장음표시 사용
been ignorant he consul, Stili, mu8 pardon hos menwho ad ear nothin since that time. ut is tho rataccusatio had eight it ought notrio have had more eight when it Was old thau heu it a Desii But Dyour parent, even henae ramo Without suspicionis dange to himself, was stili induce byssit toto honourno the desene of a most Worthles man by his curule chair, by lii OK private digni , and by that os his office a consul then hat reason is
tioned I thougiit Dought to a thus much in liui bolials and that that ouldae enough, as the recollectionis alimen Wquid oin me in bearing itness, thut there a notisne manos that an who id not labour illi ali his viriue, and
serve thei leader, and o bring m miti no to deland thocause and the se of that fame an hose estpones latelyblunted, and whos stamus Phave but just extinguishodios, judges, the republic itSelf, hici ha been preserve by mylabsum and angors, id o b iis dignit recal me toWisdom an consistency, stili it is an instinet implante by
appea an osseusive thinisor im ho investigato tho coim spiracy. Who laid it pen, Who crushe it, hom the senato thanked in unprecedente language, to hom the Senate decreed a supplication, hic the had neve decreexto any onebosor sor civi services, o sani a courtis justice, d Would
os ali men ould have been lost orisve in ne nicti, is that severit had Do been exercised bullas Ι was te oti to the
punishmeu or iche meni in attachmen to tho republie, solo Pam te to secure the Saset os the innocent is myoWn inclination.
I see, O judges that in his Publius Sylla thor is nothing
oliat a Roma peOplo thougiit os me, uinus I adbeeu Severe Oward wiched en, audis have undorlahen hofirs de ne os an innocent man that as Ostere t me, Rodo ou also mitigato that severit os the ouris os justico whieli has been exerte no sor Some monilis against themost audacio iis of men, by Our lenit and mercy. The cause
in affectiori or ou Warrant me in using Sori ac that we, mur common eat, since e re unite in the Service os
chia was a Gree poet a native of Antioch, Who camerio Rome in thetrain os Lucullus. When Cicero asinihild. v asAumed the nam es of Aulus and Licinius the last ut os compliment to the Luculli, and Cicerohad been lor some time a pupilla his, and had rotat nexa great regardsor him. A mani the nam os Gracchus no prosecuted him as a lalse pretende to the rights of a Roman citi gen aceordin to the provisiongos the leae Papiria But Cicero contendi that heris justised by that vernia , for Archias besore comin to Rome had stayed at Heraclea, a consederate eity and had been en rode asin Heraclea citi Zen audin the leae Papiria it Was expressi provide that those ho eremuthe register os an consederate cit actis citi gens, is the Were residingincitat at the time ille las a passed, an is the made a retur Osthemselves to the praetor illi in si xt da3s, ere to e exempt Domit operation. oKever, the greates part os his oration is occupied, not in legat arguments but in a i ,:megyri et Archias. Wh is belloedio have die Aou afterWard A and he mus have been a very old manat the time that it a spolieti acit a neari sor Iears prerio trthat he had firAt eomerio Rome.
