장음표시 사용
Uritten by his attendant Archileucoia, Paulis Aleppo in Arabic. Pur the First. - Anatolia Romelia, nil oldavia. Translated by F. C. HEL FOUR, A. M. Xon. C. R. e. In Dem Quarto I 0s. Foriar II of this Ork-se ΝΟ. I l. 4.
Cingales Poem descriptive of the Ceylon System Os Demonology to'hichis appended the Practices of a Capua orierit Priest, as described by a Bud hist: an ΚΟLAN ATTANNAWA, a Cingales Poeni, descriptive os the Character assume bymutives O Ceylon in amasque rade. Illustralest,ith lates si Om Cingales Desigias. Translated by JOUN CALLAWAY, late Missionar in Ceylon. In Dem Oetavo; S. 8.
ΙII. THE As DAYMO KRISTINA AND THE SON O PANDU, Dona ille concludin Sectionis the Mahubharat. Translate Doni the Persi an version, madet, Nokkeib han, in the time os the se in peror Akbar. y Major David Price, of the Bombu Ariny, M. R. AS. Os the oriental Translation Committee, and of ille Roya Societ o Literature. IV. TumVRDALA CADAI, heing the amul Versionis a Collectionis Ancient Tales in themanserit unguug populari linown throughout India, and entit ted the Vetula Panchiivinsati Translated by B. G. Bubington M. D. F. R. S., M. R. A. S., M. Madras Lit. Soc., c. V. INDIAN COOKERY as tractised nil degerit,ed by the Natives O tho East. Translated by Sandford Arnot, ne soli Conductor of the London oriental Institution. N. B. The Lam Paper copies of these morhs are printia exclusive0 for the Subscribercto the Oriental Translation Fund.
The Shulinam a translate by Jamesisti inson, Esq.
This celebraten Persia Poem comprises the Histor os Persia, rom ita first in t A. D. 636, and is replete with chivalrous adventur .
Nipon, dii iis rana transluted by Monsi eur Jules de lupi oth.
This Iapanes Wor contain the Histor os thematris o Ecclesiastical Emporor of Japan romtheaea fi60 Ante Christum.
Thic Turhisti Histor contain a delaile account of the maritime ars of the Turk in the Mediterranean and lac Seas, an oti the Danube, &c., froni the mundationis thei empire in Europe to the commencementis 1640.
This Arabic,or contain a histor of the estabiistiment of the ah medan Power in the Barbata States and Spain, etween the eighth an murteenth centuries.
This anscrit or contai iis, in eventy-t o statuas, the principies of the anc'hya System OrMetaphysica Philosophy. Tli Le ke, transluted by Monsi eur Stanislatis Iuli en. This ancient Cliines Work, hicli is attribute. to Consucius, a the origina morai and corc monial code os hina, and is stillati principat author ityin thos subjecis in that empire. Tlie klii ak-e-Nnseri os aser-ud-Din Os Tu in Buchalia D translated by ille Rev. I. G. Keene, A. M. This orsian system os thic is an elaborate composition sorme on reela, eis, and svery hight y esteemel in Persia.
This collation ill includo the variolis road ings os the Srriac SS. of thome Testament in the Britisti Museum, and the Librarios at xsord, Cambridge, c.
The Didas ulla, O Apostolicat Constitutions of the Abyssini an Churci, translateub T. P. Plati Esq. A. M.
This ancient thiopic orcis unknown in Europe, and contains many ver curious opinions. The Vrillud Arunyalia: translated by Dr. Stengler. Thi ancient anscrit panislia is reckone par of the Murse . It consista os reflexions and dialogues oti the Origin and natur of the gods, en, re, c., an is orae of the rincipalauthorities in the edant system o philosophy.
This Arabie Manuscript whicli is os meat rari ty, describo the Patriarch's ourne through Syria Anatolia Rumelia, alachia, Moldavia, and Russia, etween the ear I 653 and ni Ostho Christian Era.
