An oration in defence of Aulus Licinius Archias;

발행: 1881년

분량: 63페이지


분류: 미분류




manis Faustus.

XX. But Sittius a sent by him into further patia, inorde to excit sedition in that provinco. In the fit si place, O udges, Sittius depat ted in the consulfhimos Lucius Julius an Caius Figulus, ome time osore this ad busines of Catiline's, an bufore there Was an suspicion solii con- Spira . In the secondilace, he di nodigo here so the fit sttime, ut he had ah eady been there Severat ears e re forthe fame purpos that he ent noW. Andae erit no OnlyWith an objeci, ut illi a necessar object havin Some imporiant accounts to sutile illi the kin o Mauritania. Butthen, afterae a gone, a Sylla manage his assati s res his Vent, he old many of the mos beautii ut arm o Publius Sittius, and by this means pat his debis; so that th motivo whicli drove the est to this michedness, the destre namely, fretaining thei possessions didio exist in the case of Sittius,

who ad diminished his laude properi to a hi debis.


it distrabie, heu eugnge in uel important anaim iii uehnovel and utigerous, and seditious desigus, o seu aWay aman thoroughi attachedrio himself, his mos intimate friend, otio connected illi liinisel by reciproca good offices an byconstant intercoiarses It is no probabi that he should sendaWay, hen in dissiculty, and in ille miti os troubles of his oWn 1 aising the man whom he had alWays hept Withaim in times of prosperit and tranquillity. But is Sittius himself sores mus no deseri the cause osm old frien and host a manis such a character, oris Sucha amit an Such a seliool, a to allo us to belleve that hewishe to mahe war o the republici an me belleve thathe, hos sather, heu B ur ther eighbour an bor-derer revolte si om us, ehaved illi singular ut and

a destre iocinereas his property, Lich ledaim to involvehimself in business and who thoum hemWed debis at Rome, had ver large debis Win to hi in the province an in the consederate ingdoms and heu he Was applyin sortheria he ould uot alloW his agent tot put in an dissicestyb his absence, ut preserre havin ali his properi sold, and being trippen himself of a mos beautilat patrimony, to AlloWin an dela to tali place in satis*in his creditore. And of me of that for I never, O judges, ad an se. When I Was in themidici of that tempest,hicli afficte tho


he had excite dissension an divisious Within, he Diight be abieno hau the to mand nationis Pon peti in his pomer.' In the irs place, ver circumstance of the diSSention e tween the natives of Pompei and the settier Was reseraedio the patrons of the toWn, hein a matter o long 1 ding, an havin been going on many years. In the econ place, the matter res investigate by the patrons in Such a Way, that Sylla di disci in an particular disagre Wit the opinions of the thers. An lastly the settier themSelves understand that the natives of Pompeii mere o more de

anxious and bove ali hinga destrous that the an the patron the defender, the vardian of that colony, ii tholiave o been able to se hi in the Sase ei oymen ofeVer Sor o good soritine and ver honour, may at allevent8, in the present missortune hy hich e is attachod, b defende an preserve by oiu mean . The native os Pompeii aro here also illi qua eagerneSS, horare necUSeuas et i by the prosecutors; men hos disserences With the Settier abolit allis an about voles have o gonet suci, longilis a to mali them disse also abolit their common Sasely. An even his virtve of Publius Sylla appear to me tolemne hicli ought notrioa passed ver in Silence - ha though that colon was originas setile byhim, and though the oriune of the Roman eople has separate the interest of the settier sto the fortunes of the nativo citigens o Pompeii hecis Stillis popular mong and sc muchaelove by both parties that he Seem notis muchto have dispossesse the ne pari os thei land acto havo sotiise both of them in that count1 . XXII. But the gladiatore, and ad hos preparations sorviolenee, ere go together ecause of the motion os Caecilius.' An tho h involghe bitteri against Caecilius, ainos virtuous an more accomplishe ma os hos virtve an constancy, O udges I ill My in thus much,-that hebet,ave in suc a manner illi respectri ilia motion hichae brought sorWard not so the purpos O doing Way With, but otii os re evin his brother missoriune iliat though hewishexto consul his rother A ellaro, he aes unWilling OOppOSe the inter is of the republici he proposed his law


unde tho impulso ostrotheri assection, and he abandonei it be ausu he was dissuadet Do ita his brothem authori . Anii Syllacis aediised by Lucius Caecilius, in that businem iuwhiel both of them deservo pratse. In tho ira place Caeci-ius, sor harin propoSed a la by hichae appeared to istito rescind uti vi ust decision and Sylla, ho reprove him, mychos to abido by ille decisioti For the constitution illi republic derive iis princilia consistenc Do sormallega decisioris. Nor do I thinii that any one ought to noldso much to his love sor his rother a to thita es of thoweli ire of his OK relations and to neglect the common in ty

motion e a Seeking, noto rescindo decision, ut tocorrecta defeci in the law. When a mancis complaining os a

penalty it is no tho decision illi hicha is findiri sauit, but tho law. For th convictio is th actis udges, and thatis et stans the penalty is me actis the law, and that may

couris os justice illi the greates authorit an dignity. Nooti has attempte to annui the decision hicli has beengivem nothing of that sortias been proposed. What Caecilius alWay thought hilo grievexat tho calamit Whicli ad besallen his brother, as that the poWer of the judges oughtt be preserve unimpatred, but that the severit of the iam require toto mitigated.

