Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia, during the time of the Crusades

발행: 1831년

분량: 132페이지


분류: 미분류


an Order of the ing, an belli parti killo l

uer hard the or Capan Leon did o lothis spirit droo by this des eat he collected

what troops rematne withraim, and went plui1-dering the territories of the Sullan a sar asCamir. e laid ast the Sullan 's Country, and returne with a large booty. earing this the Sullan tarte froni Cilicia to his own principality, and made eaee illi Leon, On thecondition that the boot shouldae restored. Leon, having overne the country twelve year a Baron and wenty-two asMing, set hisend approachin g, an appotnted in an assemblyof the wholo nobilit of the kingdom, a certain baron ame Atan to e Regent ββ of thocountry and uardian os his aughter Leondied soon after and was burie in the church fAgnerri a partis his bod was brought into the

of the in and the heires of the empire thegood and chaste ad Isabella , in marriage toone os the saniit os the king the baron acknow-


SOOn too possessionis arsus and was abolit tomarch against Sis; ut Constantine et imnen Tarsus illi a great ariny, and anquished this enemy. Rouben and the clites mei of his part die in priSOn. B this victory Constantine ecum more POWersul, and governo the country with a firmhand ho bulli churches and honoured theclei gy. At this time the patriarch was called

Aster tho deuth of Nerses that suo say, after his migration si Omine lisen another GregoriUS, calle Degha, O the child was notiited. e vas a fine and strong man. Asteriim GregoriuS, calle Carau esh, or illed by the tone;-then Gregorius Abirad; an atriast JOhn whOm e have bos Oro mentione l. β' Leon enlered into a


dispute illi Johia, and appotnted David in hi

royalty in his right and he promised to deal


t be very SOOn devoured by the wrath filii 0 Τ'

by soro Damascus, ver hard pressed the Sullanos Berea or leppo, an conquere ali hecountry culled by the nam os lieni. λ oheso flaves unite theniselves illi ait the therHagarentans, an it was ascis the and of the


received hi in gractously, and spoli ver kindlyto hi m. illi the permission of the Sullan, Leon entu Ierusalem to adore the hol CrOSS,ando pransor the remissionis his ins Hethen went bacito Egypt into that prison here Ioseph as in Orme times. The riest admonished him to thin Oni o God moreOVer, he Constanti rea the Scriptures and was al-way absorbe in prayer. heres ore God lookod ii pon him illi compassion, an turne theliear of the Sullan to pity.

os Constantine, e earnesti entreate Leon to


takemn him the govem mentis the country, and tote nouite Κingis Cilician ut Leon could not by ali his entreaties, be movectio accept this offer an Hethum a Compelled, heres Ore, to se his son ni Baron of the Armenians,

consternation in the Country, and the eopte unite togetheroo ive in the urnam os Maha=L 7β Havin finished his mortal, and 1269guine an immorta lise , he was urie in I raSSarg, and was celebrate in a poem. heBaron Leon a s afflicted by the death os his ather, that he et into a morta SichneSs, an although ali men supplicate him to e speedily crowned in os Cilicia, he would notio it instantly but mourne three monilis. I he eighbourin fovereigns, the Sullan OfEgypt the Κhan, and other princeS, Sent missionso Peaceo him, entreatin that he might hecrowned ing of Cilicia. Oved antencouraged by these messages, he calle a reat assemblyos Armenians to arsus illi the patriarch toanointlim, and to filii the uties of the church.


Wa registere a an eterna remembrance. hearm received higher pantha be re, and the