Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


738. Hymoninus, the meso marriam. 739. Prasoutiunt, Manaeisis in frons in theirides procession.


The tale o Perseus like that o Hercules an many ther heroes represent the ait course of the sun in conflictisit thepowers of darknes an Storm. The arre is his leamin my; the Graiae are the wilight the Gorgon are the torm-cloud. Whicli resis pon the bosom of the ea-wave, an is love by the mlde s ors of the lighining The Jamed erige of the cloud, and the crimson stream hicli oura rom it in the glow of sunset, helpiut the statures of the image.


of the productive power of the soli, horaeelis sorte chil Proserpina Ρersephone, calle also Uri, Me mairin), stolen rom hersight y the hingis the lower orid, and ni restore to e by Iupiter sor fix monilis of each ear B this parable the ancients understoo the annua so in of the grain-harvest, is hicli thecor is hidde in the ground through the inter months, but restore in princto sunlight, an ripening to the harvest, in hichthe early sestives of Ceres is celebrate wit religious rites. V. 34 I. uno aratro the ancient plough, stili somelimes seen in Italy, as a rude Wooden instrument hic Mohe the soti,ithiis hooked extremi ty. 343. octi Ioma: ecause agriculture irs led men to anorderi his, he was calle Ceres legimeri Δημητηρ Θεσμος ὀρος .346. Omlaria dat aster ingenta), Aeaseae o Meuians I M Typhoeus se Introd. . Typhoeus a no reclione one of thegianis, but represente the violent poWer os nature, especiali in the earlhquake lience e is place so punishment unde the


as the wereri stir love oriate.

373. - . . . eat, sucis is umen rance.

373. Pinacta eis. Pallas Μinerva an Artemis Dianaxwere

virgins and patrons of chastity.376. Ita, Proserpine. - virgo Predicate. 378. - . vi romo, foris uni eae mea . 379. Patruo the satruus is me sather' brother the avunculus the mother's. Proserpine Midaughter o Iupiter an Ceres. 38a magis auctiat, is more Minent. 383. Ponito sonu abi abs.), bracis Ais Hema inst i . 384 hamata, baroeae. --uncti 'Mae, o whic the arrow Was


o I. 'τα--, inameae Sicil Was in old times the granar of

482. sala Misa sinua. - primis in herlata, in Me unae bisaee, 484. victora B the quo is made long caesura. - . . . . u. boris . . . onae the constellations ere thought is hauri an innuence pon the emps.



383. Tuation, Moosing the M. 38s Stymphancto Stymphatus .as a districtis Arcadia.

387. in vorticis mi ou an eae m. 39o nutrita tincta sib Ma --.ω7. uouenquo a spondaic verse Orchomenos and Psophisare cities, Cyllene, aenalus, an Erymanthus are mountains, of Arcadia The course here deseribe is an almos impossibi onerinor so the matteris that, cloes the Alpheus M. nea Stymphalos. ω9. B, ablative. 6Is. umhram, i e of Alpheus. 6I9. Dictynna a nam os Diana, Domin mountain in Crete.

639. Ella, an epithetis Diana stom thesisland of Delos, hichmas sacre to her.


Ira Tantalu aruingi Phrygia, honored missi the societ os thea s. eris sal in have destred, as a boon rom them, that hemight be immerse to the lip in sensual delight and was u ished fortis crimes by the tormentis eterna hunge and thirst, standinci a lake hos Mater Mould neve rise a velis lips, while branches laclen illi ricli ruit swun bach vheneve heriried toriouch them, - a penalty Whic has made his nam immorta in the wores an auge. I74. Pisfactum noror Dione, mother of Niobe, an daughtero Atlas. I 6. Iupiter fallier os Tantalus, a Weli as of Niobe's hvsband, Amphion. I77. Boa a L i. e. hebes, ver hic Amphion ruled. me ablative, in appos With aomina. I78 fictibus, strinis. The huge lock of atone, of hic thewalis of hebes ere bulli move of themaelves to thei place atthe found of Amphion' lyre.

os meos, Esther of Latona, and a Titan. I 87. Egavit: the ealouSy. M Juno prevente Latona stom diu rest upo an spoli earth ut at last she found a refuge


woman niti Sipylus, in Lydia originali a partis Phrygia cithis .as identified with Niobe, and was probabi a rea esis ture vici some ouches of the human hand Some modern explqrem have thought that the have discovered thia.

VII. I. Minyas a mythica race of Greece it whom me Argonauta appea is have been connected, and whos nam theyoste bear Pamama the hi Argos, in hicli Iason an his companion fialed was bulli in Pagasae, a cit os Thessaly. 3. Phinoua, a blinclaingis Thrace; he had been tormente by the harpies. filiis bires Wit faces of maidens, but Was reed stom them by Zethus an Calais t. of the Argonauis), Sons os Boreas Aquilo , .ho drove them a V and pursue them throughthe es a sar a the fland of the Strophades, here they streasterwarda found by . e .


7. Egom: Eetes, in o Colchis in hos possession asseund the olde fleece. his ad Men carrie by hryxos o Colchis, and there offere to Zeus Iupiter , an place in his