An oration in defence of Aulus Licinius Archias;

발행: 1881년

분량: 63페이지


분류: 미분류


it aut that he knows it no that he has heard oscit but that

but thatio actuali dii it himself eputies rom Heraclea

are present, me Os the ighest aula; the have come expressi on account of this triat, illi a commission rom theirci , and to give videlicem ille par of thei cit and theysa iliat he was eurolle M a Heraclean Ou this o as sorthe publio register of the Heracleatis, hicli 0 allonowWere destroyed in the Italian war, hen the register Ossice Wasburnt. It is ridiculous to in nothinito the proos Whichwe have butrio asti sor proos Whic it is impossibi sor iis toliave to disregar the recollectioni men anxio appea to

good stati os a mos respectable municipality, to deci thosethings hicli anno by an possibilit be ampere With, anxio demand documentar evidence though ou Sa at thesam moment that that is constanti played tricks With. But he had n residenc a Rome.' What, not he ho sors many years e re the Deedom of the cit Was ive tollim ha establishod the abodui ali his properi and sortunes a Romest muta did notareturn himself. V Indeed heruid. an in that roturn hicli alono obtains it the college of

praetor the authorit os a public document. V. For a the return o Appius ere satyto have been Leptis elessty, and a the tristin conductis Gabinius, besors he a convicted, and his missortune aster his condemnation, had ahou away ad credit rom tho public registers, Metellus, the mos Scrupulou aud moderatem ali men, a So caresul, that he came to Lucius Lentulus, the praetor, an to the judges, an Ses that he was greatly vexe at an erasura hichappeare in ne ame. In these documenis, there re, ouWill se no erasure affecting the nam os Aulus Licinius Andra thicis the case, hat reason have o for doubtin about his citiae hip, speciali a he was Molle as a cilige Os


other cities ala, In truth, as me in Greece ere in tholiabit os ovin rights of iligenshi to an men O very ordinis qualifications and enclowe Withis talent at ad orWith eo moderate ones, Without an payment, it is lihely, Isuppose, that the Rhegians, and Locrians, and Neapolitans, an Tarentines holes have been unWillin to ive to thismati eri ying the highest possibi reputatio sor genius, halthe were in the habit of ovin even to theatrica artistia What, heu thermen, homo oui aster the Deedom os thecit had been oven, ut even after the passing of the Papiatilin, erept Somelio Orither into the register of thos muni

the time os the last census he was Witti that mos illustrio generat, Lucius Lucullus, illi the amy that at the time os the preceding one he was illi the fame man henae a in Asia a quaestor; and that in the census e re that, heu

Juliu an Crassus ere censors no regula account O thepeople M ahen. ut sine the census Oes no confirmille right os citigenship ut ni indicates that he Who is retin ne in the census dlxat stat time claim tote consideredn a citiren, I say that, at that time, hen ou Say in Our Ueechrior the prosecution that he di not even himself comside that he had an claim to the privileges of a Romancitigen, he more than once madem ill a cordinit Oxu laWs, an he entere upon inheritances est hi by Roman citigens; die a made hono able mentionisi Lucius Lucullus, both a praetor an a consul, in the archives hept in tho


oii the stretulicis, didiot relax them by that fame stud lButes conses that I am devote to thos studies ciet otherabo ashamedis them is the have burte themselves in hooks Without eing able O produce anything ut of them for tho

dice, oro balli An this Ought to e permitte to me, beruus by these studies m poWer of speahin and those saeuities Me improVed, hicli, a saris ille do exist in me, nave neve been dente io, friend when they have been in peril. nd is that abilit appears to any one to beaut moderate, at ad evenis Iono Whenc I derive hos principies Whicli are of the greates value For is Phadiso persuadedmyself rommyJouth upWarci, both by the precept of many in ter an is much reading that here is nothin in se greatly to e destred, excepi rais an hono , and that whil pursuin thos thinga est ortu es of the ody, alldanger os death an banishment aro to e considere butissmali imporiance, I should neve have exposed myself, in de-

an to these ait attachs of profligate men. ut ali booksare sui os suci precepta, an ali the Ving o philosophera, and ali antiquit is fulti precedendi teaching the Same lemon, but ali thes things ouldieavi ted in darkness, is tho light


li hi '' It is dissiculto asseri his os ali of them bulstiti I nos liat ausweres an mali to that question 'admi that an men have existud os admirabi dispositionan viriue, Who, Without learning by the almos divino

instinc of their Wn mere nature, have been, of their Wnaecord, rarit,ere, moderate and wise meo. Leven ad this,

that ver Ofte natur Without learnin has ad more to dowit leadin men to credit anxio virtve, than earning lienno assiste by a good natura disposition. Dd Palso contend that heu to an excellent aud admirabie natura disposition there is added a ceriain system an training of education, then Do that combination ari se an extraordina persectionis character Such a is seen in that od-tili man, whom our athera Sa in thei time, Africanus and in Caius Laelius and Lucius Furius mos viriuous and moderate men; and in that mos excellent man the mos lem ne man of his time, Marcus Cato the lder an ali hesu men is theylia been to derivem assistanc latam literatur in the culti-vatio an practice of viriue, ould neve have applied them-selves to the stud of it Though, even is there eremo such great advantage to e reape Don it, an is it ero onlypleram e that is ougiit Do these studios, stili I imagineyou ould conside it a mos remonable and liberat employment of the ind: sor ther occupation are not Suited toeVer time nor o Ver age O place ; ut lies studies are

