장음표시 사용
IX. 33. novorosa, Iuno. ercules a the sonis Iupiter, hut notis his queen Iuno, Who, through ealousy, imposed ponhim the samous welve Labors. I 36. mohau this a the cit o Euboea, o whic Eurytus maching after capturin inchalia an puttin Eurytus to death, Hercules proceede Wit Iole, claughter of Eurytus to the Cenaean Promonto , to osse sacrifices to Iove. IV. Amphitryoniacten Hercules mother, Alcmene, mas Miso Amphitryon. I43. inuictit, fave veni. I43. aliqui novanctum ea uom nem counses musti fasten. I47. Calyctona Deianira Was aughter of Eneus, in os Calydon. I49. m. BRSis, in dependa n memor. The reserenc is to Meleager hillinihi uncies.
his son an herald. The settere Hercules is salesto represent theau in inter, and his victor the sun's revivingso e in Syring. I 84. Antaeo Antaeus a giant of Libya , heneve heriouched the arth, his mollier, derive ne strength sto her Hercules overcam hi miniisting him rom the ground and stranglinthim. Pastoris Geryon, a three-heade iant, hos catile ercules drove Way. Wit thia commences the commemoratin of the Truelve Labora.
I 87. Tua here e leansed the stabie os hin Augeas in oneday by turning the rive Alpheus through them - Stymphati a heseed the Stymphalia vale o numberles man-eatinibimS.I88. Parthonium a mountain etween Arcadia an Argolis, Where he woundelland capture theirage Moted hind of Artemis. I 89. His Q the et os Hippolyte queen of the Amazons, vh d.el o the rive Thermodon, in Asia Minor herale heran carried of her gitale. Im. Poma the apples of the Hesperides Mughters of Atlas; see iv. 637. I9I. Contauri in fight it the Centaura as ne of his exploiis, but notine os the welve Labors. I92. Per the Erymanthia boar, hic ravam Arcadia. Mores in Lemaean hydra Wheneve he ut of one of iis inehetas, tW sprangm incit place. I . Thracia: in Diomedes of hrace, hos horae vere sed on human flesh. I97. Emema moIea the Nemean lion the fimi and chie of the labor he alWay asterWard wore iis hide. I . a cervico: he oo the place of Atlas, in supportingste arth, hile Atlas a gathering or his in three oldenapples of the Hesperides.
2I3. Bralis, UMI the feralia ere a Roman festival to the deis, celebrate Februar 2I.
punishment was to care Mater in a vase illi holes in the bottom. Sisyphe the punishment of Sisyphus is thus described: - Mith many a Wear Step, and many a Moad,
it Kould seem that Lethaea drewmponierself the angeris the godsby ride in her Mauty that he hvsband lenos assume thebiam to himself, and that both were turne into stone. - Sobriis. σ1. Botoxata ictes, inrappositio missi lenos an Lethaea. 73. Portitor, saron the sero an vera Ityx.
I 63. Axion: his is therarat constellation os Spring and theide symboliaed by the myth os Hyacinthus is stat of the destror
ingso er of the ho sun. The festiva re Minuta at Sparta was
m commemoratio of this at firstisad asterWatas joysul, to Hoice in his restoration to lise. I67. multor, Phoebus Apollo. I68. Delphi, the place of the oracle of Apollo ; his a considereo the middie of the earth, and a stone Was preserve here in the sanctuary, called the Omphalos, o nave of the earth. I69. Eurotan the river hic floW pas Sparta. - immunitam, Sparta his no alis, it citietens eli eving that iis best delance was in the valoris ita citi Zens. In lachmo nem ever came ithinsight of the cit untii the invasion o Epaminondas, . . 37Ο.I7o citharin, nasutin the Ure and the o. ere the twochie attributes of Apollo. III. .ul, i. e. of his digni π.
35. Metbymnasi, o calle sto the cit Methymna Lesbos as ster ard celebrate sor ita lyri meis, particulari Alcaeus an Sappho. 38. anoem implying that Phoebus ahould have protecte bim
62. arva lorum, the Elysia fietes the abod of the blessed.
67. Lysaua, an epithetis Bacchus Bacchus as wellis Apollo Was a patroni poeta. 68. Eaororum auorum Orpheus ad introduce thes into