A translation of the charter from the latin, granted by King Henry VIII to the Company of Barbers of London; whereby they were made a corporation; also transcripts of the letters patent ... with acts of Parliament and bye-laws relative to the ... Com

발행: 1785년

분량: 137페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Ior ille time being, as osten as to them mouidstem necesiary and convenient, should, by publicsum mons, assem bie uiato the faid Common Hallati the satis Assistants of the Comnion alty of the

Barbers and Surgeons afores a id, and therein mighthoid Cotiris and Convocations of the fame xl astersor Governors, and so many of the Assistants of thelaid Common alty as, upon the sanae sim mons, would then present; and that the faid Mastersor Governors, and the said Assistants, so assembled, might, in the same cotiri and asiembly, frona timeto time confer, consuli, and consider of the statutes, ta S, articles, and Ordinances, made and tobe made, and of ali other things concerning the sanae Mistery and Commonalty, and the good state and gOVertament thereos, or the greater part of them : and that the fame Masters or GoVernors, and Assistants, for the time being, or the greater part of them thera preserat iapon the sanae sun mons.whereos ever two at the least sta ould be Masters or Iovernors, mali have fuit power and authority. irona time to time, sor the correction, revocation, and malaing void os ali sicli former laws, ordinances, and constitutions, as siould appear to beincommodiotas, inconvenient, Or uta serviceable tothe good govern ment of the sanae Mistery and Common alty ; and to make, constitute, Ordain, and est ibi isti ali such their other or further reason- able statutes, laws, ordinances, constitutions , and orders, as to their discretions mouid appear or be oncei Ved to be good, proiitabie, honest, and necessary for the reformation, correction, direction,


or beller govern ment as meli of ali Deemen os that Company, as of ali sucii foreigners, either nati Vesor naturali Zed subjects, deni Zens, or aliens, asstould professi and exercise the said Aris of Barbersand Surgeons, or ei ther of them, for their own private gain or prolit, With in the fa id cities, sub- Urbs, or liberties thereos, or the said seven miles limits or circuit asoresaid, excepi besore excepte i)and for the suppression os ali impostors and otherunskili ut persons, by whose ignorance or ineXperi- ence the Κing's subjects might sustain any peril, gries, or ill in their bodies ; and for the declaration

ors of the said Mystery and Common alty, and thesaid Amstants, and the Freemen and Ossicers of thesaid Common alty, and ali others that then did orstould professi or practice the suid Aris or Misteries, or ei ther of them, with in the said cities, or any of the said precincts or circulis asoresaid, should carry,

heliaue, and employ thenaseives in or about thesame ossices, aris, misteries, and affairs; and tot in posse, assessi, and put in execution any sicli rea-knable penalties and punishmenis, by imprison

menis, fines, and amerciamenis, Upon any sicli offenders therein, as the sanae Masters or Govern-ors, and the said Assistants, or the greater part of them, should esteem reasonable or requisiite andio levy and have the sanae fines and amerciaments by the ossicers of the said Masters or Governors,to the use of the said Masters or Governors of thesaid Mistery and Commonalty, and of their successe

sors, by distresa or action in any Codri os Record,


don, or in any other manner, or in any Other

Couri, as to thenaseives s ould seem best; and that ali and every the fame laws, statutes, ordinances, and constitutions, being examined, appro-Ved, and allo ed, accor ling to the faid statute made in the said ninetrenth year of King Henry the

observed and obeyed, as more amply appeareth by the same letters patent. And whereas the no present Masters or Governors, and Assistants of the fame M litery and Commonalty, have ne ly madeand ordat ned standry orders, rules, and ordinances, whicli they have conceived to be reason able and requisite for the better govertament of the filii Mi-stery and Commonalty, and have compriZed and expressed ali and every the fame newly-ordainedorders, rules, and ordinances, in a book, whichthey have humbly presented tanto iis, to be perta sed, exaria ined, approVed, and allo ed, accordi sag to

the 1aid act os parti ament of the said n ineleenthyear of the rei gn of the suid late Κing Henry the

Ordinances, made and ordained buthe Mallers or Governors, and Assistants, of the Mittery and Common alty of the Barbers and Surgeons of London, at a Court of the said Mastersor GoVernors, and Assistants, holden at the Common Hali of the said Company, the thirteenth dayot January, anno domini 17O8. Item, It is ordat ned that no si deman of the nid ompany, that shalli usu or exercise the Aris and



Sciences of Barbers and Surgeons or ei ther of them, within the City of London or liberties of the sanae, Or with in one mile compasis of the salii city, shallat the fame time Leep or use, or by any presen Ce Orcolour cause to be kept for his use, profit or benefit, directly or indirectly, any more than only one moPwithin the limits aforesaid ; nor smali colourably, sor any such purposse covenant, by way of partiaer- si ip with any other member or other perlon who

take any person nato his service as an apprentice Orotherisisse, to be instructed in his trade or ari, sorany tesser or shorter time than seven years, norkeep more than three at One time.