affection an fraterna love ad impelle Lucius Caecilius alitile beyond the limits hic regula an strict diit requires of a manci I Would appeet to ovi Delings, I Would iuvohe

be a Sab in Was by the command of Sullas that Sylla did


no misi, suo a motion to be brought forWard respectin hiserae. Fro that time sorWard Caecilius applied imgol tomati me ures for the advantage of the republic ' declared that hora his intercession Ouid stop the agraria laπ whichwa in every partis it denounced an deseate by me. He

an obstacles in the Way of the authorit of the senatu. Hobohave himsol in his tribuneshi in Suo a manner, that, i in aside ali regar sor his Wia domestic concerns, hethoughtos nothinisor the future but the welsare of the republic. An even in regar to this ver motion, ho as there os uswho ad any ear os Sylla o Caecilius attemptinito car an potnia violences id nolint the alam that existod atthat time, at the ea an egpectationis Sedition aris Domitio villan o Autronius ' It was his expression an his threat whicli,er bruite abroad Qt Was the sight of him.

him, and th band of his abandone solioWers that caused alithe ear of sedition hic agitate us There re Publius

XXIV. At his poliat ou are constanti reading MingeSisom y letter, hici I sent to naeus Pompeius about myown achievemenis and about the genera state of the republie; and ut oscit ou seu to extrae Some charge against ublius Sylla. An beeaus I roto that an attempt of incredibio madness, conceived tW years e re had rohen ut in myconSulfhip, ou in thates by thi expression, have proved that Sylla res in ille forme conspiracy. suppos Pthinhthat naeus iso, and Catiline, and Vargunteius ere not ableto do any ichedis audacious acta themselves Without thes id os Publius Sylla l ut even is annone hadaad a doubto that subjectae re, ouldae have thought a Fou accusehim o havinidone o descending, after the murderi yotu sather, ho a the consul, into the Campus o the firAt os Janua mitti the lictori' his suspicion, in saet yo remoVedyou eis, heri ou at iliat he had prepare an arme bandand chorishod violent desigiis against Our ather, in orde tomino Catiline consul Andris I grant ou this, the you must aut io me ilia Sylla, heu he was votivisor Catilino. ad


no thoughis os recove in by violenc his OK consulΗhip. Whic horiri tost by a judicia decisiou. Fortis characteris notisne, O judges, hicli is at ali liable to the imputation

t encounte the greatnes os the accusation to Satisf the expectations os men anxio in Eomething also O myseis, luce

bauche , ut Who ad devote ali his energies an ali his Zen to eve mortis enormity, and lust, an bloodpheda homarvelle that that man die figlitin against his count , Whom ali me had alWay thought hornrior civit Wari ho isther that recollecta the Way in Wh1ch Lentulus as a parinero in mers, o the insanit Of his caprices, O his pervenean implous superstition, ho an onde that he herished

Pither Wiche designa, o insane ho si ho ver hiis of Caius Cethegus and hi expeditio into Spain, and the ound inflicto on Quintus Metellus Pius Withou seein that aprison was bulli on purpose to be the scene of his plinishment l in nothingis the est that there may be Some en to my


Atidis sor Autronius himself, sine hi nam is the ost ari connected With the ange in hicli, client is and with the accusation hicli is rought against him, did notthe manne in hich he had spent ali his early lis convicthima H had alway been audacious, violent, profligate. ehno that in defenditi himself in charges os adultery, he Wasuccustome to se notista the mos in motas an age, ut even his fisis and his seel. IV know that ho ad eun a customen to drive men Do their estates, to murde his Deigh- boura, tollunde the temples of the allies, to disturbatie coliris Is justice by violene and arma in prosperit to despiSe every body, in adversit to gli against ali good menci neve toregar the interest os the republic, and not to iel eve tofortune ei seis ven is he were o convicted by the mori irresistit te vidence, stili his own habit an his past lis Would

convici him.

spere os the ther virtuos of his life l f his dignit of his

liberalit ' os his moderation in his ori 1 private assairas of his Splendo in public occasion. For though in these potura hohas been rippled by sortune, et the good Mundations laid by natur are visibio. What a hous was hic What crowta requented i duit imo great was the dimit of his behaviour


tavo ablerio him than to othera. ut aster this missortune, Who ever a Publius Sylla ther se thanarieving, dejected, and ut os spirit lolio ever suspected that he was avolding the sight of men and the light of da' ut os atred, and notruther out o shamel or though he had many temptatio to equ0nt this cit and the forum by remo of the reat attachment of his Diend to him,-themia consolation hichromatiae to tam in his missortunes, stillo hept ut of Our sight and though e might have remaine here, a sar a the a Went, he almos condemne himself to


Thin not O udges that that violence and that attempt

clothed in human sorm. Loo again and again, O judges;

so there is nothinito violent to e sal in Sucti a cause as

Sylla into this baudis raseais, ut of thatiand of honourabiemen ho are livin and have sive a his associalest illyo transse hi Dom his od o citigens, and Do thosamilia dignit in hicli h lives illi them, to the part os implou men to that re an compan os parricide. Whatthen milliecome of that mos impregnable desence of modestylin hat respect ill the purit o our pastive be of any uset usa For ha time is the regar of the character hicha man a gaine tora reserved is it icto desert him at his