Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


I9. hctatoriacts Calchas, soni Thestor the chie a thsayer of the Grecian hosti ai climrit, istaei , i. e. - Way of interpretation.

23. . erat, remaius.

24. Aonita, Boeotian. 23. BIIa, i. e. Me Bou, is metonymy. 28. virginia eas Diana Agamemnon ad illed a hin consecrate toler, ndis his davrater Iphigenia must e sacrificed by way of atonement. 29. 'metiatem, Deseri Iove. 3 a viola Eat accordin to the origina sermo the ston . themaide Was actuali sacrificem; ut it Was astematas modifie inthi Way, in orde to satisf the popular Sympathies. 33. Rori, Me sacretriae. 34. Myconicta Iphigenia's home Was Menae. 36. Phostiea, as weli as inviis limit ira. . triplicia mundi, Me rarae moriri, of heaven earth, and

M. Proteaiam Protesilaus, a Thessalian, the fimi os the Greelis .ho et a Troy this ad been oretol by an oracle. - magno


the re cloth, held ut to excite the buli, gave Way he hepiunge againstrat.


another race.

34. Ehita, in the oracle had declared that ro could notaetaken except wit theruid of the arrow os Hercules 58. mala, tinfortunasest Palamedes as ut is deam by the Greeis o a false charge of treason rought y lysses ut os

98. ---x Rhesus and Dolon ere illed by IIIysses and Diomedes pon the nighil expeditio in hic the captured


the oothsayer Helenus, and the Palladium, or ancient image of PallaS.Ioo Diom iam Diomedes a theiraves of the Greelis extis Achilles an Maxu he accompante Ulysses pontis nocturnalexpedition. io3. quo abi os cause), etet , i. e. r mina AH iram. Io7. Dulichiva the fland Dulichius elonge to lysses.

Io9. Elias, se note XII. the final a shows that it is a seminine patronymic.

14s. amnatua Telamon, ather of Aiax, ad ille his Mother, and wasianished so the crime. Io Cyllantua an epithetis mercury, rom his hirthplace, Μt Cyllenen it is in apposition wit notiuit . Usses mollier

mares murdere him, in revenge so the sacrifice of her clauoteri natu: Ulysses retende that Iphigenia Mas to e marrie to AchilleS.


Priam. ao3. Manctas hecause the Person os an ambassador assacre in antiqui , a no .a . Prima II , predicate. - nonis Moum, urs and Mi-

our common.

and Diomedes See, 98. 243. 1 tamEn emen under rarae circumuances.


3so Mainε Ajachas manteda Diomedes sonis meus , to indicate that est the credit of the achievement belonga in him.

3s I. at una, Miones e δε-.336. mo ratior moctentior Aiax the les Was o Moileus. 337. Eurypylaa: he an Thoac sonis Andraemon .ere two Grecian eadem Idomeneus o Crete a clamous hies, viso Meriones, an Menelaus, sonis Atreu . 368 nonis , i. e. the human. 37o vigili, ascisman. 372. titulum, mar o honor. 373 1ador i. e. of the siem. 376 acto . this again alam to the Palladium. 379. satia, Minucrian. -- Tmaudax. is manetam


es Eneas it the Cyclops, in the inire book of Virgilta Eneid.


Pythagoras theresore testinis native land and passed the res of his lis inmagna Graecia, principany at Croton he die a Metapo

nam os the accused by the fide of the crime. I 34. rugon, ubi os imponi it resera to the mola satia, parched arte mea mixe wit sali, hic Was prinkle o thehead of the victim. I 3s in uncta the huche of water, in hic the meiatingpries Washed his and to puris them, hesore the sacrifice. I 37. in lolunt this inspectio os the entralis, to earn themis of the mos, mas usuali persorme by the haruspices. I a. olanoa, uisens inhabiIanu, rom vioJ this mor is perhaps hose hecause the addreas ac livere in the Greeh


233. Tynctaria, Helen: he was canted amarnotini by Paris, but besore that by Theseus.

For the verses omitted se Argument of this Book.J433. tonoem dependa on lautis. 439. oorpora objectis aruamuis an subjecti ena. v. o).MO. aliquo tinctero, construe&Wit iunctorum


634. Et Iocius Blo. the sues description of the circumatances attending the ulteranceis oracles.

66o nota, imperatiVe.