liave received that in hieli has nablexus to bring hel tomany an Salvation to Some. Aud est an one hould perchance, arve at thisiein sal by me, a the his of hisubdit consist in omethingislse, and uot in his system audpractice of eloquenee, e must e tot that even e -- Selves have neve been holi devote to this study. In truth, at the aris hicli concerti the civilisin an humani sing of men, have ome En Whicli ind them together, an are, ascit ere, connected by Some relationShi to ne
II. nd that it ma not appear amellous to any one fy0u thates, in a forma proueeding like his, and in a regular uriis justice, heu an actio is belli trie besore a praetoros the Romanaeopte a mos eminent man, an bes Ore OStimpartia judges, e re suci an assembi an multitude ospeopte ac se around me emplo this style of Speaking, Whicli is a variatice, o ont With the ordinar uinge Oscolaris of justice, ut illi the genera style o forensic pleading entreat ou in his cause to grant me his indulgende, uitable to this defendant, an a I rus no di83 eeable o ou,-the indulgence, namely, O aHOWin me, When platan in defetice of a mos sublime poet an most leamei man, e re this concoi se of highly-educate citigens, e re this most polite an accomptished assembly, and fore uel a praetor achim hocis residiu at this triat, toenis Ige it a litile more Deedom than sua oti the stud of polite literature and refined aris, and spearing in the characteros Euch a man a that Who, Win to the tranquillit os lus
tis and the studies o hieli ho has devote himself, has buttitile experiene os the angor os a cour of justice, toemplo a ne an unusual Atyle os orato . An is I doltha that indulgetice is ivli and illo ed in by ou I illsoon cause Ou to thin that this Aulus Licinius is a man
superior toruli in abilit and credit AsterWarci, in the ther paris of Asia, and ver ad Greece, his arrivat, moriathed os Whereuer e came, that the anxiet With Whicli 0 was expected Was even greater than the same of his genius 'ut the admiration hicli e excited heu he had arrived ex-eeede even the anxiet With hich he a expected. talywas a that time ullis Gree science and of Gree syMems, and thes studies ere at that time cultivated in Latium ita greater ea thau the no are in the samerio A aud hereto a Rome, o account of the tranquil state of the republicat that time, the were a Dom neglected There re thepeople o Tarentum, an Rhegium, and Neapolis, presentedhim illi ho Deedom of the cit an mitti ther gins andia men ho ere capablem judin o genius though him deseruingi thei acquaintance an hospitality. When, Dominis great celebrit of his, he had ecomo nown to usthough absent, he camerio Rome, in the consulfhimo Marius and catulus. It was his tot to have thos me aes histrat con-guis, the oueis,hom could supplfhim illi homost illustrious achievemenis to Write about the ther could ove him, notoni exploit to celebrate, ut hi ear and judicious attention Immediately the Luculli, though Archias a m et butis ovili, received hi in thei homo. But it a not
onlyrio his geli ius and his earning ut also O his natui aldispositio an virtve, that it must se attributo that thohous whicli a the fire t be pene to hi in his ouili, salso the ne in hicli h lives mos familiari in his id ago. Ho a that time gaine the assection O Quintus Metellus, that great an ho a the conqueror of Numidia, an hisson ius. He was ageri sistene to by Marcus Emilius; he associales th Quintus Catulus, both Wit the ather and the fons. He achighi respected by Lucius Crassus and assor the Luculli and Drusus, and the Octavit, an Cato, and the whole amit of the Hortensii, he was u term os the eates possibi intimac With al of them, and was hold by
IV. In the meanti me, after a susscienti long intervat, having oue illi Lucius Lucullius into Sicily, and avingasterWariis departed rom that province in the company of the Same Luculliis he came to Heraclea Anyas that it Wasone hich enjoyod ait the rights of a consederate cit to thoir fuit extent, he beeam destrous os et D eurode a a citigenos it. And, ein thought deseruingi suci a savour sor hisown Sahe, heu nided by the influendo an authorit os Lucullus he asil obtaine it rom the Heracleans Thesreedom of the cil Wtis ivei hin in accordance illi the provisioris of th law of Silvanus an Carbo an menhad been curollud res citigens of the consederate cities, an is, at the time that the a Was passed, the had a residen e in Italy, and is illiin si xt day the had made a retur os themselves to the praetor.' As he had nos ad a residenceat Rome sor many years, he retumei himself as a cilige totho praetor, Quintus Metellus, his mos intimate Diond. Isespeciali on Roman a . says, Smith. Diet. ni. v. Impubes. Thetoga virilis as assume a the Liberalia in the moniliis Mareti and though no age appear to have been positi vel fixed so the eremony, i probabi too place a a generat rute in the east,hich nex solioWedine completionis the lauristentii ear, though it is certain that the completion os the lauriemthbear asino alWay the time observed. V vensupposin Archiae t have been eventeen it appear rather an early aeterior him o have established suu a reputatio a Cicero speah os, and perna ps, ars notieingat that timea Roman citigen, he probablydid notνea the proeteat at ali the expression is nota be ahen literalty bulae aro meret to underitani generali that he a qui te a Oung man