An oration in defence of Aulus Licinius Archias;

발행: 1881년

분량: 63페이지


분류: 미분류


tho lives os ali ho citigens, irona tho mos extrem tangere, shali avo gainei qui te reWard nough is no ange stri sest myseis ut of the reat servico hicli I have done to

ihiniis iniit o me by iche men, here Lucius Torquauis himself, after havin in thurars place lai suci a Mundationo virtuo as e di in his ouili, after avin proposed υhimself th hope of the mos honour te dignit in the state,

and in the seconditace, eing the o of Lucius Torquatus, a mos intrepid consul, a mos virtuous Senator, an at allumes. mos admirabie citigen, is ometimes man way With

lo voice of the Nichednes of Publius Lentulus, and of tho audacit os ad the conspirator', O that Ialy OH Wh ap- prove f thos things, could hear hatae iniit, he spolio illia loud querulou voice of the exsecution os Publius Lentulus and of the prison; in hicli thore aq srstis ad this absurdity, that heu he wishe to ain Our approva of the incon


desed in an Orator notrio Se What eaeli cause requires. Fortiothin is o inconsistent a for a molio is accusing renotheri conspiracy, to appear o lament the punishment

This refers to the stor os itus Ianlius Torquatus, ho in the Latin War A.Π c. 415 , Put his ovi son to deati, o leavin his ranks in lorgetfulnes os a generat orde ismed by his ather the consul to fighi neminius Metius, homine leK. Ille stor is tot by Livy lib. iii. V


nud nil Gur eat s and isten to me hilo I spea of hatho belleves o b unpopular topics. , a conSul, hen anum os abandone citigens, o together by clandestino Wicheditem, had preparet a mos cruei and miserable destruo tion Or m count hen Catiline ad bden appotnte tomanago the sal and mi of the republic in the camp, audwhon Lentulus a the leade amon these ver temple audhouses round us Q, PSana myclaboura, at tho isti os myoWn se by m prudence, Without an tumuit, Without malain an extraordinar levies Without arms, Without an army, havin arreste an execute sive men, delivere thecit Do conflagration the citigens O massacre, Italysrom devastation the republic Dona destruction. I, at theprice of the punishment of sive franti an ruine men, an-some the lives os ali the citi gens tho constitutio of the

delance of the common Sasely that Lucius Torquatus, eingm constant comrade in m conquiship an havin been soalso in m praetorallip Wa m defender, an aSSiStant, and parine in m actions bein also in chies, and the leader, and the standard-bearer of the Roman outh and his ather, a man mos devote to his count , a man f the reatest courage of the more consummate political Wisdom, and of singula firmness, thoughae Was sich, Atili Was constanti present


XIII. ou in that Sylla a named by the Allobroges. Who dentescit but read the insormation, an se ho he Wasnamod Theymaid that Lucius Cassius had said that, amongother men, Autronius as avourable to thei desigiis. Pasti,did Cassius a that Sylla ait Never They say that theythomsolves inquire os Cassius lia Sylla' opinion mere. Observe the diligende of the auis. They, knowin Dothingo the lis o character of the man, ut ni havin heard that he and Autronius ad met illi ne common dis ter,asked whether his inclinations ore tho famel hat thetia


ratin tho authorit os the hie men O the conspiracri sortho purpos os excitin the minit of the Allobroges, a liukne that the oreigia nations are speciali move by unilhistrious name, he ould Do have amed Autronius e re Sylla, is i ha been abierio nam Sylla ut all. ut o otio cani indueed to bellove his,-that the auis, the momentiliat Autronius a named ShOulit have thought on account of the similarit of thei missortunes that it Was orth their Whil to mali inquiri es abolit Sylla, ut that Cassius, is horeatly as implicate in his iche iness, hould neve haveone recollected Sylla even after he had name Autronius. However, What a the reply hic Cassius made bout Sylla ' He aid that he was no sui e. me does no acquithim,' says Torquatus. I have ini besore, that, even i heliad accused hina, lienae Nas interrogate in his manne his repl ought noto have been made alter of accusation against Sylla. Butes thin that in judiciat proc00dingsan examinations the hin to e inquire is uot whether any one is exculpated, ut hether any one is inculpated. An in truth, heu Cassius SV that he doe Dot know, is hoseehinito exculpate Sylla, o provin clearly enough that hereatly does notanowl He is ungillinito compromise im

there a an dangeri thei ever girin an informatio atali, ould he have ad that consession respectinihimself l

made ne of the conspirators, his object ein to ive tho Gaid a muchaope a possibie, and ache didio ventur toa seri What was absolutely salse, he aid that he di notanow. But his is qui te evident, that a be who ne the truth out very ne, sal that he id notatio about Sylla, thoi time eight is duo to this dentes of his asci he had sal thatho didano that ho ad nothin to do illi the conspiracy


For heu it is persecti certain ilia a manci acquuirited Withul the conspiratorS lii ignorance of any one ought O be considere an acquitia of him. ut Pam notissian Doriwhether Cassius acquit Sylla; his is qui te sufficient for me, that ther is uot one or to implicato Sylla in the whole informatio of the Allobroges. XIV. Torquatus hein cut of Dom this artici os his accusation again tu u againSt me, an accuses me. He says that

one ho Torquatus, sor in that indeedes have been much deceived, but ome ne ho ad os his patrimony, Someenem os tranquilli , Some so to ali good men, ould mythat tho information ive had 00 different in ordo flis

eve thing that was aid. I selecte Caius Coscouius, hoWa praetor at the timeri Marcus Messala, ho was a the timestandinisor the praetorshim; iublius Nigidius, an Appius


Claudius. I boli ev that liere solo no WhO hiulis that thes inuit ei deficient ei thor in the good uitli or in tho

that the information a by these means entere among the public documents but et that hos recorda ouldae heptin the custod o private individuata, uecording to the custonis os ur ancestors Udi no concea it I id notaeo it atm own ouse ut I caused tintistic t be copio out bysevera clerks an to e distribute eve Where, an pub-tishod and madu nown to tho Roman eople. I distribiitedit ali ver Italy I sent optes of it into ver province I Wisti no ne to e ignorant of that insormation, by means os Whicli inset Was procure for all. Andri too this precaution, though adiso disturbed anime, and when ali opportunities

herer at the time, hen, though the information a read, stud copio out aud published, o hept Sileno theu, do


tenSiu reply. S ou Say, his Statemen concertas lintcre of Autronius an Catiline, hen the intended to commitam sacre in the Campus Martius, ut the consula comitia,

nalit munda ut sine Cornelius himself evenio hesitates aboli givin information against him, he, as Ou Say, conterriS himself,ith din v the ouiline of his son' information. What the does h in about that Dight When, accordinito the order of Catiline, he came into the Scythemahers' Street, to thelous o Marcus Lecca that night Whicli soliowed tho