Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia, during the time of the Crusades

발행: 1831년

분량: 132페이지


분류: 미분류


Ιt is ortunato sor historical literaturo that this accomptishod Chinos scholariad n system in te in compilin his orti: e quotes o the Same age ther account On the origi of the nam Thoo Diove and disserent traditions of the origina histor of this na

means, indeed, in lase Turkisti langvago fhelmet. filio Hion no aro urtis the cannot certaint be cillier tho Hunsis Attila o Fins. Concerning the tribes of the Turks nothiniis known illi an certainty tribos ris and deca in Tartar liko the sand-hilis in the do-Sert Whoian count thon 8 The reade ma finit a livolyand true picturo os his rising and fallingis tho different Turhoman tribes in a novel by Fragor, called emoti sos a tisilbash, printed 1828, in three volumes Thedisserent denomination of the fame eople, Turk and Thirhomans, is atready used by Williani o Tyro, thecelebrated historian of the Crusades it a b said that tho disse ono rom another, like in forme times, tho Hiolandor and Lowlandor in colland Whilo describin the dissererico holween Turks and Turkc-


Dona labour and inuredo rapine, insested thei more industrious Dei bours by thei continua incursions.' History ofland ad a. 1602. Some modern authors thin k it,orth thoir hil to talio notico os a sauit os acopyis θουρκοι sor ἰυρκαι), and finit thore re tho Tur sus early as in Herodotus, Pomponius Mela, and linius; ut his is no so unsairis to mali Laura, theboantisti and chaste aura, respousibi sor levenchildron, pon tho satin os a misinterprotei abbrevi tion, and the decision os a librarian. Lord Byron's Notos on Childo Harold. Canio v. tanga 30 lines S

The Dinos are the different Arabian chises Who ulodindopondonti of the aliph os Bagday the emperor istho Empororis Constantinopte, O the Roman emPeror, as ahram says, with the other authors of these times.

Tho captives of thes Turiis ere compellet to Pr misse a spiritual as et a tempora Obedience and instea of thoi collar an braceleis, an iron Orse


This is not quite true the aliphi Bagdad,-whichne towntur author calis in his poetica style by the ancient nam os Babylon ,-could no move Doni his capital without the consent of the descendent of Sehuli, but the neve chos Babylonis the eat of their empire the had n metropolis, ut the preserred ishapur.

The myriadsis Turhisti orso versproad a frontioro si hundred miles Dona Tauris to Argearum, unditio blood os ne hundrod and thiri thousani Chri tians as a gratesul sacrifice to the Arabia prophet.

This is certaint tho truth; tho Armenians fled in their despat sim the ne Mahomotan to the old Chri tian nemy. t an emni nationa vanit o solly, touSSerti suppos that the Emperor Michael ould givo the province of Cappadocia sor a counir trampled on by the Sehuks, under hos irresistitile M verae et himself. The Cappadocians remembering o the weredeat with in forme time by the Armenians, and in particular by Tigranes, could ob receive thei ne


Καππαδοκίαν κατέδραριεν ἄπαντας γαρ αναςατρυς εποίησεν εις την

Μεσοποταμιαν, C. Strabo ii 2 vol. iii 2ded Tauchia. It is stated by the America missionaries, who have Visite Cappadocia, that abolit 35,000 Armenians are stillliving in his province Cappadocia has 30,000 Greelis and 85,000 Armenians. ' Μr Gridiey, in tho Missionis Herald Vol. xiv printed a Boston, p. 121. Caesarea has according to the sam authority, Domi0to S0,000 inhabitanis, and of these 2,000 are Greelis, and 8,000 Armenians Herald, 260.

