Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


i Pre crio cure, ather man defin1-tions an description o diceases an to propo med cines confirme by pracstice, no mere eonjectores. Alidas it is no m intention to write a complete system f

e fine myseis to the usual de observesin medicat tremtises sor at mycleisures urs have perused mycloeses pers, and rom them avo extracte such things, a I

hereaster at theciam time, callin in m memor i myassistance for,hais ver Imad observe tole serviciniae, or


Preface. V

of the medica ari nor enter into me dispute, o fari is Sther rationa or em ricia in Whicli topi die r . eadem to Celsus, hohas state me argument of

i Sic medicinam ortam, subinde alia arum sature, aliorum interitu, perniciosa discernentem is Minaribus. Celsus in P -


os bus sis, thrown ut a abait to catch fame For ithas long since been observed by the great parent of medi, cine, that our an has a quised more Ham than o

seth Εγωγε δοκεω πλειον με ἀδιμοιριαν, ἡ τιμη κεκληρωσθαι τὴν τεχνην Hippocrates in epist ad Democritum


Preface. vii me generat, temper of mam

hi , t be excessivel pro sisse of thei reproose of their



viii Fresiam

more orthy evenit a christian man to declare, that heseris the calamities of othera

a sensiari ascis the were

is it mine expected that myone petita ill constanti his the


rance, or antis due attem

tion. For, as Celsus says, a uis confesson os a rea emror is commendabis, animoresspecia ' in that performance, hic is publisseae fre

cte bene t in serit si .

i Lib. viii cap. 4.


x Preste. plo his very otas and phrais, o clo imitations os themat east, henore these eest nould allo it and Martily ista mul have ne it more frequently Fot at author eouldo ichusem talo rather than his,

out of the writings of the Graia physicians an surge--s, and rendere the whiae into mos pure an eligant Latin flΤo conclude, the readeris destria toriae notice, matby the compositions os medicines, hicli I mahe se fin


Preface. xi in his treatise, mean hino the qate edition of the

i Pharmacopoeia Cosmi Regalis media rum Londinensis Laenae i746. q. Andthe transsator of this or has taen the glis names of the bove-mentioned compositions fio Dr. Pemberton' transsatio of the sat Pharmacopoeia. Lond. 37 6. q.