Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


ver, are attended illi a preternatural eat of the laod and humors and this impatre the o dii strennii, and the vites actions. Wheresere nature mises ali herP-ers, and mgages the distase, as a mortes me and i ste misine bener, he drives ut the cause


here underMod by the wordis ture, as also ome testas relatingis the disserent sortiis severa rha explainta in another place i), andat the fame time stewn in halsense physiciam, an particularly Θῶ-- seid, ita a dis se is no-uivisse bus Murale nature,


O Me erises V severa Issuli to observe, hic Way naturestem to intend the expulsion fine morbi mauer, an assi heris ali possibi meam. O thia expulsion is ver frequenti madethrouo severat outiet os thes hat a time, and an evacuation hine ovile more or es chetas that byanother: thus ara senes chetas Meat, and vice versae heresere itis the physician'. sine to discem, What evacuation is most lihelyrio beos service, an se to promore this,as tollae the least interruption posisPle to any ther se any one evacuation is no equali sustini toali persens both on account of the dissere eis constitutions an os disinses Cattho evacuatio et, in

ever emunctor are semetimes necessa , a We Knda experie e in malignant severa.


wor is by a haemorrhage, hether i procoed romine nose, orfrom an other pari: ecauserit i dicates that the lood is se a viatiated inatio prope separation Athe humor ca be made. LAsa LY me severs terminate

in abscesses se ed in the glands, which, i the happen in the decline of the diseasse, an suppurate

hindj, are salutary. Wheresere the suppuration is to e sorwarded by cataplasm o plasters, and somelimes by cupping on the tu mor and then, is the abstes does not rea spontaneoush, it ought tot openeleithe with the knis ora caussic. AT this time his ut os praC tice is generali right noto C.



ρο continua severa. 21 haust the patient' strengin by vacuations os an kind. And et in seme cases there is a necessit drisin a litti Nood as henthe humor are in great Comm

tion, and the eat excessive sorsiis remed prudenti administer .ed maes the tumor ripen indj, because natur has alWays areat abhorrence of a turbulent state. SECTION III.

O tantinuat evers.

ΤΗER is no disinse, to whichthe sesul precepi, Principiis obsa, is more applicabie stan to severse hec se in the egrinincit is e nerali eas to do good 'ut whenthe distemper has gained round, the Cure is osten attended illidissiculty For the opportunis is


a eontinua se n. is fretis si); an a messicine, Whicli early administere mighthave promted the impendiuida geri equently fatis, heminea dii stringin is exhaustia by the

violance of in disease. Howeve a patient, ho applies late se asissiance, is nota be abandonia in his sate sincerit is certain thatthos disinses, hic in id times were ascribed to the divine rath, ahare frequently cured by naturalmeans, even Whemine appear mindesperate. heresere the physicia ouot to lay it do mas an absolute rese, neve tote antire to

et See Celsus in his Pretice.


to beriae aWay accordire to the

stronger insons to lata place in

thei innire Anduet me observe by the we, that laetae are osteno in service in a diatrium. have alio semetimes seundis ex perim , that jeces of lamb lures, applied -- to the heia, have carrie in the phreny by


prehensionise ales have to offeron his distemper, I ill enumerate an bri in explain iis primcipat inds; earing the readerat libert to consul the medicat writers, speciali Celsus an his imitator Lommius, in have re ted his subjeci prosessedly, -- Cerning the management of thesich, his diei, in .

plague, I have atready publimiam thought on them in separate treati ses of the est the tales is


intermin vine time malleri atanother large an more elevared,


sin in the humore, and the animal spirit in particular, than to any bad qualit os the Ai and that trequires disserent method os curea ordis to lis disserent circum


nient time. o. red pustules Mariaredin much bene than thewhilist in though in both sons Hister are serviciniae, et the aremore necessar in the lalter indine are tote applied to the neta, heia, and est the limbs, at properdistances of time. Aster ali, would adris the physicia alWays