The origin os his nam os the eopte is notanOWn. The Armenians ali themselves aster their fabulousir genitor Haig, and derive the nam Armen Dona the sonos Haig Armenagri ut Phave o much considelice in these ancient traditions o Moses of horone. The Armenians are a strong instanc that religion and civili-Zation lal give a particular character an value to apeople, an preservecit Domieinitos in the course ostime. Where ure no the thiri disserent nations, Whicli Horodotus mund Melpom. 38), etWeon the bayo Margandius and the Triopia promontor 8 The Armenians are certaint a tribe of the ancient Assy-


rians thei langvago and histor spoa aliko in savourescit. Noarly at tho ord of Assyrian origin hichoccur in the Scriptures and in Herodotus an e X-Ρlained by the present Armenian language. Their tr ditions say, also that Hai came frona Babylon and Strabo' authorit Would atinc setile the question is hydidio affirm to much. The Arabian and the Syriaclangvage, an consequently the eople, re radicatly disseron froni the Armeniun. Theseire the passage of the geoprophe alluded to :

ραχίους καλεῖσθαι. Strabo i 2 Vol. i. 65, ed. Tauchn. Butthe Aramaen or Syrians are qui te a disserent peopte froni the Armenians, an Strabo is qui te ron When ethinks that both names are commoni used to designateone and the sanae nation There is a sabulous stor ofa certain Er, the son Os a certain Arme=lios, a Pamphylian by birili Plato de Rop. X), ut suci storiosare o no value in obor histo .


Armenia remaine froni the time of the Parthians a laudat monarchy, and sor this reasondis the XpressionSof the seudat overtament in the iddie ages.


That is o say, a sar a tho gulphis Issus Or canderum Cilicia and the ea-shore Was also in sorinertimes Once in the possession folleaingsis Armenia, the country on the ther fide of the Taurus, the ancients sexto say. Strabo says, froni the Armenians xiv. 5 via. iii 321. d. auchn. that they, τη εκτος οὐ Tαυρου προσέλαβον αεχρὶ και Φοινίκης Plutarch says that

Tigranes la colonige Mesopotamia illi Greelis, whom e re in great numbers ut o Cilicia nil Cappadocia. '- Plutarch in Lucullo.)

Constantine sent man proVision to the Franks, honthe wero besieging Antioch. The Armenians ore happyri get suci poWersul allies against thei enenates, the reolis Alexius could not e very et pleased with the creation o an Armenia Margrave by the Latins of hom he extorte an ath of homagoand fidelity, and a solemn promis that the wouldoither restore, O holit the Asiati conquests, a thohumbi and loyal assat of the Roman empire. - Gibbon iv. 131. London, 1826, published by Jones. The Armenians translate Maryrave by Asbed that is, Chios of the cavalV.

It is no eas to se What connexion heresis botweontii resurrectionis a laen or a duch, illi the deati, os


I thin that Trassar an Tra8satis the sanae ord ille ames of places seem O be ver corrupted in the Madras edition o Vahram' Chronicie Chanachean say the in uas buried in the monaster Tra88ary, Whicli is ver probabieri ut o could e a Thoros leti no son 8 In these monasterises the Armenian literatur an sciences in generat ore ver much studie in the ourse os the leventi and twelfth centuries sonaeo the reates Armenian author sourished in tho timo of the rusadses. In thei libraries ere collections of the old classics, with an translations of the Greeli authors; da quest ' opero, ' say the Archbisho S mal attinfero gli scritiori de corrente secolo the 12th), quello recisione 'idee, quella nobilita di concelli, quella pureZZa di Stile, per cui si rendetiero vera mente gloriosi. ' Quadro 0. Forei er are at a loSSto in ali hos good qualities in the Armenian Uthors of the twelfth centUry.


Vith What caution the secretar o Loon ΙΙΙ. relatos the reacher o Leon I. e se by this passage that Chanachean is in the wrong in saying that horos test noson. Epitome of the great histor of Armenia, Printed in Amenian a Venice in the year 1811, p. 300.)

is certaint tho almestra Os the Latin and Dygantines This town is callest esuestra, asila, and by other ames. Wesseling tner, p. 580. Seo a noteo Gibbon a tho end of the 2 chapter. Tarsus is very wel known a the principa toWn os Cilicia, a themative place of many celebrated men, a the stoic Chrysippus, and of the Apostle Paul. The following passage of Xenophon ' Expedition Os Cyrus illustratos very et the province and the whol histor of tho Armonian ingdoni o Cilicia. Thetice the prepare to penetrate into Cilicia; the latranco as justhroad noughrior a chario to pasS, Ver SteeP, and inaccessibi to an army. 4 there ad been an opposition Froni thene thes descende into a large and beautim plain, et watorei and ut o ali foris os reos an vines ; bouia ling in easanae, panic, millet,