Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia, during the time of the Crusades

발행: 1831년

분량: 132페이지


분류: 미분류


Wor os Galanus, vol. i. p. 346 and OlloWing. Many letters of Leon and tho Catholicos existino oni in the Latin translations Quadro l. c. 9.), oriette have notbeen heard o by tho Mochitarist at enice. FredericI. t Whom Leon a very usem in tho timo of the Secon crusade promised the Baron o Ciliciario restore in his person th ancient ingdom of Armenia Aster the unsortunato deathis the emperor Leon Sent amba sadors to tho Popo Celestinus III. and Henricus VI., to gratis his isties the ambassa lor came bach OCilicia in the societ of the archbishol Conradis MentZ, bringing the cro in frona the emperor and the benedicti naof the pope. The Emporori Constantinople, AleXita S, Sent HS a crown to Leon tho Great.' The in ofCilicia is, a sar a Ianow, the ni hin Who receiVed the crown by both the emperor of the est and the east, and by the consent of the pope. The pope hopedio bring the Armenians unde his Way, and the Latins and the Grooks thoughticon a very usem ali against the overpo vering Saladin. Se in Letters in the AppendiX.

Catholicos of Armenia is the ille of the Armonian patriarch. Gregorius I. cullei Abirad, was Catholicos at this timen e Was elected in the year 1195,

and dio 1203. The Latin had a very higia opinion Osthe power of an Armenian latriarch ilhelui of


86 NOTES. Tyrus, Speahini De Bello Sacro, vi 18. of the synodos Jerusalem in the ear 11 41, has the solioWing oriis Cui synodo interfuit maXimus Armenioriani pontifeX, immo omnium episcoporum Cappadociae, Mediae et Pe sidis et utriusque Armeniae princips et doctor Ximius qui Catholicus dicitur. ' Wilhelm might adit, et Indiae, ' sor Pthin that the Armenians, like the Syrians, forme as early a the siXth centur of ou era, Settie-ment in this partis the worid. It is certain that A mentans aere in India af early a thesea 800. De

The Armenians conside thenaseives the descendaniso Thoryoma a nam differenti spei in the disseront manuscript an translations os Genesis X. 3. the sola ofJapet.

Vahram is to concise neve gives the reasons Ofoccurrences. I See in Chamchean, that Leon mari ted,

astor tho death of his sirst,iso, a datio toris Guido, Ling o Cyprus by Whom he hadis augiiter, called Sabo or Eligabeth, his ni chil an heires of the Lingdom. The Sulla o Ionium id not like theso intimate connexions of the Armenians illi the Latins; he se exsonae coalitio against himself, andi thoughtit prope toto besorohand with the enemy.


It would carr us o far is se ere to attempt Oolucidato the ecclosiastica histor of theso times, sorthere ere an Synod an mari negotiations et centhe Armenian clerg and the Greel an Latin hiarch, concerning the tuaion. Pope Innocent III. howe also at this opportunit his oll-known activi ty. There exist man letters homuli Catholici and tho Armenian Lingsto disserent opes alid emperors, With thei anSWers,-ample matter sor a diligent historian. Tho rest Gregorius aster ei se is Gregorius IV Doni 117


David III. Doni 120 1205, and thon again Johia VII. 1205-J220. Constantino I. Doni 1220-1268. There

Were et two anti-Catholici, elected by a dissentientParty, horare not mentioned by Vahram.