Whom us was of so ignorant an bruta a dispositionis nottet toto rievexat the deat his Roscius lolio thoughae


at the ni omenti How Osten have I seen him o bacit, unddescribe the Same hin ove again illi an entire change flangvage anil ideas And what he rote illi caro and withmuel thought thates have seon admiredri Such a degree, Sto equa the credit os even ille riting of the ancientS.


ceedingi attache to Lucius totius, ecause e thoughtthat the achievement hicha lia performe could e celebrated by his genius. An the hole Mithridati War, greatand dissiculi ascit Was, and came on it so much diversityos fortune by land an sea, has been related a longilii him; and th book in hicli that is sun Os notisul mahe illustriolis Lucius Lucullus, that mos gallant and celebrated man, but the do honovi HSO O the Roman eople. For, hile Lucullus a generat, the Roman eopte pene Pontus, though it a deflande both by the refovi ces of the kin and by the character of the country tself Unde the fame genera the arm of the Romanaeopte Withis Ver great num-bera, outed the counties hostes of the Armeniatis. It is thogior of the Roman eopte that by the wisdom of that inme generat, the cit of the Cyzicenes, mos mendi tous Was deli vere an preserve sto at the attack of the kind, and Do the vel jaws ascit ere of the hole ar. Our is the glo ollici, ill e sor ver celebrated Whichis derivo fro tho fleet of the enem Whicli as Eunkaster iis admirais ad been lain, and Do the marvellous nava batile offaeuedos : hos trophie bolon to us, thoSemonuments are ura, hos triumplis are urs There re,

I say that the me by hos genius these exploit are colebrated mahe illustrious at the Same time the lo of the Roman eople. Our Ount man Ennius, a deis to theelde Africanus and even o the tom of the Scipio his offg is belloved tote visibie, carve in the, ble. ut un- doubtedi it is notistit the men horare themselves pratSed Who tire done hono 'o by thos praises, but the nam of the Roman eople also is adori1ed by them. Cato the ancestor of this Cato, is extollexto the aios. Great honour is pat tolli exploit os the Roman eopte Lastly ali hos great men the Maximi ille Marcelli, and the Fulvii, are done hono not Without ad of iis .ing also a inare in thἡ Panegyrie.


their Wn ames o the ille page. In the ver actis record- in thei contemptrior renown an notoriety theb destre toliave their oWn ames known and allio os Decimus Brutus, that mos excellent citigeri an consummate generat, adorned the approaches to his temples an monuments With the verses

of Attius An latet that great man Fulvius, ho ought With the AEtolians havin Ennius soriis companion, di nothesitate to devoto the spolis o Mars to the Musus. Where-sore in a it in hicli generias, almos in urnis have uidrespectrio the nam os poets and to the temples of the MuSes, these ullgus in the gurbis pene ought notrio ac in a manner inconsistent i in the honovi of the usos and the Sase


imp0se suci labour On ursolves Certainly, is tho indliadis anticipations os posterity, and scit ore to confine allit thought within tho fame limit a thos by hieli hospace of ur lives is bounded, it ould either rea itfelt illi uel severe labours, nor ould it e tormented Qthsueti cares and Sleeples anxiety, nor ould it so osten have tofight for iis ver Ese. At present there is a certain virili in every good man, hicli nigh and da stir up hominil Withthe stimuliis os glory, and remindscit that ali mention os urname illiso cense at the fame time illi ou lives, ut thatourimo illisiadure to ad posteri . XII. Do, all,lio are occupie in the assair of the state, and wlio are tu rounde by Such perit an danger in lila,

appea tolera narroW-minded, as though to the last momento our lives e have neveri sed one tranquil OriRV moment,

to thin that ove thing ill peristi a the Same time asotu Selves Ought e not, hen an mos illustrious me have illi mea care collecte an len Ohin thom Statue an images, representation notis thei mind but ostheiriodies, much more to destre to leave ehindi a copyo ou counseis and of Our Viriues, rought an elaborated by th greatus genius i Pthought, at the ver moment os persormin them, thates Was caltering an disseminatin allthe deed whicli I Was persorming, ali ver the ori for theeterna recollectionis nations. An whother that delirat isto b dente tomy oui aster death, or hether, a the wiSeu men have thought it,ill affect Eome portionis, Spirit, at illi evenis, Pam a present delighte Nith somo such de and

have been inclicio him and of Auch genius as o ought tothin is his, hen o se that it has been Eought by mostillustrious men. An his cause is ne hic is approve of by the benevolence of the law, by the authorit of his municipality by the testimon o Lucullus, and by the documentar evidencem Metellus. An a this A the me, e doentreatoOR O udges, is herema be any eight attachel IWilliso in to human, ut even to divine recommendation in

Such important matters to receive under Our protectio that man who has at ali times done honourno our generat an to the exploiis of the Roman soplo. Who eVen in theSe recent


briofi an simply, O judges, Pirus have been approve byes of ou. hos things hiches have polien, Without re-gardin tho habit os the forum o judiciat sage both com cerning the genius of the man and myiis eat in his hehat Pirust have been received by ou in good part That theyhave been o hy him ho resides at this tristi, I am quite