D , It is ordat ned, that no suci, person of this Company as sta ali use or praelisse the sanae Miste egos Barbery and Surgery, or any of them, mallherealter reta ke or keep as his j ourneyman anysuch peribia as is not free of the fame Company, nor thali be co-pariner in Barbery Usth any fo- rei gner uni ree of the fa id Company, hipon patia offorseitin g, for every such offence, sive pound s to theu se of the Company. Item, It is ordat ned, that every such soreigner, asweli alien, denigen, naturali Zed or native subjectos this reaim, that for any private gain or profit lo or mali profess and exercise the Misteries orAres of Barbers and Surgeons, or ei ther of them, within the fa id City of L ondon and liberties of the fame, or with in the compassi os one mile of the

furvey, Vie , search, eXamination, summon S, convocations, couris, ordinary determinations, corrections, admonitions, fines, amerciamenis, Pallas, Penalties, taXations, charges, impossitions, paymenis, collections, ain or adis whatsoever, so faras they respectively a re subjected, pursuant to the statu te made in the thirty second year of Henry thel ighth for Barbers and Surgeons. NoW there fore,

UPOn Perusal, eXamination, and consideration of the said orders, rules and ordinances, concerning the fame, to be convenient, commodious, and ne


tery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeong of London, and conformabie to the laws and statutes of this reaim, upon the hvmble destire and petitionos the said Masters or Governors and Assistants of the said Mistery and Common alty, by virtve and author ity of the said adt of parti ament made in then ineleenth year of Κing Henry the Seventit, or any Other means; the said orders, rules, and ordinances, si far as We la fully may, we do by these

subscribed our names, and assi Xed our seais, this si x thday of April, anno domini I7o9, and in theeighth year of the rei gn of our Sovereigia Lady Anne, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britalia, France and Irelanii, Queen, Defender of the



IN the preamble reciting letters patent of Edward

the First, granted to the Barber-SUrgeonS, IO-wards the conclusion os page 432, it is saewn, that Barbers used or exercised the Mystery of Barber- Surgeon indifferently, as their taste or talent inclined them, after having been si st examined and approved sussiciently qualisieii, by the Masters orGOvernors, in the Science of Surgery, as expressed in these wordi os exemption to the Company Nithout distinction, Vi Z. - And his si id Majest y did fui ther grant, that the said Masters and Governors, and Commonalty, of the suid Mystery of BARBERs, and their succes- sors, nor any of them, strould in any manner here- after be summoned or put upon alii Zes, juries inquests, inquisitioias, attainis, or Other reCogni-Zances, to be taken Vith in the said city and iub- urbs thereos, bes e the Mayor, or Sheri sim, or Coroners of the fame city, for the time being orsum moned by any 0f his officers, ministri orministers ; though such juries, inquisitioias, Or recogniZances mould be summone i upon writ orwrits of right ; but aliat the said Master or Goversa Ors, and Commonatu of the afores id Mystery, and their successors, and every of them, fliould betherei ore acquitted, and wholly dis harged sor

G a This


This pari fully stie s the exemption of the

Barbers or Barber-Surgeons ε, and it is plain, byan ai': of the thii ty-second of Henry VIII, incorporating the Barbers of London and the Surge sos I ondon. that they had ali the fame exemptions and immunities, &c. and thhas Proceed S -- There were within the City of London tWo severat and distinet Companies of Surgeons, occUPying and exercising the Science and Faculty os Surgery, the one Company being conam ly calledine Barbers of London, and the other Company heing called the Surgeons of London ; and thesaid Company of Barbers were incorporaled to sue. and be sued, in the na me of Masters or Govern- Ors, and Common alty, of Barbers of London, by letters patent under the great seat of Edward IV, in the sirit year of his reign.' We must observe, that the Barbers and Barbem Surgeons are sy noni mous ternas in the sa id act, meaning the sanae Company as expressed in either

he missed in his jud gement, and confiund the

London ; aster Whicli time they had their different


tice Surgery only as mentioned in the adt) and the other part of them Barbery; that is to say, maving, of teest, culting or polling of hair, xvith other embellistiments relative to head dress ; yet it pia in ly appears, they Were equat ly veiled xvi in the fame righis and privileges, and

ni fied by the ach; and that the Barbers, or BarbI- Surgeons, more common ly so calle l) at the time of the union with the a vesaid Surgeons. That the reader may see their privileges, We will recite part of pages 43 and 35, as expressed in

the folio ing wor is, vi Z. - It was theres ore

enactes, That the salit two severat and distinctCompanies of Surgeons, that is to say, both the Barbers and tiae Surgeons, and every persen of them, bcing freemen of either of the two said Compames, after the custom of the said City of London, and their successors, should frona thencesortii beimmediate ly uni ted and made one entire and wholebo ly corporate, and One commonalty perpetuat,

whicli at ali times thereaster mould be called by the nam e of Miners or Governors of the Mystery and Common alty of Barbers and Surgeons of London; and by the fame nam e to implead and be impleaded besore ali manner of justices, in ali


ed, that they slaould have a common Dal, to servesor the busi esse of the said Company and Corporation ; and that they should by the sanae name maee- ably, quietiy, and indeseas ably have, post esse, an de oy, to them and their successors for ever, alistich lands and tenemenis, and other hereditamenis Whais ever, whicli the in id Company or Common-

have' and e oy ali and singular benestis, granis, liberties, franchises, and free custonas, and also ali manner of other things at any time given orgranted tanto the said Companies of Barbers orSurgeons, by Whatsoever nanae Or names they Orany of them were called, or Whicli they or any of them, or any of their predecessors, then or there- tofore had, by acts of partiament, letters Patent, or otherwise, by any la fui means, at any timebes re the sa id adt, in as large and ample mannerand forna as they or any of them had, might, or

1hould ei oy the fame, not illista ad ing the saidunion or conjunctiora of the fa id Companies, andas is the same were and had been specialty and particulari; expreised and declared, with the beth and

under the great seat of England , bearing date thei ueth day of August, in the fifth year of the reignos his late M est y Κing Chartes I, reci ting thesaid adt of parti ament of the ibii ty- second year of the