Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia, during the time of the Crusades

발행: 1831년

분량: 132페이지


분류: 미분류


no Vahram, herei spealis of the soli sons O Loon, name his Stephanus, Whoclived in Edessa ivitii his uncto p It scenis that there is a corruption in the text. Should the nam os Stephanus belli den inde Stephane, thecrotonis horos, or hicli i more probabie, is a linesallen ut o ou texto It wouldie neceSSarnio compare Some manuscript to restore the origina text. Thoros neve received the kingi crowm he Was ni Baronis Cilicia: Stephane eems, there re nothin eis than Stepham S.

This auroes illi ali that e no abolit the ch racter o Cal Johanes. Severe o himself, indulgentio thers, chaste, frugal, abstemious, the philosophic Marcus Would not avo disdain sed the ariles virtve os his successor, derived froni his eari, an no borro vo lsrom the schoess. - Gibbon.)

I am not able o ook in to the Bygantine version os this taci Calo-Johanes a no the an to e asilydeceived anxio persecute innocent Person ; e nomon the contrary that he pardonei many peopte implicate in high treason. Cato-Johanes, a Canachean SVS l. c. 304), suspected also Leon and his other Son horos, and then vere again Sent O prison.


Our author has here the word ad iiD. a nam bywhieli ho and the ollior Armoniai historians of thonaiddie ages promiscuousi cal the native Perstans the Gasnovides and the thor Turtis Tho origin and the prope meaning of this ord Wil perhaps neveri ascertainet it has omething of the vaguenes of the ancient denonia sitio nos Scythia sindl Scythimis It is certain that, in the works hichio unde the nam os Zoroaster, and in the Desatir, tho Arabs are calle Tari, anxit is like-wis certrin that the angvage of this eople, hicli is no calle Ta ik, is puro Persian the Bochar are, in their Wm country, calle Taliks How and whythe ancient Persian nam os the Arabs houldie givento the Perstans them selvescit is impossibi to conceive.

Elphinstones Account of the ingdoniis abiit London1819 vol. i. 492 thinks that the Arabs an Porsians

vere, in the ourse of time, blendet together into nonation, and hecam the ancestor of the alitis; ut wh ghould Armenians Arabs, Turks and fghauns, cal thos mestiges illi a nam of the Pelilvi language, Whicli means originali an Arab It I seem rather that


no communication illi the Arabs besore Mahomod, butino hoar of them by thei intercourse viti the Sassanides, an cal them, heresore by the Persian ame

racter so pronounce in Canion, an it was then asnearly a possibi the ancient nam Of the Germans,

Teut the rethren of the Perstans the Chineso nowalso that the e ta 12001, 700), Getae, Gothi, heton to the race of the Tayuet Μatuanlin, Book 388,


p. II),'c. ut hal ober historian ould dra conclusion froni a similarit os ames 8 Perhaps a close inquir may carr iis to Some ea ling facts by hichwe a be able to connec the information of the eastand the est. It would certaint be strange to egintho histor os the Germans illi the extracis ahen ut of theman an Tang hoo. When I say the histor of the Germans, I mea the histor of thos remaliis of the Teutfolio remuine in Asia, o Germany a certaint peopled long before tho Chines Di an insortia tionis the a ue These races hecam oni known in China unde the great dynast O Han. Aaeen etym logis may perhaps, in the modern Talth in the ancient Daal Ormaam; hema suppose that the Perstans, like the Parthians, vere ni a ranch of the Scythians o Tatars, and with confidence adduce a passage of Strabo, hero it is es that the reater par of the Scythians are nown by the nam os Daai, O με δηπλειους των Σκυθων Δααι προσαγορευοντα. Strabo Geogr.


Have any of ur modern traveller Seen his monumeno Claudian, the samotis Latin poet lia composed in recintho Antiquit o Tarsus, AnaZarbu S, BerytUS,

Thicis a very obscure passage in the original Vahramis no friendis delatis, and hecis ever moment in nee los a rhyme for eal Who an Wonder, there re that he is


somelimes obscuret his passage sint clear, Pon the suppositio that horos divide the ansoni moniliis soldiors. his is also state by Chanachean. See Ote 28.

Oscin is the fallier os a celebrate author and Priest, Nerses Lampronensis, o calle Dom the tom o sortLampron he was orno 153, and dis 1198. In tho concilium o Romela 1179, erses poli sor the unionwith tho Latin chiarch, and the speechae ad on his occasion is ver much pressed by the Armenians he- longin to the Roma Catholi Church. his speech has been printexat enice illi an Italian translation, 1812. Quadro 4. Galanus, a the reade ma eastly imagine, Spealis in eryalo term of erses i. 325h: Cujus egregia Virtus,' ay he, digna plane eSt, ut acterna laude illustretur, nomenque ad ultimas terrarum partes immortali fama pervehatur. For us his ostinteresting or is an eleg on the eath of his parent, master, an friend, erses linorhalyri e gives a bi graph of this celebrate Catholicus With an particular of the histor of the time. ersos linorhaly


In the whole oui se of histor tho Armenian obtessite a great pari Deling and much seis stiness. Theywere neve United for the independetice of thoi countryrii one part was on the fide os the Persian or Turks, we hali certaini sinit nother on the fido of the Greel si Franks and tho nativo Armenian ingsiadmor to ea frona their intornat, than froni thoi external

Note 41), age 38. Tho histor os the solandationis tho Armenian Ling-dom in Cilicia is vor liko tho histor of the rebellious

Iconium is mention sed as a Station by Xenophonand Strabo Cyrus stati thro Jays in aliis las cit os Phrygia.' St. Paul ound there many Jows and Gentiles ; animi is aid that even no v in iis decayed State, Coniam Iconium has 30,000 inhabitants. his to via is bove 300 miles Doni Constantinople Gibbon iv.


I sndiimmo montioned as an author in tho Quadrodesta storia letteraria di Armenia. ' I seems that his explanations os the propheis a remo lost. f the readerwil comparo the log of horos illi tho facts in Vahram siwn chronicio, he will asil find that adulation, undio truth dictaled it.

Ma o Sev-learn, Black-mountain Karadagh). Here asin sumous monaStery. si mania is tho placo Whicli sormeri Was called Laranda, and this nam is stili, as Ol. Leah remariis, in common iis among the Chri tians, and is even retaine in the firmans of the Porto. Caraman derivos iis nam frona the rs and greatostos iis princes, ho made imself master os conium,

Cilicia, sic Col Leuke s Asia Minor l. c. p. 232.)Νote 45), age 40. An allusion toclerem, . 13.


Our author says no in lint proVince these to vncla v. Chamchean bella abierio consultither native historians, insorin us that Leon nearly took Caesarea in Palestine -Heraclea a perhaps also the ow of this nam in Palostine it Was a mali town neu Laodicae in thotimo of Strabo. Tr Λαολκεία πλησιαζε πολίχνια, τυ τε Ποσείδιον και Ηρακλειον.-Strabo iii 361, ed. Tauchia.

The old Samaria, called Caesarea b Herodes, ν'Hρωδ, Σεβας ν επωνο χασεν, Strabo iii 372. Se ille de