This celebrato Persian or comprisos the annalsis Hindust an rom the time os the Emperor Aurunggebe to the administrationis Warren Hastings in Bengat. Sheros ameli translated by Professor CharmOI. This is a Porsian Histor os the Dynmties hicli nave overne in urdistan writ ten hyShere Ibi Stiems ud Din, at the close of the si xteeuth century. Themistor os agenderun and Tubaristanu translated by Prosessor Charmoy. This is a Persia histor os artis the Persia empire 'ritiei h Zalier ud Din and comes clown to A. D. I475. The Tareki Auli an translat sed by Dr. Beria hard Doria. Par II. This is a Persian Histor os theolatians. ho laim tot descended from the Jews It wili ho accompante di an accountis the Afghan tribes.
The Annuis of Elias, Metropolitan is Nisibis translated by thes Rev. Iosiali Fors hall. A. I.
This Nyria Chronicie contain chronological abies of the principat dynasties of the worid. hrio metu irs of the Patriarchs of the Nestoria church, an notices of the mos remarkable ovent in the Last, rom tho hirti Os Our Savi ou to the deginning f the eleventi century. Naimu's Annuis transluted by Charies raser Esq. This Turkisti Histor compriso the periodiet eon it, 2 2 and 1692, and includes accounts of the Turkisti invasion os Germany the si eges os Buda Vienna, c.
This inhi est med Persian Generat Histor contains, amori other accounts Historie os thel atriarctis. Propheis, an Philosopher of Oham med and the manas an Caliptis, and os Getighes linia an Tameriane, and their successors.
Themi torno Raju Cristina Chandra translated by G. C. Haughton, Esq.
This Bennali,or includos an account of themis of the Haia's fami ly, of the evenis that ted tolli fata catastrophe of the lac Hole a Calcutta, an os the triumphant intablistiment of the Englisti unde Lor Clivo in Bengat. The Chun -tse in os Consucius oranslated by r. illium Huit inania. This hines Work, hicli stili remain lintranslated contain the histor os the iragdomo Loo, os, hicli Consucius a some time Prim Minister, and is the only one os the Orks usuali attribute tomim that he reatly rote. Tli Tungi vado translated by r. illium Muttinanti. This is a Chinos Histor of the fidit three Emperor os the Tartar dynasty that no govemachina. It is ver scarce through notaein alto in tot prinio in China.
Tlio Chroni et os billsath Ibi Abi illi asan Alsamoii translated by the Rev. T. Iari oti, A. M.
This rare Arahic ork of hicli ni one or lac cop is known to', in Europe, sin Historycis the Samaritans froin the creation to the middie of the murteonti century.
This is a Turkisi Histor os tho hans os tho Crimea, ritte abolit A. D. I74s , and containsman interesting particular relatinnio Turkey, Russia, 'oland an Germany.
Descriptionis Tibet translatodi Monsi euria ille de inproth.
Tho Fo koueae, translate di Monsi eur Abel Remusat.
This ver curioris Chines Mor contains an account of the travet os some udilhis Priestaduring the ears 399-41I A. D. rom Stiga fu in China through Tarta , indo astan, Ceylon,&c., and greatly elucidates the ancient geograph and religionis Central Asia an Itidia.
Sula me, Sq. This Arabic,or includes accounts of the conquest os gyp by the aliptis, A. D. 40 and of the citius, rivers, ancient an modern inhabitants of EgyPt, c. Histor os homirnaan Empiro translated by ather Sangermano. This Work, hicli contain the political an religious histor of Birinali, a translate by ather angermano, ho was a missionar in Ava twenty-six years It also furnishes accounts of the natura productions laws, and metaphysic of that coui try. Par of iri honil' Ruget-as-Sulla translated by David Shea, Sq. The par of this Persian or selecte sor publication is that hicli contanis the Histor os Persia rom atomur to the death of Alexander the reat. Clas grad. -BIBLIOGRAPHY, BELLE LETTREs, an BIOGRAPHY. Theman kwo chori translated by I. F. Davis, sq. This ver popular historical romance is solandodin the civit,ars that ram in China in the third centuri, an is rcchone qui te a modet o Chines style.
Melier va Mustiteri translated by the Right Hon Sir ore useley, Bart.
Ibia, halit an 's Livos o Illustrious Men translate by Dr. F. A. Rosen.
This is an Arabic Biographica Dictionary, arrange alphabeti catly of the mos celebrated Arabia historians, poets. arriors, dic. Wh live in the Seve sirs centuries of the era fΜahommed A. D. iis to A. D. I300.