Tho flatior of Vahram incrense a he come Dearerto his own time. I have ometimes talion tho liberi tocontractis litti theseiulogies the reade Wil certainly

The Moguis are a branch, a tribo, or a clan of the Tatars so say al WALinformed contemporar historians and chroniclers so a in particula the Chinese, hoare the ni Source so the early histor of the Tutas, the Moguis, and unguses nations hicli, in generat, froni ignorancem levity, have been calle Tatar me Moguis ni are Tatars. The Armenian write thenam Muchal in oti texti Vahram, et chari has been prin te by mistat e That this copio a callex so


Dona their Ountrycis quit neW and soliis ore thocasse, it ould e stillis question hy the territor was callei Mosui. There are Ometimes such himsical ason sor the nantes of places an nations a to osythe strictest research and the reates curiosi ty. Thenam os Mosul seem noto be olde than Shinggis, and r. Schmidi in t Petersburgh, derives the ordhomo ongotian Ord, hicli means Leen dari is, vallant. The ancient nam of tho Moguis, as it is give by the nativo historian digan is, am Daid, oni a mistak of this ignorant chisenatu. His holehistor of the Moguis sint a ver inaccurate compilatio Domihines authors, and the nietteret Mogulina have taken tho appellativo expression pili tolli

os his oresathers. Longiosor the oguis, the Chinose hecam acquainte With soni barbarotis tribos called by disserent ames, and ais II ho but the Chinoso

Ruthors, Who are so accurate in iving the disserent names Os ne and the fame eople, neve say that thesmn Loo, ho re also ritton illi quit disserent characters, are calledio ho, or vice versa These Molio re describe a quite a distinc peoplo, illi a particular language, divide Mint disserent clans o Ling- donis There is an interestinidescriptionis his pcopleunder the nam os Muli eii 14803. 5918, in ho


90 NOTES. Encyclopaedia os Matuantita Book 326, p. 146. The Same author Says, in the se luel f his reat ork, that ille itans have early the fame custonis sul 9545, a the M lio, ut he oes no say that the are os the Same race of people.-Matuatilin, Book 315, in thebeginning Tho disserent amos of themo ho re also collocte in anglii 's Dictionar unde ho a characterno toto found in Morrison 's Tonica Dictionar it is composed ut of the ad 177, and the ound givinggroupio 4019, and there also exist no passage Saying Moi and Mungino are ne and the Same perele.

Vahram speatis of the seu sons of shinggis Thearm of th Moguis and of Timur se his Institutes, p. 229 soli. was dividod into division os 10 100 1000,&c. The te followers ere the ten firs officer Or Comites,' a Tacitus calis the compeors of the e man princes. Simila custonas are alWays ound in simila state of Society.


Vahram has again the unsettio an vague nam os

Vahram diei bosor the eginning of the lor os Othman, and of the increasing power of his descendanis; he speak of the sading state of the Sehuk of Iconium.


I have tul en tho liber 'o horton a litile thoilotis meditations os ur author he would have dono bottorto givo us sonio dotalis rogarding the interestin transactions illi ille MogulS.

Sem, ille Son o Noe,-Our author means alastinoand Syria The Mamalui es of Egyla remat ned in O Sessionis ham, o Syria, ill the conquestis Timur, 100 of our ora He mentions in his Institutes, P. 148, the Donat solio Badishah o Miser and ham l .


docilar, o Bibars Sullani Egypt and Syria.' Gibbon iv. 175. Antioch neve rose again aster his destruction cit is no in a very decayed state, an has only out 10,000 inhabitanis Tho Turtis pronounce thonam Antakie.

This is certaint vor remarhable. t ad noverhappened e re in the histor3 of the worid, and will perhares, neve happen in future times that the Lings of Georgia and Armenia, the Sullans of Iconium, the Emirso Persia, the ambassadors Os France, o Russia, of Thibet, egit, an Tonquin, et together in a place out in thousan miles to the orth-west os ehin, and that iis an death of the mos parti these nations dependedis th Down or mile of a great han. . Remusat has ritie a very lcarne an ingeniolis di sertation nolle sit uationis Caracorum. Abul agel


Jacobus I dio 1268, an is considere a very great man by the Armenians tho callii the Mye and the Doctor. Jacobus has ritie som ecclesiastica tracis, and a very fine songin the nativit of the Virgin Mary, whicli is printe in tho Psalminook of the Armenian