franchises, free custonas, and other things, at any timegiVen or granted unto the sa id Companies of

they or any of them Were called, and whicli theyor any of them, or any of their predecessors, had hy a ct of partiament, letters patent, Or other isse, by any lawsul means asore the sanae adr, in as large and ample manner and forna as they or any of them h ad or might ei oy the same union of the same Companies notwith standing ; and that theyand their successors si ali have the search, OVersight, Punishment, and correction, as weli os free men asos foret gia, for such offences as they or any of them si tali commit or do against the good order of Barbery or Surgery as afore that time amongst thesaid Mistery and Company of Barbers of Londoni ad been used and accustomed, according to thegood and politic rules and ordinances by themmade and approved by the faid Loriis Chasi cel .lor, Treas urer, and two Clites Justices, or any three of them, aiter the forna of the statu te in that case ordained and provided ; and that the said Master or Governors of the sanae Corpolation or Company, and every of them, inali have stillyo Ner and authority frona time to time during their se id ossice to have the oversi glit, search. Punissim ent, and correctionos ali sicli de aulis and inconveniencies as shali be sound amongst the said Company ussing Barbery or Surgery as weli os freemen as ios eigia aliens and strangers within the said

City of London and suburbs of the fame, and onem ite


mile compasi of the said City os London, aftistheir discretions, as at large appeareth in and by thesaid adt of parti ament. And whereas alsb sundryrules, Orders, Ordinances and oaths have been here fore, antiently, and from time to time successively made and ordat ned, and by the severat Mas- ters or Governors of the said Mistery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London, executed, for the betier order and govertament of albsuch persons as well foret gn as iree, and as wellatiens and denirens as naturali Zed and native subjectes of this realm of Englarid, as then did, or thenaster silould, for their pri Vate gain or profit, professi or exercise the same aris or mi steries, or ei ther of them. And whereas his late Most Excellent Majest y Κing Charies the First, by his letters patent, dated and made the fifteenth day of August, in the

fifth year of his rei gn, did, for the caules and considerations therein contained, among other things, grant unt' the said Masters or Governors of thesaid Mistery ad Commonalty of the Barbers and Surgeono of London, and their succesors, that asMeli ali and every the theta freemen of that com-Pany as fore igners, either native subjects of this reaim, pr aliens profesting and exercising sortheir omia private gain or pro fit the Aris or Misiateries of Balbers or Surgeons, or either of them, within the Cities of London and west minster, the liberties and suburbs thereos, and in aliother to ns, hanaleis, and places Whais Ver,


Ordinance, Oaths, corrections, and to ali impositions, taxations, and collections whais ever, of thesaid Mastere or Governors, and their successors; and to ali and every the payments of money, Charges, sines, amerciamenis, imprison menis, patias and penalties whais ever, by the said Masters orGovernors from time to time for the time beinginflicted or imposed. And that ali and every such Persons profesting or exerci sing the said misteries

and aris, or ei ther of them, Mith in the said cities, suburbs, limiis, and precinctos of seven miles asoresaid, excepi as afore excepte l) should be boundand subject to the fame laws, ordinanceS, OathS, impositions, taxations, fines, imprisonmenis, di Drresses, penalties, prescripis, and constitutions, whereunto the Barbers and Surgeons of the said

City of London, by any acto os parti ament, or byany charters or letters patent here tofore made or

should be lawful for them, and sor the Assistants of the fame Mistery and Commonalty for the timeheing, to have and to hold a certain Council-House, called the Common Hali of that Common alty or Company ; and that the said Masters or Governors sor