Vahram's Chronicle of the Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia, during the time of the Crusades

발행: 1831년

분량: 132페이지


분류: 미분류


and the whole nation o Armenians eoame, ascit ere, renovated Satan the author os all

missortune came ne aster the ther.

Comans, the Sullan withou any one eingaWarem it, made an inroad into Cilicia. heso Τurcoman were a long time since in this countryas hepherd the here ept their inter quarters, and ne there re ali the passes and


tians harassed the country moro than ad everbeen the case bes ore the penetrate into the

also illed ho ad been ound in the flat

tho beautis ut an celebrate chureli os t. Joseph, and ptundere the town havinidoneat this misclites, the retired. Κing Leon, fullis coiirage, ishedri try thechanc os a batile, ut the barons est hi in and he hadini a se soldier seeing the desolationo the Country, he was Ver Sorrowsul, ut console every bod an encourage the eopleb presentS. Whil St he was ustaining thesetriat without scareel ultering a sigii, ne of his SonS, O tende age, ted an he himself sollini a sichnes.srom hichi Could scarcet bosaved. Whilst yet depressed by his suffering helost adaughter, ut through ali his heiecamo no impatient, an ultere not an angry Ord he place his confidendo in God, and sustere l


nolle cultivaled, and there Was in OnsequenCe


vern his country well. Leonina three fons methium, the firSt borii, learnei in the Scripture nil leve in very branchis scienceri the secon is Called horos,

they burned the hous os God that thentook the Crosses, the Scriptures, an ali ther holymateriais, into thei abominabi hand an castthem into tho re illi insanious ohes and that they put the riest to the wOrd, and tortured ali Christians. When ali these missortunes besel the country, Ome of the inhabitantibore them patiently though reluctantly an Othersbecam furious an ultere implous Ords, sor


Ali ho re no penitent ii suster the fame punishment, GOdiliastens him whom h loves. 'β Τ res his hopes o God, and tot patient inmissortune is the best,anto live in this oridan in the nexi. a Leon, in of the Armenians the writer and the reade of this, bejudged orth to enter into his terna and


TH1 is the samoiis patriarch erses triensis in the tweuth centu , ne of the est,riters of the Armenian nation Galanus I. 239yis fulti prais of him. merses Clariensis , say he, Orthodoxus patriarcha,

quem Armenia universa, ut sanctum illius occlesiae patrem et doctorem agnoscit, ejusque commemorationeni

in Liturgia et Menelogiis celebrat. Fuit poeta acer, o hac quidem facultate adeo insignis, Ut celebrioribus, me judicio, vel Graecis vel Latinis poetis in suo coe- quandus sit idiomate. ' ut both the raises and thecensures of Galanus are to e received With great caution hecis linde by his orthodoxy, and prat se and blames the author no accordin to thoi merit, ut accordin to thei faith. erses has ritie much ando vor disserent subjecis his eleg on the capture os Edessa 11 44 by the Turiis, and his correspondeiace illithoimpero Alexius and Manuel, areoli mos interest- in Works foris and sor history The cleg o Edessa



has been printed severa times and in many places: OStrecently 1826 in Paris, ut ithout a French tran lation. The Archbishol Soma is no well-insorinod, whenae says, Quadro della storia letteraria di Armenia.

Peteresburgh, 1788, 1 ol. 4to. His hori and Dinterestin chronicie os the Histor os Armenia has oenonen printed, and so the last time in 1824 in Constantinople. The Archbishoi Soma says that this

vor was corrupte by the interpolations of the schism tica oditor audacemente ali editore falsificata e conriprove vole temerita sparsa di alcune aggiunt erronee contro it Concilio cumenico di alcedonia. It is strange that in Armenians, ho entertain the tenet osthei nationes church, and ars style schismatical by the proselyte os the Roma Catholi Church, accus theorthodox editor at enice of the fame falsifications the Armenians in India isti heresere o print ali their vorks, particulari the religious neS, at the res of



tura in VerSe.

I seel regi et sor oor Vahram, ho here laoWs himsel a hereti for notwith standin that it Wassorbid leno ad an artici to the creed Osmice Orrather Constantinopte, the Latins added the colebrate l ilioqtie, that is o say that themoly hos proceodod Doni tho ather and the Son, and condemne Mallithersas oretiosolio phel the old church, and would notacknowledge these innovations. Vahram themabouia, o doctor, hows himself tot such aleretic. HelvenWrote sonae dissertations On the trinit anil la incarnation, at the command of his master in Loon III, but the were neve printed. The Roman Catholicauthor of the Quadro dolia letteratura di Armonia r p. 115) says, that even in these Ortis Vahram si pro 'a


64 NOT E S.

scrittore di poco sana Ottrina intorno a dogma olla processione ello Spirito Santo.

This is tho langvago os ali divines, and of thosephilosophors ho hin whatener is, is risht. I thostiis of mankin have produce Mahomed Wh has Spatii lone ut of the nations o Europe been depressedi ere these Visigoth greater sinners tha their brothren in the solith o France or the Franks them- solve. It is notis speculative opinion, ut tho truthos history that an is the architectis his Wii fortune, and that the worid belong to the mighty.

The urtis ore nown in Europe as early a thebeginning of the siXth centur of ou era, ut thewestern writer teli us nothin Satisfactory either as Othe nam o the origin of this large division of thohumanaace. The Chinese, ho ere earlier acquainted with thei Thoo totiei, re also contradictor in their statemenis. The say the Thoo kioue are a particular tribe or las of themioling oo, calle by disserent names, and that the are calle Thoo kioue hecausethei town ea the Altat, or old molintain, ad the