An oration in defence of Aulus Licinius Archias;

발행: 1881년

분량: 63페이지


분류: 미분류


wisdom in his dischargo os in dut an in undorlahing this delance, Pshali adso induco ou lo ook avourabl O thecaus os Publius Sylla. An in the fit si place, O orquaturi Pasti ou this, hy ou hould separate me ro the therillustrious atri chie men of this ity in regarii to this diaty, and to tho right os dolandiu clienti For What is the reasouWhy the et o Quintus Hortensius, a mos illustrious manan a mos accomptished citigen, is no blarned by oti, and minoris blamedi For i a design of ring the ity, and of extinguishing this empire, an os destroying this ity, Wasentertaine by Publius Sylla, ought no such projecis to misegrenter indignation and greator atre against thei authors in me than in Quintus Hortensius ' ought noti opinion

particulam to Hortensius ascit is to me. An When o Methat he a mari os sueti an in authorio, an virtve, aud


nected by an bond of dut with that an, henae, by the


traordinar crueit an barbarit os disposition. I this both character hicli, On account, ait, exploiis, Ou GShuo torax apon m Whole Ese, O orquatus, ou are greatlymistahen. Nature made me mercisul, my Ouuir madem Severe ; ut either m country nor natur has everrequire me to e ruet. Lastly that fame vehement und ierce character Whicli a that time tho occasion and therepublic impoSed upo me Di own inclinatio an natureiiset has uo retioved me of sor my Ouuir require SeVerit forin Shori time, in nature requires clemene and lenityduring my hole ise. here is, there re, o pretene sor

honourabie men. ut is a plain thing, and the cause of ali

serve these men. For there isto side in the republic in hich have a peculiar and exclusive property. The time sor actingdi bulon more peculiari to me than to the thera butili cause of indignation, and ear, and danger Vas common Ous ali. Nor, indeed, could I have been ut that time, as I Was, the hie man in providiniso the aselyos the state, is othera ha been unWissing t be ni compatiions. Where re it is inevitabi that that hicli, hen Pwas consul, belongesto meeSpeciali above ali Other men, hould, O that Pam a privato individual, beton to me in common it the est. Nor


are o defendita Publius Sythi are colantenaticin hi bythei presene here no that he is iniunger the declare that the were Dot deterred by the accusationi conspirac Domcountenaticin the thers, ut by the mill of the men. ut so the time os, consulfhip and with respectrio the charge of the greatest conspiracy, Sylla halli defende by me. Andthis partitioni the cause botween Hortensius and me has not

quiries, Pleam a great an circum cinces, conceruing the extreme peril of the republic No messenger, O information, n lettera n Suspicio eve reache me at an time in theleas assectin Sylla Perhaps this asseriton ought to have

had investigato tho tot laid against the republic illi


considere himself so bowed down, o brohen doWn by that missortune, that he thought that non of his formor digni Was est o im excepi liat he could etain by his present

moderation. Dd in his conspiracy, What union a S Ver Socios as that utW00n Autronius and Catiline Letu een Autronius audiuntulus What combination a there evertetu eonan men or the mos virtuous vi posses, o intimate 8 his

thei company butae lini neve the ver Stightest intercoiu se With them, ei ther in convorsation or in cnSual meetings. The Allobroges, hos Who avo us the rues insormation on themOS imporiant matters accused Autronius, and o di theletter of many men, and an private linesses. Ad that time omne ver accused Sylla ; omne ver mentioned hisname Lastly aster Catiline had beentari ven ut, o allowedio depar out of the ity, Autronius en him armS, rumpetS,bugleS, Scythes, Standariis, legions. 0 ho was est in the

ment of Lentulus, ave Way at times to seselitig of ear, ut neVerrio any right Deling O good Sense Sylla, On the therhand wasmo quiet, that ali that time he was a Naples, hereit is no supposed that there ere an men ho ero implicate im o Suspected of this crimeri and the placo itfel is ne notgo et calculate to excitu the seselings of men in distress usto conSole them.

Some commentator propos fasces instead of falces here, and it could certaiul mahemueli belle Sense.


t Neei tho neu und the casus I also bellaved in a dissorent


And of the liopes of m client, Poni say, ilia Publius Sylla


know ron: ou ho it is that thos men ho como Dom thomunicipa to iis appea to O to e foret gnera. For no necver ad that Objection to that great man, Marcus Cato lices ter thougha lia maia enemies, o to Titus Coruncanius, o io Marcus Curius, Or even to that great hero os uriWn times, Caius Marius, through many men enuted him. In truth, am exceddingi delighted that Pania manis Auch a character that, heu ou ere anxioucto fiud savit it me, ou could

Aud is injudges, it is fit sor me and ou to e considered retrater by the est O the patricians, stili nothing ought tobo sat abolit this bioti Torquatus. For he himself is, u


m substitute in tu Ad suspicionis almin atruingi poWer